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Everything posted by billcoe

  1. Old Larrys back Woot! Best quote of the day, from the top of the cliff after calling belay on: "Hey Larry, it's raining up here" (thinking this would speed the shoe putting on type of things as the rain is now coming down lightly but it looks real, real dark drifting right in towards us from across the river.... Larry says: "Yeah?... it's raining down here too..."
  2. "Geert Wilders at Ground Zero: Interfaith center promoting tolerance needed at Mecca, not here Geert Wilders, the controversial and popular Dutch politician who faces a death threat from Islamic extremists, delivered the following remarks at Ground Zero on Sept. 11, 2010. Dear friends, May I ask you to be silent for ten seconds? Just be silent and listen. Ten seconds. And listen... What we hear are the sounds of life in the greatest city on earth. No place in the world, no place in human history, is as richly varied and vibrant and dynamic as New York City. You hear the cars, you hear the people, you hear them rushing to their various destinations, you hear the sounds of business and of pleasure, you hear the cheers, you hear the cries, the buzzing sounds of human activity. And that is how it should be. Always. Now close your eyes — I know it's a beautiful day, but close your eyes. I have been told that this day nine years ago was just such a beautiful day — and remember, or try to remember, or try to imagine the sounds which were heard here on this spot under this same blue sky exactly nine years ago. The sound of shock, the sound of destruction, the sound of panic, the sound of pain, the sound of terror. Did New York deserve this? Did America deserve this? Did the West deserve this? What, my friends, would you say to people who argue that New York, that America, that the West had itself to blame for those horrible sounds? There are people in this city who argue this. And they are angry because we are gathered here today to commemorate, to make a stand, to draw the line. My friends, I have come from the other side of the Atlantic to share your grief for those who died here nine years ago. I have not forgotten how I felt that day. The scenes are imprinted on my soul, as they are on yours. But our hearts were not broken in the same way as the hearts of the relatives and friends of those who lost their lives here. Many relatives of the victims are here in our midst today. I wish to take this opportunity to express my deepest and most heartfelt condolences to them and to all of the people of New York and America. Humbly, I stand here before you as a Dutchman and a European. I, too, however, cannot forget. How can anyone forget? Let me remind you of the words from Darryl Worley's 9/11 song. Have you forgotten how it felt that day? To see your homeland under fire And her people blown away Have you forgotten when those towers fell? We had neighbors still inside going thru a living hell Worley's response is our response: No, we will NEVER forget. We are here today because we have not forgotten all the loved ones that were lost and those left to carry on. And neither has the world. When the forces of Jihad attacked New York, they attacked the world. Among those lost were people from 55 nations, people of every religion and every persuasion. No place on earth had a more multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-lingual workforce than New York's proud towers. That is exactly why they were targeted. They constituted an insult to those who hold that there can be no peaceful cooperation among people and nations without submission to Sharia; to those who wish to impose the legal system of Islam on the rest of us. But New York and Sharia are incompatible. New York stands for freedom, openness and tolerance. New York's Mayor recently said that New York is "rooted in Dutch tolerance". Those are true words. New York is not intolerant. How can it be? New York is open to the world. Suppose New York were intolerant. Suppose it only allowed people of one persuasion within its walls. Then it would be like Mecca, a city without freedom. Whatever your religion, persuasion or gender is, in New York you will find a home. In Mecca, if your religion isn't Islam, you are not welcome. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf claims the right to build a mosque, a house of Sharia here — on this hallowed ground. But, friends, I have not forgotten and neither have you. That is why we are here today. To draw the line. Here, on this sacred spot. We are here in the spirit of America's founding fathers. We are here in the spirit of freedom. We are here in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, the President who freed the slaves. President Lincoln said: "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves." These words are the key to our survival. The tolerance that is crucial to our freedom requires a line of defense. Mayor Bloomberg uses tolerance as an argument to allow Imam Rauf and his sponsors to build their so-called Cordoba Mosque. Mayor Bloomberg forgets, however, that openness cannot be open-ended. A tolerant society is not a suicidal society. It must defend itself against the powers of darkness, the force of hatred and the blight of ignorance. It cannot tolerate the intolerant — and survive. This means that we must not give a free hand to those who want to subjugate us. An overwhelming majority of Americans is opposed to building this mosque. So is an overwhelming majority everywhere in the non-Islamic world. Because we all realize what is at stake here. We know what this so-called Cordoba mosque really means. Imam Rauf maintains that American secular law and Sharia law are based on the same principles. He refuses to condemn terrorists because he says terrorism is "a very complex question". He says America is "an accessory to the crime that happened on 9/11." "In fact," he literally said, "in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA."He also says that "terrorism will only end when the West acknowledges the harm it has done to Muslims." That is why this man should not play the game he has in mind here in Manhattan. His "Blame the West, Blame America"-message is an insult. Americans — and by extension, all of us whose civilization was also attacked on 9/11/2001 — are not to blame for what happened here nine years ago today. Osama bin Laden is not made in the USA. The West never "harmed" Islam before it harmed us. Most Americans do not want this so-called Cordoba Mosque to be built here. They understand that it is both a provocation and a humiliation. They understand the triumphant narrative of a mosque named after the Great Mosque of Cordoba which was constructed where a Christian cathedral stood before the land was conquered by Islam. An overwhelming majority of Americans is opposed to building an Islamic cultural center close to Ground Zero. There is no lack of mosques in New York. There are dozens of buildings in which Muslims can pray. It isn't about a lack of space for prayers. It's about the symbolic meaning. We who have come to speak today, object to this mosque project because its promoter and his wealthy sponsors have never suggested building a center to promote tolerance and interfaith understanding where it is really needed: In Mecca — a town where non-Muslims are not even allowed to enter, let alone build churches, synagogues, temples or community centers. So why should we do that? Ordinary Americans object to the mosque project because currently no fewer than ten major multi-million dollar mosque projects are being planned in the United States as well as dozens in Europe, while not a single church is allowed in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia,while Jews are not even allowed to move their lips in prayer on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,while the oldest Christians in the world, the Copts, are not free to renovate their churches, let alone to build one in Egypt. My friends, that is why we are here today. What happens in New York must be seen in the perspective of the world. The events nine years ago made an enormous impact everywhere. Most people shared your pain, but, unfortunately, some did not. Nine years ago, when the news of the terrible atrocity in New York reached Europe, Muslim youths danced in the streets. In a poll, two thirds of the Muslim immigrants in the Netherlands expressed partial or full understanding for the 9/11 terrorists.If a mosque were built here on Ground Zero such people would feel triumphant. But we, we will not betray those who died on 9/11. For their sakes we cannot tolerate a mosque on or near Ground Zero. For their sakes loud and clear we say: No mosque here! For their sakes, we must draw the line. So that New York, rooted in Dutch tolerance, will never become New Mecca. But, let us also express our gratitude for the heroes of 9/11, those who went down in that Pennsylvania field, those who were standing freedom's watch at the Pentagon, and those who were here in New York nine years ago to risk and lose their lives for the victims. Friends, in honor of these victims, these heroes and their families, I believe that the words of Ronald Reagan, spoken in Normandy on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, resonate with new purpose on this hallowed spot. President Reagan said: "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." And, we, too, will always remember the victims of 9/11 and their loved ones who were left behind; We, too, will always be proud of the heroes; We will always defend liberty, democracy and human dignity; In the name of freedom: No mosque here!
  3. billcoe

    Income Inequality

    Do I have to google "Inceome"? I've broken it down to In CEO Me.
  4. billcoe

    Liberal Tricks!

  5. Yeah, the cat poster cracked me up even more: http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html OMG! Who even thinks like this?
  6. I sure as hell am! There ain't no schwag like Cilogear Schwag. Here's my raffle winner on my back in use after I'd won it. (Along with 100 other raffle winners) I was sleeping on the mats after a kick assed day, dreaming of using it on my next outing when my number was called out! . Woot!!! Cilogear summit pack in use, Solo FA of The Old Witch, I barely even know I had it on. You guys rule for doing this, but Graham totally kick's ass! May his life be filled with Camels without fleas and the wealth of 1000 harems. Allah be praised and I'll see you there with my phat wallet.
  7. billcoe

    Liberal Tricks!

    http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2125218720080221 Show me the money Jerry! Anyone else ever once made the mistake of wearing a Fidel for President shirt in front of your neighbors Cuban Exile parents?
  8. HEY, like the constitution indicates, IT'S A FEE COUNTRY. It's what ya get with big government. I'll send a letter or 2, but I still haven't seen any results from my whining about the parking in the national forest fees. It's rare I can't go down the way and park without paying, but it happens. What are we getting for all that money they are sucking form us? Well, they've been able to hire more people to manage the fee program and signs. That's it. That's all. This web site is worth a quick read. http://westernslopenofee.org/index2.php?newsdisplay=yes&newsid=23 Sign up for their newletter and get involved in other places so that when they finally come around to your fav spot, there is a history of shutting them down. Their gig is to toss all this shit out there and see how much sticks on the wall. If they can get everyone argueing as the process continues, they are able to show need and hire even more governmental workers to handle the increased load, thus furthering their bureaucratic empires. Of course, they realize that you, the taxpayers, have unlimited funds to waste on this kind of bullshit and it's job security for them. Congratulations.
  9. This cracked me up. Enjoy. From here: http://www.27bslash6.com/foggot.html But I started looking at the next one and it's great as well. http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html "From: George Lewis Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 6.51pm To: David Thorne Subject: No Subject I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot. From: David Thorne Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.07pm To: George Lewis Subject: Re: No Subject Dear George, Thank you for your email. While I have no idea what a foggot is, I will assume it is a term of endearment and appreciate you taking time out from calculating launch trajectories or removing temporal lobe tumors to contact me with such. I have attached a signed photo as per your request. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.49pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: No Subject I didnt ask for a photo fag. and I meant faggot you homo. im not a fan so you can shove your signed photo up your ass. You would probably enjoy that. LOL!!!! Go suck your boyfriends dick in a gay club. From: David Thorne Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 9.17pm To: George Lewis Subject: Re: Re: Re: No Subject Dear George, While I do not have a boyfriend, I do have a friend who is homosexual and I once asked him "Do you ever think about having sex with me because you are gay?" to which he replied "Do you ever think about having sex with Rosie O'Donnell because you are straight? Same thing." If I was inclined to have a boyfriend, I would select one my height and weight to save having to readjust the driver's seat position. I am not interested in doubling my wardrobe as I wear the same outfit everyday to facilitate speedy identification should I ever be in a boating accident. Although I have never been to a gay club as such, when I was about ten, a friend and I constructed a club house in my backyard using timber stolen from a building site down the street. Our club, which we named 'The Kiss Club' due to a certain band being popular at the time, employed an intensive entry exam in which the applicant had to know all the words to Love Gun and not be a girl. As we had no other friends and knew no girls apart from my sister, this made sense at the time. The next day after school, having managed to recruit several new members by promising laminated membership cards and changing the entry exam to 'knowing the names of the band members', we all rode to my place to partricipate in our first club meeting only to discover my sister, outraged by the 'no girls' rule and armed with four litres of paint left over from a recent bedroom redesign, had painted the clubhouse pink and added 'ing' to the end of the word 'Kiss'. Also, despite your inference, I have managed, up to this point, to avoid putting most things in my bottom. Primarily due to the possibility that I might enjoy it, get carried away, and move on to watermelons or midsize family autos. When I was about eight, I drew a face on my hand and practiced kissing it, which I will admit is a little gay, and I have often thought there would be advantages to homosexuality such as Abercrombie & Fitch reward points, successful couch fabric selection capabilities and the gift of dance. With or without a top on. This would come in extremely useful if I needed five hundred dollars and saw a poster advertising a dance competition with a first prize of five hundred dollars. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 9.33pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject If you livd close by gaycunt I would be over your place with five friends tonight. From: David Thorne Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 10.08pm To: George Lewis Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject Dear George, I knew we would get along well. We have only known each other for one day and already you are organising a party. I am not sure where Gaycunt is but if I did "livd close by" to it, I would definitely be up for that. We could all sit outside on banana lounges discussing the best way to rebuild a 4WD transmission and agree, through shared stories of conquests supporting our assertions, that there is no basis to the proposition that those least assured of their persuasions are the first to condemn others for theirs. Although the ideal would be for everyone to be capable of love without fear, restraint, or obligation, clearly this does not apply to homosexuals. At no time during the night would you comment on how much you liked my Abercrombie & Fitch pants or ask "is that a Marcel Breuer couch? I love the fabric selection" and when we danced, we would all leave our tops on. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 1.18pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject no fag I live in Charleston west virginia the best country in the world. I wasnt sying it would be a party. we would smash your fucking skull in and if you are calling me a fag you can get fucked becasue I have a girlfriend. From: David Thorne Date: Friday 3 September 2010 1.56pm To: George Lewis Subject: Yeehaw y'all Dear George, Is she also your sister? I checked out her photos on your Facebook page and while she is not exactly my type, I accept that other people have different preferences. Even when those preferences include facial tattoos and stretch pants constructed from sufficient material to shelter a small village. And their livestock. Some men enjoy dancing with other men without their tops on while others prefer the company of a woman two KFC family buckets away from upsetting the planet's rotational axis. I read somewhere that Eskimos prefer women of girth as it provides warmth at night. I have seen the size of those igloos though and there is no way your girlfriend would make it through the opening. You could probably just construct one around her and despite the hassle of having to trudge out into the snow every day to catch and prepare the eighty seals required to maintain her mass, it would be like a kiln in there. If I were an Eskimo, I would build my igloo next to a supermarket or on a tropical beach. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 2.01pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Yeehaw y'all She isnt fat you fag. and that she got that tattoo is a teardrop becasue her family is dead. From: David Thorne Date: Friday 3 September 2010 2.06pm To: George Lewis Subject: Re: Re: Yeehaw y'all Did she eat them? From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 2.32pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: Re: Yeehaw y'all Get fucked fag her family they died in a traffic accident. have some respect. Go put some more gel in your hair and dye it balck like a emo skinny fag. And how can you see my facebook page pictures? From: David Thorne Date: Friday 3 September 2010 3.02pm To: George Lewis Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yeehaw y'all Dear George, Yes, I have heard those motorhomes can be a bitch to steer. Especially around tight corners during a police chase or moonshine run. I will concede to fifty percent of your description of me as a "skinny fag" being correct. If our bodies are temples, mine would be a heavily shelled Iranian mosque express. To rectify this, I have instigated a fitness and weight training regime. Once a week I carry two heavy garbage bags out to the sidewalk and jog back. As this week was my first session and I did not want to over exert myself, I took the car. Obviously with a few breaks in between to re-hydrate and stretch. Although hardly an emo, I understand their pain. If I looked in the mirror and saw an anorexic version of Pugsly Adams staring back at me I would probably start cutting myself as well. I will admit to having dyed my hair once though. The product, misrepresented as 'Natural Black' instead of 'Astro Boy black', turned my hair as dark as an adequate simile describing just how black it actually was and stained my forehead and ears purple. In an attempt to blend the colour, I rubbed the remainder of the mixture onto my face, figuring it might look like a tan. I spent the following two weeks telling people that I could not leave the house due to agoraphobia, an illness usually self-diagnosed by the unemployed as an excuse to stay home and masturbate or play Wii. I have access to your Facebook page due to the friend request you accepted from the Oscar Wilde profile I constructed yesterday. I assumed the name would hold no relevance to you and, consistency being the last refuge of the unimaginative, I typed 'Redneck wearing baseball cap' into google images to locate a photo you would identify and feel comfortable with. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 4.48pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yeehaw y'all Thats fraud. I will report you to the police and to facebook fag. i would shoot you in the face with my .32 if you were here right now. From: David Thorne Date: Friday 3 September 2010 5.19pm To: George Lewis Subject: tarded Dear George, Yes, I'm fairly certain there is a worldwide criminal investigation network dedicated solely to bringing those who construct fake Facebook profiles to justice. I believe the punishment is tar and feathering in most parts of the world except West Virginia where you are stripped naked, oiled up and chased around a paddock while wearing a pig mask. Apparently in West Virginia, this is also known as a 'date'. Variations include substituting the paddock with a motorhome or the person with an actual pig. Or in your case, both. Also, as it is probably far more acceptable for men in West Virginia to hold guns than hands, I will assume the term 'shooting me in the face with your .32' is not a euphemism. Regards, David. From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 7.04pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: tarded Ive deleted you from my facebook and reported you. i hope you die of aids fag. Dont bothering emailing me again becasue I wont read it. From: David Thorne Date: Friday 3 September 2010 7.12pm To: George Lewis Subject: dneck Yes you will. From: George Lewis Date: Friday 3 September 2010 7.16pm To: David Thorne Subject: Re: dneck No I fucking wont fag"
  10. billcoe


    You dudes are doing it wrong if you're looking at the face.
  11. LOL! Big props kukuzka1!
  12. Good to see that the BP money is fixing the Environment. http://blog.al.com/live/2010/09/motley_crue_lpga.html
  13. billcoe

    God vs. Allah

    Prole shoots AND SCORES! He's backed down. Over. Nothing to see here folks. jb can send you the $20.
  14. As far as empty old stale industries in old New York, I'll see Hugh Jardons New York Kodak,and I'll raise you a NON-unionized . Never were unionized....samesame market forces at work, nothing to do with Unions. They gave up reporting the employment figures, which for so many years they were so proud off. http://www.thestreet.com/story/10706503/ibm-stops-reporting-us-employment-numbers.html Interesting that they all thought that at the time significant number of workers assumed that they AND their bosses had made "flexibility and efficiency part of the playbook." Perhaps it's hard to compete with a $3.00 a day Chinese worker though, staying as you say: flexible and efficient. Maybe if they were working for $3.00 a day. BTW, I basically agree with your earlier response to me, however, I'm checking out of this conversation as due to the complexity and many fine nuances: this kind of discourse, by necessity, means that we skip much of what is true, interesting and meaningful: and argue points which the others have already taken for granted but chosen not to type out in full. That and I have a glass of wine and a good book:-) Hasta bros! BTW, I value your opinion more than Moores, but you both have some holes in your thinking.... perhaps due to background. ie http://mathworld.wolfram.com/YoungGirl-OldWomanIllusion.html blah blah blah I'm not going for disertation that's all I got, figure it out. Take care!
  15. Love Rick but I'll go $20 on the hound. Assuming Marcus and John are officiating this year of course and Layton stays with the Harem in SLC.
  16. I think through some sophistry you introduced some things to the discussion which were not there Jay. Who said Unions increase efficiency? We can spread out the credit to lots of places, and although a case might be made that the Unions helped in a minor way to achieve increased production, they are small in comparison to increased mechanization, industrialization, and capitol/resource exploitation and investment. What the unions did was spread the wealth, like Moore says here: "Working people didn't get to send their kids to college, few were able to own their own fucking home, nobody could take a fucking day off for a funeral or a sick day or they might lose their fucking job." Furthermore, they, the unionized workers, more than any other entity, brought safety to many very harsh working environments where before there was unregulated greed and injured, maimed or killed workers tossed aside like a used Kleenex. One side of my family comes from coal miners. I could go on this subject for quite sometime. No, that was introduced by you, we are on another subject altogether. Warm regards sir!
  17. Aren't there independent testing labs that check out these various claims and specs?
  18. Cory, you might keep an eye on Ebay for Metolius cams as well. They are very reasonable $, and are really a super fine top notch cam.
  19. I often don't give a whit for Michael Moore as he spends a lot of time being a blowhard reaching way out just to sell a marginal idea with some F*ed up premises. Truth be told, in this example Michael Moore dredges up, Rahm was summarizing: probably just like Glen Beck when he tripped on his dick and called Obama a racist. Beck later recanted that short version statement, and his entire layout was much more accurate and interested, saying that Obama “...is a guy who understands the world through liberation theology” and discussed in detail all that entails. Samesame here with Moore. I'm sure that it's the "F*ing" short version that Rahm pitched:-) LOL Yet in Moores rant against Rahm Emmanuel, he speaks from the heart and hits it well. I think it's pretty good overall even if it has some deep logic holes, missing info and is but a single viewpoint. He doesn't go into many union things: John Lewis and the heroic coal miners who predated the 1937 strike he mentions and the health benefits that later came to that deadly industry as a starter, 20 pages more of the same. You can argue some specifics, to me he's off on a tangent in space on the "arrest the wall street guys" thing, but IMO the tone is pretty "F*ing" good. Bon Appetit http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-09-07/michael-moore-to-rahm-emanuel-happy-fuckin-labor-day/?cid=hp:beastoriginalsC4 "When Michael Moore heard that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had some choice words for the auto workers' union during Detroit's bailout crisis, he penned a scathing response." Happy Fuckin' Labor Day! I read this week that—according to a new book by Steven Rattner, your administration's former "Car Czar"—during White House meetings about how to save the tens of thousands of jobs that would be lost if GM and Chrysler collapsed, your response was, "Fuck the UAW!" Now, I can't believe you actually said that. Maybe Rattner got confused because you drop a lot of F-bombs, or maybe your assistant was trying to order lunch and you said (to Rattner) Or maybe you did mean, "Fuck the UAW." If so, let me give you a little fucking lesson (a lesson I happen to know because my fucking uncle was in the sit-down strike that founded the fucking UAW.) Before there were unions, there was no middle class. Working people didn't get to send their kids to college, few were able to own their own fucking home, nobody could take a fucking day off for a funeral or a sick day or they might lose their fucking job. Then working people organized themselves into unions. The bosses and the companies fucking hated that. In fact, they were often overheard to say, "Fuck the UAW!!!" That's because the UAW had beaten one of the world's biggest industrial corporations when they won their battle on February 11, 1937, 44 days after they'd taken over the GM factories in Flint. Inspired by their victory, workers struck almost every other fucking industry, and union after union was born. Had World War II not begun and had FDR not died, there would have been an economic revolution that would have given everyone—everyone—a fucking decent life. Nonetheless, labor unions did create a middle class for the majority (even companies that didn't have unions were forced to pay at or near union wages in order to attract a workforce), and that middle class built a great country and a good life. You see, Rahm, when people earn a fucking good wage, they spend it on stuff, which then creates more good-paying jobs, and then the middle class grows fucking big. Did you know that back when I was a kid if you had a parent making a union wage, only one parent had to work?! And they were home by 3 or 4 p.m., 5:30 at the latest! We had dinner together! Dad had four weeks paid vacation. We all had free health and dental care. And anyone with decent grades went to college and it didn't fucking bankrupt them. (And if you ever used the F-word, the nuns would straighten you out in ways that even you couldn't bear to hear about.) Then a Republican fired all the air-traffic controllers, a Democrat gave us NAFTA, and millions of jobs were moved overseas. (Hey, didn't you work in that White House, too? "Fuck the UAW, baby!") Unions got scared and beaten down, a frat boy became president and, like a drunk out of control, spent all our fucking money and our children's money, too. Fuck. You see, Rahm, when people earn a good wage, they spend it on stuff, which then creates more good-paying jobs. And now your assistant's grandma has to work at fucking McDonald's. Ask her for pictures of what the middle-class life used to look like. It was effing cool! I'll bet grandma doesn't say "Fuck the UAW!" Hey, don't get me wrong, Rahm. I fucking like you. You single-handedly got the House returned to the Dems in 2006. But you and your boss better do something fucking quick to put people back to work. How 'bout making it a crime to take an American job and move it out of the country? In other words, treat it as if it were a fucking national treasure like you would if someone stole the Declaration of Independence out of the National Archives or some poacher stole eggs out of the nest of an American bald eagle. Or how about arresting some of those Wall Street guys who fucking stole our money, the money that ran the American economy. Now that would take some fucking guts. And maybe, just maybe, that one act of real guts might save your ass come November 2nd. Oh, I can just hear you now: "Fuck Michael Moore!" No problem. But fuck the UAW? How 'bout if I just leave off the 'A' and the 'W'? Yours, Michael Moore P.S. Here is what Robert Kennedy had to say on Labor Day, 42 years ago, via today's op-ed from Rep. Alan Grayson: "Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that—counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. "It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for those who break them. It counts the destruction of our redwoods and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and the cost of a nuclear warhead, and armored cars for police who fight riots in our streets. It counts Whitman's rifle and Speck's knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. "Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it tells us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans." When Robert Kennedy said these words, the unemployment rate in America was 3.7 percent. Today, it is almost three times as high. Too many of our working brothers and sisters are out of work, thanks to more than a decade of economic mismanagement. Ten percent of us are unemployed, and the other 90 percent work like dogs to try to avoid joining them. Which is just what the bosses want. But it doesn't have to be that way. I look forward to a Labor Day where every worker has a job, every worker has a pension, every worker has paid vacations, and every worker has the health care to enjoy life. Our Republican opponents call that France. I call it America, an America that is No. 1. Not No. 1 in wasted military expenditures. Not No. 1 in number of foreign countries occupied. No. 1 in jobs. No. 1 in health. No. 1 in education. No. 1 in happiness. As Robert Kennedy famously said, "I dream of things that never were, and ask, 'Why not?'" Why not? Let's make it happen. And then all of us who are Americans, including the ones today who are jobless, homeless, sick and suffering, we all can then say, "I am proud to be an American." Michael Moore is an Academy Award-winning filmmaker and author. He directed and produced Roger & Me, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Sicko. He has also written seven books, most recently, Mike's Election Guide 2008.
  20. Nothing wrong with gay...I actually don't think this vid will contribute anything to this thread but here it is anyway. Normally I'd be all over a vid with 2 scantilly clad hotties singing on key.....but....well........ sorry. Don't hate me. [video:youtube] PS, it gets even worse with the F* you song....crazy worse.
  21. This! That's real close to an artery. You pull it out and the faucet opens, you die real soon from blood loss. Wrap it up with as sterile as you can get so that the object is immobile and the bleeding stops/slows and rush to the hospital taking care to not budge the object. If that had punctured the vein or artery, and the pressure from the nose was right on a hole in an artery and the only thing keeping it from uncorking, you want to be sitting right next to a surgeon in a full on trauma center when it gets yoinked out. Furthermore, they can xray it and see what the best way to reverse it is, you'd have no idea exactly what's inside of your arm - and pulling it out would be a matter of luck and pluck. Policemen see this with impaled objects like glass from car accidents all too frequently.
  22. From Mountain Project. Fella tried to grab his draw as he fell some where in the Eldo area. The tape came later. Bleck ...
  23. I'm with what Bryan says. Except, for myself, if some new bolts wind up here or there on unbolted climbs, it's not only not the end of the world, it would most likely be a good thing in many locations. That's my opinion only of course. I've said this exact thing to Jim and he stares at me like he doesn't know who I am and proceeds to explain why that shouldn't occur and how having a place where one needs to confront total gear routes near PDX as a training ground for young climbers who don't know that it's good to challenge oneself without chickening out with bolts etc etc on and on. LOL! Seriously:-) I understand his point perfectly too, and have been supportive of it as much as possible. As far as the name.... it's just a name. Jim would like to keep it The Far Side, so I'm sticking with that as he found the place and also, one way or another, was responsible for the turn of events that led us all individually to it. I will add that it seemed to have taken me @30 years to start calling the route called "Cruisemaster", which I named when we did it, to Jims revised name for it "Crusin'" (Beacon Rock). He had asked me my opinion about the change way back then - explaining that there were too many "*-masters" already) Rockmaster, Couchmaster, etc,etc) and I'd said "sure, hey whatever", I was fine with it but changing inside my own mind, it turned out, was not that easy. ...so ...whatever! It's all good. Also - Tim's saying that he still has copies of the PRC 3rd edition, but that retailers just need to be ordering it. He also says that the next rev is coming later, and not in October. So if you want the 3rd edition, and it's not a bad idea as I've seen entire cliffs dropped out of newer editions, I'd go get it now, and if they are out, ask the retailer to order it for you. The next ed. will have some new places, but that doesn't mean that all of the old ones in 3rd edition will still be there. ..if that makes sense....
  24. Good looking kids multiple K's. Early climber training I suppose:-0
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