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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    BC Bud

    12 beer would win, he/she would be fucked up and half dead but would propbly finish first.
  2. whirlwind


    speaking of tree work.. got any?
  3. whirlwind


    bump still have all the gear. will take 180 for all the cams but not includeding the tri cams or 50 #4 40 #3 30 #.75 30#.5 20#.25 30 #1
  4. jews get thier kosher diets why cant they get prayer time? id be ok with that as long as it did infringe on my beliefs it not like thier going door to door telling me in going to hell if i dont jion thier religion, and then sticking around for awhile after i say no, and then coming back twice a week.
  5. whirlwind


    thier not c4's
  6. whirlwind


  7. whirlwind


    gotta sell some gear #4, 3 and 1 camalots #1 needs a trigger. also have some small gear i can get ride of. .75 .5 .25 some miccros. a set or tri cams make REASONABLE OFFER and thier yours
  8. no he just has hella good balance and streagth. dude can probly squat small car
  9. i miss my bmx that was some crazy ridein
  10. shit i'd rather have a week of reain in the middle of summer than a shit ton of fires in aug.
  11. not bad man but you can use a long piece or cord for a presic as well just dubdle it up or tripple it, got make sure its really clean knot but itll work without cutting cord up
  12. exactly what i was going to say the =lization lessens the likely hood of failure due to less strain on both bolts/pieces
  13. im a broke fool right now sorry man
  14. Post deleted by wirlwind
  15. whirlwind

    pick up lines...

    i brough my wash board (while rubing, taping on and or showing your stomach), you should take off your clothes so i can wash em for ya
  16. well i can still use some help man. although i think i beat the problem abit into submission, with hard labor, must be a week muscle back there seems like the harder i work the less it bothers me.
  17. still not honed in yet this year but can lead 5.8 maybe into low 10's trad kinda depends on the style of the climb follow whatever you can put a rope up on.
  18. whirlwind


    10k a flick or more for a porn star. i'd do it but i dont have a 13in dick
  19. whirlwind


    fuck 80hrs a week i do have a sweet tooth
  20. whirlwind


    what pays more? go there
  21. careabeaner, i always though it was an old folks home for mexicans??
  22. in bellingham close to berkly village, newer clean duplex 3br 2.5 bath need a 3rd roomate. 325 rent first last,250 dep open as soon as next week. need someone by aug 1st
  23. whirlwind

    Eagle VS Deer

    dude um its called feeding the birds of prey kill to eat
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