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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind


    nah its a 30 m, he has to be able to rap down ya know btw
  2. thanks for the beer, thanks for the leads at mazama mr.e thanks to pandora, for setting my head straight thanks to thad for letting my still have dunk ass where jorts, borrowing my pan not washing it, then leaving it on the bench where i then forgot it this morning thanks to who ever picked up that mess i would like the pot back if it didn't get tossed all in all the climbing was good people cool
  3. now thats a neck beard
  4. u know i'm not sure but i think the max per speaker is like 200 or 250 it sound pretty good not a lot of bass but good for jam band tunes and stuff like that
  5. i can bring my sterio should I?
  6. crazy i wouldn't want to be in ur shoes, and am glade i choose not to jion the military. 3 or 4 yrs ago i had the paperwork in fornt of me and simply changed my mind and walked out. i would have been a yr or so out of training, then swoosh straigh to war. i still can't belive how close i was... keep ur head down and don't get ur ass shot off over there fellas. as for Bush vs. Kerry i think the war will be over sooner if kerry gets into office Bush and his cabnet are war mongers and if the war evloves into seria their will be no ending, the more likly result will be WW3, think about it fellas we already ocupy 2 countries completly how many are we going to let Bush n co. force us into, and when will the arabs unite and say enough is enough, thereby starting the next WW?
  7. whirlwind

    Ranier Beer!

    dam that sucks no wonder its so nasty
  8. pandora's box. oh the irony
  9. dru and luke appear to have the same hairdos. yeah but which one is luke and which one is dru?
  10. same should be considered when encoutering people with rocks in there heads...
  11. http://www.worldnakedbikeride.org/media/1 not work friendy
  12. no kiddin, u could smoke out with mr. chong though
  13. thats so sweet
  14. all i got to say if someone ever did that shit to me. they better be able to run faster than i can, which is very doutful
  15. i just thought of something.. naked snow angels, with a keg around it shouldn't be too hard to perswade some "happy" camper into making some
  16. dam where can i get me one of those.... bikes
  17. just the mental picture of distel pullin on the cats "jugs" cracks me the f### up
  18. .) How do you know that Jesus was a rock guide. A.) Well it could be the long hair, beard, hangs out with the same three single guys, always wears the same clothes, is a carpenter in the off season and has scabs on the back of his hands. dam straight
  19. sorry dude that does suck but f the goverment thats why i don't pay into S.S
  20. whirlwind

    red hair

    thats how fred got whilma
  21. whirlwind

    red hair

    sorry that was mean
  22. whirlwind

    just remeber

    crazy and i always though it was my parents or lack there of that made me a loner
  23. well in that case
  24. cutoff MEC skaha pants. dude i have lots of jorts...im wearing jorts right now this might explain why you're not getting laid damit my favoite climbing "pants" are jorts oh well i guess i'm not gettin laid this week end either
  25. whirlwind

    just remeber

    spelling nazi's = lack of imagineation so there, check that spelling bi...
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