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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i agree there where plenty of good spots to jam and place gear, and i think i could do that bad boy...someday he'd also get better jams without a 1/4 inch of tape on his hands but it is a project, and he'll probly send it for real some time
  2. dam e we are of like minds intp
  3. 2pac cause " revenge is the sweetest thing next to getting pussy"
  4. 929 on sec hit but havn't come close since
  5. definaltly not freed lol i didn't see the falls. takes forever and a day to download
  6. awsome climb, technical it is trad, but it hasn't been freeed yet its still a project. trad = tradditional= no fixed gear on route( or very little), plus he top roped the first 20 or so feet. he is definatly a good climber, but that route hasn't been "freed" by him
  7. whirlwind


    um i don't think they can prosicute it.
  8. anonymous call and keep the 500, hell yeah sounds good to me
  9. lol i've been working swing shift, and no i dodn't get her number, maybe next time
  10. any thing at vantage.. there some bomber placements but when ur new to trad and u watch ur last 2 peices fall out and what was a 10-15 ft becomes like 30+ -posible deck u can almost smell the shit runing down ur leg, at the same time the crack ar very good to learn on if u climb way below ur level and watch what causes the cams to walk, and fall out, also good for learning jaming tech. btw long runners seem to solve the problem completely
  11. tonight i was working (i'm a cashier at a gas stasion) when a girl came in and i started the normal yada yada, she told me she lost her debit card and had to order a new one so i asked how much it cost, she said nothing i said i had to pay for mine, and her reply was, well thats cause ur not female. ( . ) ( . ) so my "smart" coment was, " well maybe i can borrow ur breast sometime", which isn't so bad although there were 3 other girls in line by this time. bounus was all four girls smiled and the one leaving gave me "that look" that just melts ya, oh yeah did i mention she was probly a 8 on the scale of 1-10.
  12. shit i think we should re-elect him and see if we can't get ourselves into WW3 us against every one else, kinda like germany only we have the canadians and mexicans rather than the itaians and japanese
  13. for the most part
  14. if the upper gorger is anything like the lower gorge i'm down 4 some cracks, rocks that is
  15. whirlwind

    The Oscars

  16. they rocked but only had i think 2 albume the lead singer died of heroin od
  17. u guy forgot about the hole grunge scene: alice 'n' chains nirvana pearl jam blind melon of which only one band's lead singer didn't kill himself. and of couce the music hasbn't changed for u if u still listen to the clasic rock station
  18. sure ya will, but u know i like it when u smack my curly head
  19. angalina jolie that is
  20. she is so hot oh my god if shes trailer trash then i'd like to live in that garbage heap
  21. thnkx
  22. i'll belay for ya if i get to drink fat tire while doing so.
  23. it's all about the money.. wait that can't be right, its all about the chicks.. well that doesn't seem to right either, girl to guy ratio is way off, good for the ladies bad for the fellas. come to think of it why the hell do I climb?
  24. shit that diserves extra credit
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