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Everything posted by minx

  1. one year i got packs for my dogs. now they can carry their own water. last year i got a new house. OK the bank and i got a new house but that was still pretty cool. another year i got a job. that was nice of them. i still think the year i got my first pony was the best.
  2. i think i need to be roved
  3. true--but scientists all over the world have found ways to cure cancer in mice and rats. if yer gonna get cancer, its best to be a rodent.
  4. minx


    cool-- she can fly. i think the yellow helmet makes the superhero outfit
  5. can i attend even if i don't actually climb anymore?
  6. minx

    Car Insurance

    oh fuck off. i missed a detail. i'm trying to help. further proof that no good deed goes unpunished, you shouldn't have loaned your car out and i shouldn't off er advice. you may call my God
  7. minx

    Car Insurance

    switch insurance companies?
  8. minx

    Car Insurance

    words of wisdom? don't eat the yellow snow its the same way with homeowners insurance. say some nutjob sets your house ablaze. you file a claim. your rates go up. any time your insurance company pays out on your behalf, your rates go up. doesn't matter whose fault it is. ask them this question: since i was not driving, if i do not have the car repaired, do my rates go up?
  9. the coffee at the local shop by my house SUX. they aren't open when i leave for work. their service is painfully slow. --good morning starbucks! you can bitch all you want about stadiums and sports teams and your tax dollars. however, a large chunk of that money comes from a hotel and restaurant tax. i don't mind paying an extra $0.50 dollars/$100 spent at a restaurant and i don't frequent seattle area hotels so it's not so much of a problem for me. do you suppose that there is no positive economic impact from the pro sporting franchises in this area? i guess if you believe that then that hotel and restaurant tax is a waste of time.
  10. well they should at least pass a safe sex with farm animals bill.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070711/sc_nm/australia_squid_dc something from down under for Dru
  12. minx

    Other talents?

    i'm a multi-talented multi-tasker. of all my hobbies, i'm defintely the worst at climbing.
  13. arch i think that ilookeddown's comment was directed at FFCS's comment "What do you expect from someone that has little experience route setting. " how would FFCS know the experience of the route setters? some of them have put up quite a few routes in the area. having climbed in the area a bit myself it might be worth noting that some of the rock is pretty chossy and it may have been difficult to get could bolt placements.
  14. minx

    I am in seattle

    the rain only makes me damp.
  15. minx


    come on. everyone needs another ice tool. the world would be a better a place.
  16. minx

    I am in seattle

    i'm tired of being in the rain.
  17. i know some folks who are planning a little something on Adams. Not sure if this meets your requirements in terms of drive times and snow conditions but its a thought.
  18. minx


    that's you women though. a lot of us non-women are doing just fine without it. suuuuuuuuuuuuuure ya are.
  19. minx


    well i'd say most of us need more input.
  20. "math is haaaaard" - Barbie
  21. get your hands off my man, beeyotch
  22. hey ya wankers, don't ya recognize a typos when you see it. sheeit!
  23. that's the best you've got???? you really are useless
  24. old news.
  25. it doesn't matter how much you've done by the time he returns. it won't be enough, good enough or even the right experiment anyway. i suggest you go drink beer and enjoy your weekend. the results will be the same
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