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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Fleb, it'll help to watch a friend or to take a ski tuning clinic your first time. If you'd prefer to hire out, you can take your skis up to Pro Ski Service on Aurora and about 90th... park around back. Chat up Martin while you're there. The shop looks like shit from the outside, but he and all of his staff are pretty knowledgeable.
  2. Toast

    Self Rescue

    I think part of the purpose in rigging these systems was to illustrate just how futile the process becomes as you add mechanical advantage. When you take into account rope stretch, a 9:1 system becomes even sillier.
  3. I suspect that if they kicked you out, you did something more than just miss a class. You've been masturbasting again... haven't you?
  4. Toast

    Self Rescue

    I think the main value I got out of this exercise was hands on experience putting these systems together. Yes, ETO and escaping the belay are essential skills but this class was about two steps beyond that and assumed you already had that knowledge. It was conducted by Everett and Tacoma Mountain Rescue... real folks that come and haul our asses out when the hit fits the san Earlier, I'd querried whether anybody actually practices this stuff. the vocal few who've chimed in on this thread I'm sure have (and hopefully do,) but I'd be willing to bet that many haven't
  5. Check out Keegan, dude. He's demoing the frog move as you would see him if he were facing the rock
  6. Toast

    Self Rescue

    One thing about the book, and chucK mentions this as well, if you're free hanging, attaching one's prusik directly to one's harness leaves you really tippy. Rigging up a quick chest harness (especially with a fixed length of webbing between the harness and the biner at your chest) makes all the difference in the world. Lammy didn't want to touch this one, huh? Seriously, where is the guy? Haven't seen him in a while.
  7. Toast

    Self Rescue

    So, I'm about to take a self rescue clinic tomorrow, and I'm trying to get up to speed on systems to ascend a rope. Etriers and the Texas Prusik comes to mind, but who ever carries these things in their back pocket when they're out to free climb on rock... nobody is my guess. My premise is I need to work with what I'd typically have slung on my harness... a few biners, some slings and maybe a cordelette. David Fasulo's book on the topic shows a few methods... as simple as a few wraps around one's foot and weighted on up to prusiks and Garda Hitch as an alpine clutch. If push came to shove and you had to ascend the rope, what would you do? Have any of you practiced this? Do you have any tips to offer? Lambone, you've been awful quiet lately... take the bait
  8. I thought this was a hoax at first, but it's real. That's funnier'n shit.
  9. I missed PC too. I'll be there.
  10. I had a friend who used to refer to his wife as Her Fullness.
  11. Okay, that's it... My stated Enemy is Shultzy, now
  12. Tim/Jon How about we use the calendar function to post warnings about large class field trips? If somebody's really concerned, they can check the schedule and see if there's supposed to be any big groups at the crags they're heading to. I know this wouldn't work for all climbs, but it could work for class field trips from the Seattle Mountaineers, Everett Mountaineers, WAC, UWCC, Bolps, SAR... and any class with a dozen people or more. Just a thought.
  13. I can't speak for anybody else, but I generally try to pick up my share of trash and then some... I've been involved with the Everett Mountaineers for several years. On the outings I've gone on, we've been extremely contientious (almost to the point of being anal) about picking up after ourselves. If there is a problem and you do snap a picture (or capture the name scrawled upon the helmet,) let me know and I'll take care of that problem personally. Litter sucks
  14. After wading through a ton of CRAP, my main man came up with TechWeenie. Check it out.
  15. BoAlps Intermediate will be out in Icicle this weekend. Everett Mountain Rescue is running a self rescue clinic in conjunction with them on Saturday.
  16. Do you mean the Wedgewood Broiler (not to be confused with the Wedgewood Ale House.) The Broiler is an awesome place for a Pup Club. I'm guessing the separate room is their cocktail lounge. I can't make it this week, but I like this place.
  17. I met some pretty cool people out there. They rent a house in town and have DSL
  18. Last fall there was some discussion about the Tree Route on Eight Mile Butress. I can't find it in Search. How many pitches? If I remember correctly, it's pretty moderate, near endless, chossy and easy to bail at any point. correct? Unfortunately, I don't have the Leavenworth guide. Any beta would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  19. Try out the new Calexico disc, so good. Also I'm all over the new Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks.
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