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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    Are You Drugged?

    soda and energy drinks still call my name but i think i finally stoped my craving for alchol, bout time, i feel way better, in the last 3 months ive only had 3 beers (3 difernt ocasions) 2 glasses of wine on my b-day, and some socky( however you spell it the warm stuff is good with sushi) once. not bad for a guy that for close to 2 yrs drank atleast every other day, the first yr i was drinking almost everyday.
  2. wosrt come to worse i got a place you can crash for alittle while as long as by a couple you mean lesbeins. just kidin, but i do have room for gear storage but with 2 roomates id have to limit the couch crashing. hopefully things work out for ya.
  3. it all depends on what your doing. and there is a flaw to this line of though. examples: guys in prison that do nothing but push ups situps and pullups all day everyday, come out riped and huge. guys that do really physical work all day, 5 plus days a week, (loggers ect) are really frickin strong and dont have to touch the weights ever it more of a mind set, wear out the mind by doing the same boring workout and the body will follow keep the workouts fun and most the time you dont even notice how tired you are till your walking/ driving home
  4. why is it when some civil servant, ie police officer or fireman ect dies in the line of duty's everyone gets all up and up about thier family, and why are they more important than say the average joe who bangs nails for a living's family suport. i mean come on they choose thier job, no one said hey you have to be a policeman, or whomever, they get paid pretty dam well, or atleast a resonable wage that they can live on and suport a family with. im sure they have the opertunity to buy into life insurance, and i bet they do get really good coverage from the empolyer for such a thing. what makes them an exception to the rule, we all pay thier wages anyway through taxes, shouldn't every person who dies on the job have thier families suported?
  5. i can go sunday
  6. and yet more things that make you say, WHAT THE FUCK!!
  7. bullshit marketing ploy
  8. whirlwind

    Sad Stats

    im movin to greece.. i wonder if the reason they have the most sex is because everyone in the country is well lubed.
  9. Not everyone can be a smug, urbanite ass, now can they? But, if we are serious about reducing our energy footprint, I vote for carbon footprint rations. You only get to buy so much fuel, use so much energy to heat your home. And yes, your ration includes fuel burnt on exotic destinations for skiing and climbing. Those who want an SUV can have one, they just burn up their allowance quicker. I'm sure all the SUV haters would quickly learn how much they burn themselves and how much it sucks to truly cut back. not cool the rich would simply buy alot of "off sets"(ie credit for fuel buy pulanting trees or some stupid thing) and thereby there use of petro would not reduce one bit it would just cost them more, of cource only till they figured out to use the expence as a tax write off. and those who could not aford it would simply be stuck walking and or frezeing in thier homes. dont tell me every one would get the same and this wouldn't happen. for one the people with big ass houses would have to freze thier asses off cause they wouldnt be able to heat them, and for 2 if you do, well that kinda is starting to sound alittle like socialism... not that i think its a bad idea in theory, it just cant be aplied fairly to everyone in anything but a socailistic or comunistic society.
  10. nice bike bill.. lets ride 98 dwg
  11. saw one the other day it was military style with a side car priced at 6g's
  12. shit dude i though ur fighting weight was like 170? nose candy?
  13. more prof of global warming. the rings are puckering closer to uranus because of the radiate heat thats disapating through out the universe from earth. jeez are we ever gona learn
  14. so thats where "they" are hideing the death star.
  15. good job man here ya go..
  16. dam 2 yrs of game time what a way to spend time
  17. he found girls in bikinis that can read... now that is really inpressive.
  18. whirlwind

    Barry Bonds

    regardless of what people say he will still have the record soon enough. im sure they were useing steriods on athlets as medical treatment long before wieght lifters started using it just to get big. or else how would they have found out that it can be used with those kinda results on humans
  19. whirlwind

    Melting Ice

    the earth will survive and regrow, thats not the issue. even if it is a natural cycle (which is a load of crap thats is partailly true but the same as looking at a tree growing and saying it will produce more trees naturaly, then some people come in and plant a bunch of trees, and you say see, its all apart of the natural process.) , it is our best intrest to slow the process as much as posible. because humans may very well be one of the extinct species before the "natural cycle" runs its cource.
  20. To have that many posts you wouldn't have time for a sex life, or lack the personality to have one. With another person, that is. Post while fucking. Problem solved. I know that this has been done. jerking off dosn't count
  21. Post deleted by wirlwind
  22. btw climbers are better contortionists anyway baa
  23. wrestlering with wemoen is a different story all together. and i dought that period extends to the hole comuinty of wrestlers, but frankly it dosn't matter to me, i guess when your smaller you better be able to throw it around alittle better
  24. big deal, its a well know fact that eletric generators put out more torque. the real question is where is the extra electricity going to come from? they maybe be just tradeing one form of polution for another. although there is is alot of potention in electric vehicals and i would like to see them take over the streets, if we get the power from coal fire plants, im not sure if it will actually cut polution, in fact it may make it worse, burning coal emits alot of sulfur and i think mercury as well. but it is a good start, if they prove they can out race people with them a hellava lot more people are gona wana use/drive em. and most car tech, comes to the raod from the track.
  25. If you don't scare the soccer mom's than your doing something wrong Of course there's nothing wrong with D&D and football (though wrestler's are tougher ) only if you rather wrestler with guys in tights, rather than throw on 20 or so lbs of gear and hit people as hard and as fast as you can. wrestlers do have better conditioning and are probly better fighters.. because they are trained to fight but that doesn't make em tougher, try playing line backer or d-line some time.
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