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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. "well ve din't get all dressed up fer nothing"
  2. a fun thing to do is put a bunch of shitty cd's, u know like the backstreetboys nsyc and what not, in a cd case and leave it out some where and watch people go though it with the look of discuss... "what the f are these." then peceded to though then down as if they wasted their time in stealing them.
  3. whirlwind

    this just figures

    sucks that her hubby got shot but sueing will not prevent anyone else from getting murdured it'll only fatten her pockets.. just another lame excuse to sue some one... next will hear of poeple sueing the car dealers that sold some dude a car, in which he killed someone with while driving drunk. just make no sence
  4. nice... takeing whipers on bolts is a differnt story though, as long as the bolts look good just go for it . say to ur self" Just clip and go,just clip and go, just clip and go" u'll get it, but definatly make sure ur belayer is ready
  5. me too its espacaly fun to haul the extra weight
  6. whirlwind


    its good that u own him out right... i'm still makeing payments for mine
  7. thanks e-rock that bosts my confidence
  8. vyeah me to, i find myself down climbing back to the last peice when i get skeched or fell like i'm pealing off, which suck cause i know once i downclimb the fing thing that i could have probly made the move!!
  9. this weekend while climbing at vantage, well after the last climb anyways, i lost one of my sandals down in between the collums after toping out on "party in ur pants" and of cource it had to be one that din't spit out, it just disapeared into nowhere. and of couce being a stuborn bastard i hiked out with just one sandel on and one bare foot. so if any one does hapen to climb PiurP and see my sandal it would be much aperciated if you could grab it 4 me, cause hikeing in one sandel sucks!
  10. but i though it was dangerous to rap with 1mm cord
  11. sweet glad u found it
  12. there is one used shop on state st close to ohio st but they don't have much as far as used climbing gear. i'll check again today. oh and i do remenber a tan poinact bonivel stationwagon parked in front of you with a western sticker on the back window so i'll check the outdoor center as well. maybe keep an eye out for that car just in case. sorry again catbird
  13. All in all an enjoyable day. dito
  14. i have no idea, but i'd definatly like to climb dreamer and acouple other routes over there some time.
  15. my bad felas i didn't cheek the post yesterday night, thanks for the offers maybe next weekend
  16. probly castle rock on sunday unless index is dry.
  17. anyone up for some climbing on sunday index 11worth or where ever
  18. whirlwind


    i totaly love dogs but the other day at index, this dog just wouldn't stop barking, and her owner, which was secounding up aries, was like oh she just barks and dosn't bite, so i though ok fine and started for aries crack, about 2 steps in the dog goes nutts and lowers to the ground baring all her teeth , at this point i stop dead in my tracks. back up and go back to the main trail and wait a few, but the dog is still going nutts after a few minutes my parner and i decide its not worth getting bit and leave. the funny thing is the other dog that was there was totaly cool and just wantted to be petted but her friend was quite the bi###. so all in all my two cents is laid back dogs=cool as hell dogs that u know bark at people and arn't to frendly well they sould probly stay at home. or at least tired up when u cant personaly restrain em.
  19. i could be wrong but didn't the benner break leaveing the cam in the wall?
  20. i use a feed bag myself, you know just like that leather one that ur mom uses to surve your dinner in
  21. maybe so but we don't need to go to war..
  22. checkpm
  23. now thats fing funny
  24. the hiker: looking up "what the f#8k are they doing up there" the climber: " target practice"
  25. that or a long ass fall
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