ur more likly to get the shits after a good night of drinkin piss beer as well, darker beer only increases the stinch but stays in the stomach... at least for me
nah, llcoolj, while certainly no superstar has definitely had a few more songs that have at least seen radio play.
true but the time in between was a couple of yrs like 5 or more i think
paperboy; ditty
MC breed; anit no future in ur front
HiC; not ur pupet
llcoolj; i'm gona knock you out
house of pian; jump around
Kriss Kross; jump
oh and all of michel jacksons songs make me wonder
chalk is good for u the calcium soaks though your skin and helps build strong bones .
on that note i don't think its nessisary in the NW, although in warmer weather it does seem to help a bit
nope but it only takes me like a week though to start em cause my hair is more like a nest but not dreeded i shower on the ocasion, people at school aperciate it any way
sorry to dissapoint ya
two things, you can't get pissed at someone and expect them to give you what you want the next time you try to deal with them. 2nd as far as all the guys at OlyMt. i'd let them hold the end of my rope any time and not think twice about it, and if fact have takin many a whippers with one of them on belay down at the local crag. there good climbers and most of em can climb 10s off the frickin couch. and have been doing the
Olypic's for quite some time.