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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    don't worry KK, i've always been better than you
  2. minx

    who killed archenemy?

  3. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    what doesn't?
  4. exceptionally geeky bill richardson
  5. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    hey, we all know that archie loves a good buck
  6. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    excellent--its nice that they turned you loose for a little quality cc.com time.
  7. minx

    wash your hands

    a little scary if you have to go to the hospital
  8. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    I've always believed the the IS department is the root of all evil at work.
  9. minx

    who killed archenemy?

    i concur. now the question remains....who is holding archie hostage? and is she enjoying it?
  10. spray is awfully tame the past couple of days. except for that obama is cheney's love child thing
  11. i'm excited b/c my kid got his first BC set up this year. touring with the munchkin is going to be interesting! we're still buying a season pass for him but maybe this will be the last one.
  12. minx


    you're never alone on teh interwebs
  13. i can't go. i've got chores to do.
  14. minx


    as long as Her man doesn't have to do chores I think it doesn't matter which way she goes.
  15. minx

    GoldDigger's Lament...

    i don't think a lease would be a good arrangement for him. he'd get slammed with expensive fees for "excessive mileage" at the end of the term.
  16. minx


    chores are the secret to a happy marriage?
  17. minx

    pro doping

    a lot of climbers would fail the drug tests but i don't that steroids would be the issue for most of them!
  18. minx


    if you're hurrying to get married for ANY reason, take a breath and wait.
  19. minx


    hmmm...sounds a bit more nihilistic than athietist to me. dash of one and splash of the other i guess. as a devout athiest, i can't provide you a single moral or spiritual reason to get married. you can make a commitment with out signing a piece of paper. if you want to sign a piece of paper buy a house together. there's a lot more paper to sign and its just as complicated to get out of that contract as it is to get a divorce. that said, i'm happily married. we did it for our own reasons. none of which have to do with traditional family values. we did spend a very long time dating and living in sin. it was good. it still is. your relationship won't get better or worse b/c you get married or you don't.
  20. minx

    CC.com turns 7

    hmmm...age 7? isn't that about 1st grade?
  21. my rabbit's name was Stew. R.I.P. in Stew.
  22. oh shit dps, that was smug as hell. waiting for the oncoming kk assault.
  23. 3.5gpa? really, what does that say about the SC school system. apparently she has actually graduated from HS with that level of critical thinking. don't be so quick to comment on her attendance. we don't know how often she went to class or not. the school gave her those grades...and a false sense of achievement
  24. now i know where the socks go
  25. hey--that's all cool and good the cats got mad OW skillz but dammit, that things got claws. claws are aid.
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