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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    red hair

    and blonde and burnetts can smell semen... wtf
  2. whirlwind

    just remeber

    testosterone= fuck it or kill it. estrogen= nurture it, relate to it.
  3. i think it consits of smoking lots of crack and pulling on an inverted wall with lots of plastic things on it? but i'm not sure
  4. not this week end but next i live in b ham as well
  5. whirlwind

    red hair

    what not to do: don't wait to long, but deffinatly don't call more than maybe once every day or 2, if shes digin you she'll call you. but then again i havn't had a girl friend in a long time so maybe its not such a good idea
  6. whirlwind

    fing girls

    if they are God's gift to man, there is deffinatly a good argument for God being neither good nor bad,or both good and bad at the same time. 1: some girls are so dam hot u feel gulity just looking at em, God is good 2: some girls are so dam ugly, u have to look a couple of times just to be sure in what it was U just saw, God is cruel. 3: when u find a "good" women there is no one esle u want to be around , God is most definatly good. 4: when u find a "bad" women there is no one else she wants to be around , God once again is very cruel 5:mutual atraction u feel like a kid in a candy store. God is most definatly good. 6: one sided atraction, u feel like ur unwanted deaseased scum of the earth. God is really the devil, or just dosn't exist.
  7. the auto sig fits well .. if it tastes like salmon keep on jammin.. if it tastes like trout get the hell out.
  8. thad and i will be drinkin round some rocks this weekend as well, cept i'm gonna be sending any crack i can find, but i can also pose as a slave if need be
  9. gona climb at washington pass if its not too wet
  10. they'd have a hellof a time in bellingham there are anti bush slogans everuy couple of blocks
  11. i think i disagree, spooning is always required
  12. whirlwind


    tech is takeing the fun out of climbing
  13. lead the spanking train, did lizard chimney came out bloody, got scared on sagascarious, over all a good weekend at index jja
  14. to save space,if ur coming from seatle or anywhere south, i can take up to 6 people from bellingham the rest of the way, lees of cource u need 4 wheel drive to get ther in which case i need a ride
  15. dam it
  16. u takeing me with you or what?
  17. any one game?
  18. outer spce gets 5.9 only through the traverse the uper cracks are 5.8-5.8 plus on the start of the last pitch
  19. first of all where are you sec where u want to climb?
  20. who said more was better anyway?
  21. Hey ian, in case you missed the newsflash the other guys started it hey jja, last time i checked there was no connection established between Iraq and the events of 9/11 there is also some question in the links to the la queda recently
  22. whirlwind


    i got 8-12 bones i'll sell ya all petzel
  23. still room
  24. now thats my kinda boulder problem
  25. not really cause often if u put gear in where ur hold should be its cause there was no onther place to put gear, so the only option is to place it or run it out. btw there are plently of trad route where u can't put gear any where u want specally if u climb wider cracks
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