i wouldn't want to be in ur shoes, and am glade i choose not to jion the military. 3 or 4 yrs ago i had the paperwork in fornt of me and simply changed my mind and walked out. i would have been a yr or so out of training, then swoosh straigh to war.
i still can't belive how close i was...
keep ur head down and don't get ur ass shot off over there fellas. as for Bush vs. Kerry
i think the war will be over sooner if kerry gets into office
Bush and his cabnet are war mongers and if the war evloves into seria their will be no ending, the more likly result will be WW3, think about it fellas we already ocupy 2 countries completly how many are we going to let Bush n co. force us into, and when will the arabs unite and say enough is enough, thereby starting the next WW?