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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Yeah bring the camera, cause I'm gonna drop in to willis wall from above on the icefall.
  2. When the cat's away the mice will play.
  3. Random Page location!
  4. I climb to get away from politics, it's annoying. awareness of world events and situations is a good thing, but pontificating about it ad naseum is boring.
  5. Yeah, I'm kicken' myself for not getting out last weekend, but I had band practice, and since the only time we ever practice is two weeks before a show I thought it would be a good idea to show up, though I'm glad I wasn't on eldo.
  6. You're all so gullible.
  7. That's plagerism (SP?) trask.
  8. I was thinking about heading up willis wall this weekend, anyone been on it recently?
  9. Just trying to keep on top of how it's all forming up.
  10. Yeah, if this keeps up Shuksan definately won't go.
  11. Anyone gotten a look at the route lately? Any projections as to how it might look this weekend?
  12. I'm gonna try to climb a mountain this weekend, Maybe NF Shuksan, or something else that is good. Avy conditions are a concern but it seems like with the lack of previous snow there isn't much for it to slide on, so there are bound to be some relatively safe alpine routes. Any suggestions?
  13. You mean everyones world doesn't revolve around CC.COM ? BTW, lets do lunch some time.
  14. I thought not coming to pub club was "being a pussy" But I shouldn't be judgemental of other people life choices... EDIT: Boxing at the winter rope-up, hell yeah!
  15. Yeah, that's the key element. When I said he was "cool" he was cool in the sense that if you asked him he'd be like "yeah no problem", then he would probably hike with you with 5 dogs at heel and give you a tour of the owl houses that he built that they roost in every year.
  16. or a little astroglide
  17. Fun Pub Club. A apoligize to anyone that I punched, kicked or spit on. Last night I decided Oly stubbies are best served in pairs, now that it's morning I'm not sure if it was such a good thing.
  18. Nice story Dickens.
  19. Not sure about the routes, but I used to work on a farm/backyard wildlife sanctuary back there that had trails to the cliffs. He was really cool about the trails as were other people in the area.
  20. I read about the infamous "a cheval" move in Becky's book and was quite curious what that move entailed. I've been wanting to get up dorado needle as well, i was back there earlier this to climb it, but ended up climbing other stuff instead.
  21. Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat, Hatties Hat "Good'n'Cheap" sammich, chicken fried chicken, grilled portabello burger, what more could anyone ask for.
  22. It seems like global warming has been going on since the end of the ice age if you look at the big picture, but I'm a designer not a scientist so what the hell do I know.
  23. Maybe it's the newest martha stewart decorating scheme. Old hexes for drawer pulls, nuts for the cabinet doors....
  24. "The Shaggs are real, pure, unaffected by outside influences" Influences such as even the slightlest inkling of talent, or how about melody, harmony and rythem.
  25. The history of Plab. Growing up in seattle, and going to St Annes we had a group of troublemaker friends that use to kick-it around the hill (QA). We often tried to find ways to entertain ourselves, you know the usual stuff, stealing cigs, playing vids. And then there was the plab. My friend lived in a duplex and the upstair neighbor go full cable, including the Playboy channel. So often when his mom wasn't around we would go over and watch it. To keep it on the down low while discussing the highlights at school we would refer to it as "plab" which was the abbreviation in the TV guide. As time went by we became well versed in the ways of the plab, and the word plab became and adjective used to describe a persons hair on the playboy channel, visualize the tossled bouffant of a post sexual activity porn star. Now this easily tranlated into every day life, not only describing hair but lifestyle, cars, etc. So someone could be totally plab, which meant being sort of like a pimp. This word quikly made it's way into the vernacular of Seattle Prep and Blanchet high schools, as well as o'day. I was actually quite suprised to see tim use it and was wondering where he got it.
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