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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast


    I read Casino Royal many years ago. The thing is, I coulda swore it was the other way around. In the book, it's stirred not shaken. I dunno, I mighta been high
  2. Toast


    I think I'm catchin' onto this spray thing
  3. Toast


    always with Vodka
  4. More leather boot input requested... I picked up a pair of Mantas. I like them, but I'm not so crazy about their lacing system. It's difficult to snug them up in one lacing session. The Eiger's are awesome on that front, but they weight about a pound more (read: 16 fucking ounces more.) Ditto for the Zeus, but man the Zeus is plush. One bad thing I've heard about the Kayland is that the soles wear out super quick. I'm looking for a versatile general mountaineering boot. It needs to have good support, a stiff (not rigid) sole, and suitable for both long approaches and alpine ice. If you have any of these, I'd apprecaite your thoughts.
  5. I've taken MOFA from the Mountaineers. It's a good class, comprehensive and pretty straight forward. The mounties absence policy of no exceptions is the only downside (but understandable.) Plus, the price is right.
  6. Seriously, Tost is a good spot. Sort of a slinky cocktail bar with loose grooves and a nice compliment to the other Class H liquor establishments in Thaisville, cough... I mean Fremont. Bitters (the former storefront's life) wuz a bit of a waste of space. If we could only lure 2nd Bounce back (sigh.)
  7. If you're NEWSTIPS, who's king5news?
  8. FUCK Bob and the Bedlington Corporation! They are lying, backstabbing slime (not the employees, the owners.) I will not spend my money there.
  9. I dunno, I don't have a helmet yet either. I want one... but it'd be more for Sonny Bono trees that anything else. Dude, I've some sooo close to splatting my head on trees. Course, rocks hurt too.
  10. Translation: Helmets required... if you wonder why, you're and idiot
  11. Wow, those are great. Looks super fun.
  12. I know I've seen good instruction on how to do this on the net. Do a Google search and you'll find it. Also, ping Servio Verdina. He took a jigsaw to his Burton and mounted Voile gear on it. He did a pretty sweet job on it.
  13. Well Cavey, take me out and I'll do the write up.
  14. Dwaner, that's not me... that's my brother, dummy. Oh yeah, poor spelling, my bad.
  15. I was thinking of just getting some validation, but I think you're right re. skew of the sample population. Anyway, I've laid out my $0.02 above... nuf said.
  16. mabe Cavey, but if we "set the expectation" that we're not gonna go overboard with the spray and thread drift in that section, then it should be pretty obvious why the moderator edits somebody in that section.
  17. Matt, how about using the polling function on this site? Let the sprayers weigh in with the rest on the simple question, "How important is it to have the Route Report Section spray free?" - Not important, it's better with spray, no censorship... fucker! - Kinda important, wading through useless posts sucks... let us self police and moderate gingerly - Very important, Spray not tolerated... heir Furor
  18. Wow, there's a lot more snow out there than I'd thought. Snowboarders, huh? BLING BLING...
  19. Matt, you are so fucking right on! I think it's totally reasonable to set the expectation that route report sections are "value add." Keep these sections as a resource and keep the spray out. Unfortunately, the line between opinions and spray may be a gray line, but a little self policing should keep the moderator's role manageable.
  20. Cleaning down of the oils, dead skin, and grime your body secretes will increase the down's loft and increase your bags warmth (I assume the same would apply to synthetic.) The toughest part will be drying a down bag. Given the number of quarters you'll pump into the laundromat dryers, you might do well to take your bag to Rainy Pass or Feathered Friends to have it cleaned professionally (twenty bucks'ish and a week of down time.)
  21. I'll weigh in with the Ballard votes. Lockspot!
  22. Got in my first alpine ice experience Friday and loved it. Attempted Chair ... got three pitches up and bailed at 4:00. Basked in the sun, warm air and great views, though.
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