1991 -
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Everything posted by whirlwind
good point wdiet
the decision to climb past is directly proportional to the rpm or sewing machine leg / by the size of cahones in su pantalones.
crazy bastard, or should i say lucky basrtard... how much u want for your boat again?
probly nut... but you should move up a few feet to a better place ment, or place a peice lower and just run it out a bit if the fall is clean.
that some funny shit
i like the title there marsh
i know people who sat down and smoked a fatty of a bowl and then went and passed there pisstest,and they where on parole.. all you have to do is drink about a gallon of water or cranberry juice, piss once drink more then take ur test the water bypasses you liver after drinking so much. oh and as far a work goes pull a fing fight club move on the old boss.. case u havn't see the movie; bascilly kick the shit out of urself in his office break some shit all while while telling him to stop then just be be pleding for mercy when people arrive with the boos standing over you... you'd be set for life.
well even though you do have a fewgood points thereCBS the fact of the matter is large groups only hinder one's personal learning curve, i do see the need to develope basic skill (duh) but there are far better ways than roping up with and ass load of people. all you really have to do is hang out in a gym, and fequnet the local shop, most gyms teach basic skills and for alot cheaper and most the time one on one with the teacher (smaller shops and or gyms) i learned by hangin out at a crag for the better part of the summer buming belays till i finally found a fairly steady parner, and if you can';t find one then just by a pad and go boulder like destel32 thats my 2 cents any how
dear sundog 2 things; knowing your limits and teaching limits are 2 differnt subjects. 1st knowing your limits is inportant for any one, it keeps us fairly safe and most important allows us to beak them and feel good when we inprove because there really is not much a person can't do if they practice and work at it hard enough. 2nd by teaching limits you only hider the person for ever excelling past mountie gumbydom u can never teach anyone anything in groups of 50 i'm sorry but thats all about bringing in the money there is no love there and no room for the students to inprove to much and also teaches limits which is bad too because a person will never fully reach there potential. as far as the climbs go it just shows how much love u have for climbing when u rerer to climb as dumb easy ones. the easy ones are often times the most fun case we get a chance to cruise up and get you head in shape before atempting harder routes also is good a nice relaxing day in the wildernessstick to the fing gym and learn all your fucked up shit there in ur groups of 50. let those who love it climb out side on the stupid easy stuff oh and virgins are good to
well if hes the father of sport climbing i would asume he was one of the people that started bolting things, he proably was a climbing trad before he started sport, and probly bolted alot of stuff while hanging off of trad gear, plus i didn't same it was unherd of i just said i'd like to see it and i still dout that the majority of .13 sport climbers would come close to doing the same on trad
cool i'm inpressed!
outta all thew things i've lost i miss my _____ the most.. insert: horsecock, snaflehound, rope gun virginity, pubic hair, sanity rack
plentty of room up in there huh
in computer lab right now... the girl next to me is wereing a pink VS g-string
i'd have to say a majoraty have been mostly backcountry bush but the ocasional to golf cource trim all i have to say about the clear cut is that it there's lots of runnoff and it's better than a slip-n-slide
yup today i agreed to work three straigh grave yard shifts (11pm to 730am) the problem is that i have to be in class at 9:00 and have a test on friday the up side is i get to climb this weekend so my question is what things have you done in order to have time and or money to go climbing with? last fall i pawnded my computer to go on a 4 day trip... it kicked ass, but when i got my computer back it didn't work and the stupid pawn shop guy wouldn't pay to get it fixed
probly not he'd try in sell it to the person who he took it from
no sh but dude keeps asking to get fing spoon feed. at least have ur own gear if u cant drive, or buy a fricking car and take some one with gear.
knee pads?
limp and to the left actually.. but not always
shoot your tv, and up grade ur computer
if you build it he will come... but if you so will she
talk to e-rock i belive he said he'll inflate 4 u, but not sure how good of a rope gun he'll be