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Everything posted by whirlwind
if your talking to me.. i dont but im sad to see that with all the opertunity here people still want to nickle and dime each other. alot of people here put money ahead of more important things in life, raiseing children right, the enviorment, food. and the list goes on. so i may be a bit pesimistic somtimes about the current state of affairs, but thats only cause i know we could do so much better.
not really obiously you've missed all the construction around here. here in bellingham people like to play the im doing good for the enviorment card alot but very few people actually contribute to the solution in a signifagant way. its more than simple riding a bike every now and again, and buying organic food. athough it is a step to the right place, its mearly a baby step.
long drive for one day. mattp wants to climb over there for a day
can you climb for more than just one day?
shit whats the word then i went to drink (cause im dumb and its friday). maybe sunday then or sunday monday...
where ever, but if its a longer drive ( ie farther than index or squamish) its got to be atleast 2 days if not the whole week. easy climbs to moderate 10's (i'll lead), could probly follow harder but looking to just get out, back in shape, and get my lead head back. its been a little while.
im down but id like to climb for at least acouple of days. come to think of it i got the whole week off...
coming from a guy who rarely get over 20ft of the ground thats pretty funny
dont worry it wasn't completly lost.
mouth to ass it is then. i'll get right on it.
yee ha, im down. we can roast some winnies over an open natual gas fire.
the fact that people are not moving into the city has little to do with how the gas prices efect people's driving, they should take a poll. and you just disproved your own point, in the 70's and 80's gas was relitivly expensive.. 90's gas cheaper = the growth of people driving themselfs and not useing public transit that, which is what you based your point on in the your last post. now gas is more expensive, than the nitties, there will be a shift back to public transit. and this shift would increase if t the system was better: more conveniate and more extensive/ faster. people are avoiding crime and the high cost of houseing in the cities, this by far out ways the impact of a high oil/ gas prices
well thanks matt, i aperciate it, and no i don't have a place yet. i can drive from bellingham every day or get a hotel, but i was hoping to save alittle money on the hotel expence/make some friends in seattle, as i will likly be looking for shit to do after work: ie climbing, workingout playing basketball or beer and music, any one willing to leap frog weeks? ie one week here one week there type of thing so i dont over stay my welcome anywhere.
in the 90's when gas was still cheap, i bet if you looked now it would be growning at a stweady rate, even with it being incomvenant. oh and btw, wont putting more busses on the road only make traffic worse. in san diego the trolley system works awsome saves time and money. same in san fransico, and also in the more hevily popualted areas of japan, china, and europe. trolleys or speed trains is the way to go.
face it as far as politics goes, everyone wants somthing, no ones willing to compermise to get what they want they just want what they want now, and arn't willing to admit to, or take the scrafices that are necisary to get it. also noone really knows what they want, they just think they want something and if and when that somthing comes but things arn't they way they planed it to be when they get what they want, its somone elses fault.
who is hidden behind fred? did you work on the SOC
so now all you hookers and hoes know how i feel... what up snoop
or maybe i've had my fill of crap and now im just tryin to give back to the comunity, gota make that daily donation you know
or maybe it means, "get bent" but hey what do i know.
no you dont want to move here it sucks no really it does.
deer god give me a break everyone shits, no one cares, besides it an old saying and i usally shit at work, while im on the clock. i still need a place btw, got one posiblility but nothing for sure yet, willing to pay 600 for 2 months but will likly be done and gone in 5 weeks
there not called parol officeers, she's a "mental heath" conciler and technically ive been reevaluated and considered sane, i just have to check in from time to time thats all oh and mikey's to tall to be an actor.
well i am potty trained man jeez. i stick to shallow holes in the ground, plastic thrown rooms and the ocassional fire hydrant. and maybe hotcarie or 2