i totaly love dogs but the other day at index, this dog just wouldn't stop barking, and her owner, which was secounding up aries, was like oh she just barks and dosn't bite, so i though ok fine and started for aries crack, about 2 steps in the dog goes nutts and lowers to the ground baring all her teeth , at this point i stop dead in my tracks. back up and go back to the main trail and wait a few, but the dog is still going nutts after a few minutes my parner and i decide its not worth getting bit and leave. the funny thing is the other dog that was there was totaly cool and just wantted to be petted but her friend was quite the bi###. so all in all
my two cents is
laid back dogs=cool as hell
dogs that u know bark at people and arn't to frendly well they sould probly stay at home. or at least tired up when u cant personaly restrain em.