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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast

    Mt. Stuart

    WORD! The bugs are insane there right now. Your lady friends won't like you very much if you ditch them there. It is pretty there, though.
  2. Trask, what the fuck is up with the suicide thing? I'm beginning to think we need to worry about you... and I don't want to do that.
  3. So true, So true, If I were a chick, That's what I'd do
  4. I just want to know who's lost control of thier ship LEAST frequently.
  5. Stuart Glacier was no prob this weekend. There are open crevasses on the lower half but none through the traverse route. Do bring crampons. The snow was hard to ice in some places. You can get away without an axe, but I was glad I had one. We wore mountaineering boots, and I was glad I did given the descent route. Not much water after the glacier. Though, we did catch snow drips in one of the gullies on the way... enough to fill bottles if you have the time to wait. Bring plenty of bug juice. Flies and mosquitoes are vicious right now.
  6. Stim came into the shop the other day looking for a 60 meter 8.5 bi-weave rope. That struck me as a little strange. We don't get many climbers looking for a sophisticated rope, let alone ones in their twilight years. I gave him a bit of a cockeye and asked him what kind of climbing he was planning on doing. We got to talking and bit by bit I recalled I'd seen this guy before. At the end, I asked him his name and he replied Stimson Bullitt. I'm glad I've had the pleasure of meeting the fine gent... and I hope I'm still shopping for climbing gear at his age. Here's to you, Stim
  7. On the last night of a four day trip through the Pickets, my partner pulls out a package of Stove Top Stuffing and a few dried cranberries. It made enough for him and enough to tease the rest of us with a few spoonfuls. Yumm, it was dreamy Kinda weird though... it doesn't taste as good at home
  8. I just think of all of the heavy roadway particulate that will fall to this area. It's about the last place I'd want to send my kids to recreate. I's about the last place I'd want to. Just think of the black boogers and snot you'll be blowing out... yuck. My fault for not reading the thread closely, but this money that's earmarked... could it be spent elsewhere? I can think of a dozen other better places, Gasworks, Myrtle Edwards, Volunteer, Freeway Park...
  9. Think about volumes... it's very much a specialty item that addresses a very narrow market. If manufacturers were cranking through several million of these a year, I could see the cost driven down to soemthing well below $100 (prob < $20.) However, how many of these things move off the shelf per season... a couple ten thousand maybe? Given that, $200 - $300 sounds understandable.
  10. Yeah chucK, but were the taps clean??
  11. I have DeLorme Topo and HATE IT It uses USGS data points to render fancy 3D profiles that I never use and has a hard time drawing the smooth contour lines I'm more famiar with in USGS maps. It fails to reference many common places, peaks, ridges... and that's makes it next to useless for searching for all but the most common destinations My advice, get National Geographics Topo.
  12. Can you stinkin' believe it? We got rained on.
  13. She's good lookin and can climb... double plus
  14. Toast


    I might wear a sarong when in a tropical climate, but utilikilts are fuckin' corny
  15. CBS is being a little bashful about details on the late start. He failed to mention that we picked the wrong granite sidewalk to start off on... we passed the camp and drove up the road till it abruptly ended a couple hundred feet up the road. The avalanche debris seemed to fit the description, and we saw what appeared to be a granite sidewalk... yep, that must be it. An hour later, unwilling to admit that we could possibly be wrong, we found ourselves skittering precariously over sketchy slime covered slabs. The route description did say "and try not to slip", this must be it. We finally tossed in the towel once we began battling BW3 devils club. Note to others, it's the wash you just drove over, silly. Look "up" for a hubcap that marks the spot. Whatever the case, the wait was well worth it. Darrington is worthy Now go get some!
  16. Looks like mixed reviews on the Kort Haus. Let's see if we can sort this out: So Suck or Not So SuckSo SuckBlows GoatsI'd come backThis Place Rocks!
  17. Hey, what's up with the cancer log, Greg? If you don't watch out, you'll end up looking like this
  18. All I know is the place is never busy and we could pretty much dominate the space. I'm not sure about tables. It's more of a lean up against a barstool and mingle kinda layout. I like the idea of Shultzy's too. Mmmm, but it has the same kinda space challenges.
  19. Yep, it's that divey looking place. It ain't no fern bar, that's fer sure.
  20. How about the Kort Haus Tavern (sp?) on Phinney Ridge? It's a classic dive with historic crust, just the kinda place for dirtbag climbers. Red Mill Burgers is just around the S-turn and the place proudly boasts Vegetarin Fare (which are probably veggie dogs )
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