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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i'm looking for A VW bus or vanwagon camper or what ever, preferable with a bult in stove and a camper top. fixerupers definatly welcome (as long as there not to far gone) send pm or post some pics. planing on being dirty climbing bum this summer and i need some wheels that i can sleep in. have a 83 vw rabit with just over 90,000 mi to trade or will buy straight. cheers wind
  2. kinda thinkin on checking out bishop now since its closer and no one seems to be intrested in coming
  3. arn't hobby horses female?
  4. does falling off boulders count as bouldering? cause i'm good at that.
  5. or just tell her ur pictureing her naked.. that usally works to
  6. they got guide bks on it yet?
  7. where is banff? and can i tag along for springbreak?
  8. firm or crushing?
  9. Goddammit, Eric that's the last time I climb with you... Just kidding, we should get an ErikĀ© caravan together when the skiing is no longer good. it was confusingas hell last time, someone would say eric(K) and three people would look. ..but i do thonk we should climb again soon,.. where have u been e-rock?
  10. maybe so... but i'm not viking r u?
  11. dam thats harsh greg... oh and i don't think you should say u can climb 5.11 unless u can on sight em there marshal toprope and gym routes don't count
  12. and if distel32 is in bishop right now why is he online ??
  13. hey screw you erik no real eric's spell there name with a frickin k
  14. you still around? if so give me a call i'm up for anything eric
  15. anyone intrested in goin on a road trip give me a pm. was thinkin jtree or bishop or both but open for sugestions as well. wirl
  16. sh.. ask a simple question n get a sutpid answer thanks for makin me feel like an oh and rod if you take me with ya we might work something out
  17. well thanks for the feed back i think i'll have fern test it oh that is unless dylan you want to test it for me hell i'll even belay for ya
  18. on a recent trip a # 2 camalot was dropped about 35 or so ft. is there any place i can send it to get i checked for micro and or internal fractures. i've already replaced it, but some one told me that they can be tested so i was wondering where?
  19. Except they need some more ventilation. thats why us stinky trad climbers stay out side, the more exposure the better
  20. did someone bolt holds to the wall at fosil? at least thats what i heard anyway.. i'd definatly put inthe extra 30 min and go to index though
  21. come on by give me a pm if u wtill need a place to crash
  22. what time where u thinking on thur? i'd have to probly leave by like 3 or so to get to work.. i live in bellingham. if not i have all day sunday. let me know wirl
  23. any climbers that come up and need a place to crash, give me a pm and i'll see what i can do 4 ya
  24. is it a leadable route, i mean what kinda rock is it would cams blow in a fall? and when r u going again?
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