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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. the other ticket was also no insureance. i guess driving w/o insureance is kinda like tring to be a climber w/o a harness huh cracked
  2. thanks guys u definatly know how to brighten a fellow spirts the question was why he ran the plates in the first place i'm pretty sure they are spelled corectly
  3. cracked once again ur dilusional 570 =>no insureance DWS: is maditory court where they comence the corn holeing and or floging the point of the matter is: no laws where broken other than the fact that i can't pay a ticket=> suspended license=> another ticket
  4. he ran my plates and said he pulled me over because the registered owner of the vehicle had a suspened licence. i did not break the law, other than not having a licence, my question on probable cuase was i guess should have been aimed at what is the proble cuase of running the plates of a vehicle, or is it simply SOP
  5. i always love it when the cop says he's givein ya a break then proceeds to hand u 2 tickets one for 570+$ and the other which will be about the sameafter i go to court. makes me want to reach out the window and grab there gun.. but then again atleast i didn't go to jail this time
  6. and that means that i owe about 10% of last yrs income to the state, and this dosn't include the new tickets
  7. so heres the deal, i lost my lisence cause i could afford to pay a ticket, now i have a ticket for driving on a suspended licence which i also can't pay. for all u out there that are thinking "well u souldn't be driveing" i wasn't till some ass munch stole my bike, now i only drive to get to work so i can pay my ticket(s), this sytem suks my nutts
  8. porked corn holed preformed anal sex
  9. "pimpin aint easy"... "but it's nesisary so i'm chasein bitches like tom chased jerry"
  10. thats what i said
  11. depends on contex, cbs fuckina fucking a fuck-n-a
  12. I tend to agree with this statement, as I don't necessarily feel that I have truly "climbed" a route if someone ropegunned me up it (as opposed to swapping leads equally). My opinion. i fell the same way, but it is also personal opinon, as long as u are having fun it really shouldn't matter, but i don't think you can say u can climb 5.10 if you cann't lead it, for one this really screws up other people, i've climbed with people that "can" climb 5.10 and so picked a route in acordence only to get up a pitch and find out they can't actually lead 5.10 , not that i mind leading but, swaping lead on hard multipitch is kinda nice, especalliy if u can't rap off on any given pitch.
  13. any one know how probible cuase "works" and if it aplies to driving. more specifically can u be pulled over if ur not breaking the law?
  14. the cazy dude with the knief; went balistic and killed all the other contestants cause they wouldn't stop whining.
  15. go load another bowl brother, the question at had has to do exculsively with leading pitches a tr ia a tr on any route
  16. u forgot dreaming of blonde bombshells sweadish meatballs, and laderhosen btw the swedish chief was by far the best
  17. whirlwind

    Being 30

    shit i thouhg i was either going to be dead or in prison by th time i turned 25 and that was last sept. haven't been to prison, pretty sure i'm not dead. and i belive this is mostly due to the fact that i started climbing when i was 21
  18. i know, it was just the opertune time to bring it up btw washington schools arn't much better
  19. it's an alternate spelling, google it
  20. u missspelled my name damit
  21. u have to make sure and have a shit load of typos as well though
  22. sweet i'm in the lead i guess spelling phenetically isn't so good. no wonder the spell checker hates me
  23. btw timmy ur more than right i can't wait till schools out and local climbing is in. lots actually thinker
  24. tool, aenama
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