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Everything posted by whirlwind
hey anyone gona be in pa this weekend? im coming into town for a few days and won't mind hittin the elwa up, ?
no way, on a side note i can spell worse than all of you (although im tied with the muffster) and do 50-60 pushup in a min.
come to think of it i mostly saw the seq guys. \
dam they all looked at me like i was crazy, maybe ui got a dif crew, and maybe i exagerated abit, but the guys we saw weren't so cool and def no bowls
when i lived there i climb at the elwa 3-6 days aweek pretty much yr round, good stuff, my mem sucks .
shit nm judt checked its supose to snow even in vantage
might only be sunday and posibly monday, work changed.
anyone game, i might have fri - monday off so posible more than 2 day trip. but i want to get on some rock, preferably climb trad/crack style stuff
i know that dumb ass, and it was pretty cool since he lived, they sohoulda had acouple of ropes though hes lucky that fucker didn't cut while he was climbing it i almost would cut lose and and went for water if i knew my rope was gona break, rather than climb it and chance falling from alot farther. cource i hope i would have not put myself in a position to wear it that bad in the first place. least ya made it jake.
OH GOD... i cant get the picture of arch minx and muff out of my head. i think i could die happy if i saw that party happen.
cams older well used stuff, some old ridgid friends, most of the gear is probly 5-10yrs old atleast there was an alein or 2 atleast one trango, some old bd cams.
oh i look for tools and shit every now and again. and your right i dont think i've ever seen skis, but always a shit ton of boards.
lol. yeah it may have been me, big grey dodge with a mural on the side. ill go cash it tomorrow after i add acouple of 00's to it.(not really , as i dont have it) what you doing in the ham?
i keep seeing climbing gear at a pawn shop in bellingham and was wondering if some people are getting thier shit riped off or if people are just getting rid of it. the stuff looks pretty used, i supose it would make sence to get rid of some old shit that way, maybe. didn't see any id marks on the stuff but the cool thing is if it was stolen the person who pawned it had to give a photo id so if its urs and you know it and or can prove it, you can find out who pawned it, and contact the sheriff.
ok so i guess i need to revise my list. some how simply stateing i did tree work evoled into me being an expert aborist. the yolcal aborist on this board has been fliping me a ton of shit for this so let me clarify something, by stateing that i did/may do again some tree work, i meant i worked for a company who sole existance is wroking on trees pruning removal ect. most of the work in which i preformed was simply picking up debree and shoving it in the chipper, and cutting up large pieces so they will fit. as far as i know this is considered tree work and for the sake of keeping it short and easy i did not write a discription of the work i preformed, as i though it was self evedent that such a broad statement was not by any means claimg to be an expert in the field. but i guess i was out of my field of expertise, happy now.. leave me alone
shea butter
well Ketch explained it will much more detail, but hell who am i to refuse a free beer, good luck man.
siding work eh, well if your not a sider or working under the supervision of a profesional sider, then your just fucking some shit up so a guy like me can come and fix it so thanks for the job security. oh and btw when i was doing tree work, both the guys i worked for were aborists/ one was also an exlogger
hey i played football for port angeles. 96' got any old game tapes i was number 84.
tumblers are the parts that form to the key basically gut the inside of the key hole and the asibly will turn. think of the inside of a combination lock when its lined up the lock comes apart, the key basicaly is like the part that comes out and the tumblers are the part that form to the key, or in the comb lock move to lock and unlock the insert. hope that helps
only difernce being in order for people of lower imcome brackets to have the so called equaility they must go into more debt, and more than likly work till they die, rather than retire at a decent age. it is much easier to get lines of credit now days and people get stuck paying off one credit card with another, as well as paying 3-4-or god knows how much more for the same products purchaced under credit rather than paid for in cash. the " old" days people usally didn't have the option to put themselfs into mass debt to buy a refrigerator or other modern convences, becuse it simply wasn't posible to get a loan unless you put up some sort of collateral.
What is your Summer of 2008 Mountaineering Goal
whirlwind replied to IceAxe18's topic in Climber's Board
i want to climb floridas high peak. make money so i can have more time off to play next winter -
bump price reduced if it gets sold before the jan 5th, otherwise i'm just putting it in storage.
all gear is used but in working order bd: #3,2,1,.5, .25 metol: .5 clog cams:.25x2 00 tech freind wild country: ~.25, .35 .75 8bd D beaners 5 new ovals 1bd duble sling 5 singles ok 150 for all, before jan 5th,