if they are God's gift to man, there is deffinatly a good argument for God being neither good nor bad,or both good and bad at the same time.
1: some girls are so dam hot u feel gulity just looking at em, God is good
2: some girls are so dam ugly, u have to look a couple of times just to be sure in what it was U just saw, God is cruel.
3: when u find a "good" women there is no one esle u want to be around , God is most definatly good.
4: when u find a "bad" women there is no one else she wants to be around , God once again is very cruel
5:mutual atraction u feel like a kid in a candy store.
God is most definatly good.
6: one sided atraction, u feel like ur unwanted deaseased scum of the earth.
God is really the devil, or just dosn't exist.