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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. um.. you will be assimulated, you can not run, you can not hide, the plastic people will devide then concore, ha ha your a hore.
  2. if you seen one cam u've seen em all
  3. only cuase were not exposed to sex and violence... umm ok maybe just alittle..
  4. should sell em on e-bay probly get more, just pretend ur some famous climber and give a list of bogus tr's
  5. fridays are good as well as sat n sun so let me know if u need a parnter
  6. ur more likly to get the shits after a good night of drinkin piss beer as well, darker beer only increases the stinch but stays in the stomach... at least for me
  7. nope. all i need is a hunky young dirtbag climber with a decent rack of gear and a roomy van.
  8. well i dont know of any places but u can crash at mine any time just bring
  9. whirlwind

    One Hit Wonders

    nah, llcoolj, while certainly no superstar has definitely had a few more songs that have at least seen radio play. true but the time in between was a couple of yrs like 5 or more i think
  10. whirlwind

    One Hit Wonders

    paperboy; ditty MC breed; anit no future in ur front HiC; not ur pupet llcoolj; i'm gona knock you out house of pian; jump around Kriss Kross; jump oh and all of michel jacksons songs make me wonder
  11. chalk is good for u the calcium soaks though your skin and helps build strong bones . on that note i don't think its nessisary in the NW, although in warmer weather it does seem to help a bit
  12. pulled on plastic, drank watched matrix reloaded destel and TLG both rocks martics the end
  13. nice, i bet that only takes a minut or 2 eh
  14. clean dreed are cool but dosn't it take longer to wash em?
  15. nope but it only takes me like a week though to start em cause my hair is more like a nest but not dreeded i shower on the ocasion, people at school aperciate it any way sorry to dissapoint ya
  16. cool can i be curly?
  17. um wheres ballard?? yeah i'm heading over to the oly penn tomorrow so i figure i can play in seattle for a bit. what time tomorrow?
  18. bout tomorrow?
  19. schools out for a week any one up for a road trip prferably for the whole week, down to go anywhere was thinking cali or col. climbing
  20. and make sure you tie off to the tracks i herd they make a bomber anker
  21. two things, you can't get pissed at someone and expect them to give you what you want the next time you try to deal with them. 2nd as far as all the guys at OlyMt. i'd let them hold the end of my rope any time and not think twice about it, and if fact have takin many a whippers with one of them on belay down at the local crag. there good climbers and most of em can climb 10s off the frickin couch. and have been doing the Olypic's for quite some time.
  22. i'm down for some beer drinking and also have room for people to crash
  23. just tie a big knot in the end of the rope and base jump it, or i guess that would be more like bungee jumping,
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