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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. pretty much... but really the though of climbing with you again tops it off.. follow this baby
  2. lol i got a used one u can by for 30
  3. buy a fricking harness
  4. i work for the state......... sometimes. Once in a while I'm a ward of the state....does that count? only if ur ont the chain gang
  5. That's cool if you're an American but if you're foreign like me, you've got a work visa that's tied to the shitefilled company that you despise, you're weeks away from your green card, and every week is like you're mired in no-mans land in this big fucking war of attrition. my bad dude that dos suck then
  6. u forgot the most important class shitcanned 101; the process by which you manage to get fired or laid off due to the company and not anthing u did wrong in which case you make your claim for unemployment and kick back and climb allweek while reciveing $2-$300 a week(probaly more cause it depends on howmuch u where making) for kicking back and climbing
  7. ur a dork
  8. just keep jaming but look where ur going and look for holds above u where ur going to place gear, and or to rest then climb to that point
  9. the funny thing is the people bitchin about school are both still in highschool , i'll admit hs was pretty boring, but college involes way more time and work. but i still wouldn't want to go back to a full time job. cause esentually i can choose to go to class when ever and as long as i pass the exams its all good
  10. i'd like to go but i don't have much to contribute i can how ever provide rides for like 4 to 6 people if anyone wants to car pool
  11. whirlwind

    Damn Cops

    thats some funny shit suks for the dude who got the tickets though
  12. my scrayest fall, although a bit pannsey compared to most of the posts, i would hit the ground head first from about 20-25ft if my belayer did'nt catch me after about 1o-15ft. rope hooked my leg after travseing rt about 5ft and then missing a deadpoint while trying to get over a bludge, causeing me to flip over fall upside down during the fall.
  13. well 2 things if the placements good then a cam or hex is going to be bomber. 2nd most people dont use runners but ussally at least put draws on there gear, this helps preventing the cam from walking which happens at vatage alot due to the smooth vertical cracks on most the climbs. heres a fun thing to do, clip the cam straight to the rope and watcxh it as you climb past. they almost always rotate up and or walk up if the crack is tappered( like on most vatage climbs), if you then put a draw or preferably a longer runner on it as you climb past the runner simply bounces around not walking the cam into a wider spot or out of the crack. the down fall to long runners is that they do increase your fall by like 1-2ft but thats bettrer then decking cause your cam walked and pulled out. hexes seem better cause a well set hex porbaly wont move at all regardless on weather it has a runner or not, but they can and so can nutts
  14. personally i vote for fat tire. but only cause gueness in aa can or bottle sucks ass.
  15. pot only cheaper than beer if u dont smoke it as far as climbing goes, sport is usally the easyest to learn just don't get stuck clipin bolts forever.
  16. in that case i sould say that there is going to be 2, thatts right 2 of us skinky trad climbers invadeing the local crack near u.... u will be assimalated.... u have been warnd.
  17. whirlwind


    depends on if u have a shaved head and or any fascal scars, for instance i have one on my right eye thats pretty dam obvious. come to think about it more women ask about my scar than my tats
  18. whirlwind


    so are scars
  19. whirlwind


    the best scars are not self inflected
  20. another amercan saying is "As loose as a goose".. take it as u will.
  21. " are you stalking me.. cause that would be super!" VW
  22. whirlwind


    well said erik... next they'll have us pay $ for each pitch we climb, calling it erosion tax or some sh##, and that will be while their widining the highway so all the fing huge rv's can have a "safer" drive .
  23. "may da swartz be in you"
  24. that suks i hate when people steal sh##
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