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Everything posted by Toast

  1. I dunno... while I haven't been up there this season, I've heard things are thin EVERYWHERE. Lisa/Beck, one of you must have been up thata ways recently. How's the snowpack in the Baker backcountry?
  2. Hey, has anybody been up to Yodelin Ridge in the last week? I'm supposed to help instruct with a snow camping field trip up there, but I'm afraid there won't be enough snow to dig snow caves let alone ski. As an alternate, we're thinking maybe Artist Point, but snow's probably short there too. I'd appreciate any recent snow sightings. Thanks.
  3. Toast


    So you'd rather be on a bike??
  4. Read this, then tell me you feel the same way.
  5. Matt's posted a verys sensible querry. And for all those rooting for us to march in and kick some ass, think about the price tag. By marching in we'll alienate the very stakeholders we'll need to help foot the bill. I'm not talking about bombs. I'm talking about the ten year process we're going to be stuck with feeding, clothing, and ensuring stability by active presence. Tom Friedman talks about this in his foreign affirs conlumn in the Times today. He's actually an advocate and see's this as an opportunity on the level of post war Germany and Japan to putting in place some stability. I think it's gonna be one major pain in the ass.
  6. Toast


    Hey, you know what they say, "if she smokes, she..."
  7. Yes, that's exactly the card Kim Il is playing. Unfortunately, the consequences for us are real and immediate. I don't think you can say the same of Iraq. They don't have a bomb, they don't have an army, and they have questionable means of delivery if and when they ever do get one. Yes, they're trying... but the point is, which is a bigger, more dangerous and more immediate threat to pay attention to?
  8. I don't think anybody doubts that Iraq has been dabbling in bad bombs. My issue with Dubya is that he's scratching for any excuse to support OUR GREED and feed our consumption. This comes at the expense of attention that should be focused on a real threat like North Korea. Are you aware that we've just confirmed that North Korea is refining plutonium. Kim Il's a guy that has real bombs, a real army, a real method of delivering those boms, and a powder keg sitting next to him. He's just as wacky as Sadam, but he ain't got no oil. Wake up.
  9. Toast


    nonanon, you're so right dude. I do kinda curl my nose at the smell. Many times, I suck on this cancer stick with absolute disgust. "Why the fuck did I do that?" But then there's the rare occasion when I'm buzzed on a few beers, maybe a little bleery from another kinda smoke, and I've been fretting without one a long time and am just jonesin. Then one comes my way and I light up and inhale, and I feel this wonderful sense of satisfaction. I think the tobacco industry invented that word, satisfaction, cuz that's exactly what it is... sometimes (sigh.)
  10. Toast


    As much as I love dogs and love to see them liberated out in the woods and free spaces... Dogs just don't belong on hiking trails unleashed. It's not their fault, and it's really their humans that I have a problem with. These are the jerks who can't control their canines, who won't pick up their poo, and feel it's their god given right to let their dogs tear up and down the trails, ripping up the underbrush, chasing after critters, jumping up and smearing mud and slobber over unsuspecting people who they encounter. The other thing is, dog safety. I have two friends who took their dogs out on an exposed hike. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but the dogs ended up chasing themselves right off a several hundred foot cliff. Not cool, and it was pretty much their stupidity that led to the deaths of their dogs.
  11. Toast

    2-way radios

    What's the difference between the Motorola Talkabout at $90 each and the flury of two packs I've seen at Comp USA for $20 - $30 per pair? They're both FRS spectrum, 14 channels... Will the cheepie handsets work?
  12. Toast


    Dude, that's fucking gross. Don't do that, kids. Heh, heh... do as I say, not as I do
  13. Toast


    Sorry I jumped on this one late in the Chick Flick thread, but it hits so close to home I thought it deserved its own thread. Muffy, I can feel for you... I go through the same thing every day. I've fallen off the wagon so many times I need to warranty my helmet. For those of you who don't have a tobacco habit, it's just too easy to say "just quit" or "you don't need it." But the reason it's an addiction is it's not so fucking easy to abstain. See. I stopped chewing tobacco about six months ago. I've flirted with packs of American Spirits and leftover bar cigarettes since then. I've gone through the same cycle probably a dozen times in the last twenty years. I'm able to stop long enough for the physiological dependencies to cease, but I've succumbed oh so often to the temptation of cheating, mooching a smoke, just one, then another, then... Unfortunately, the scenario above is when I'm weakest. So far, I've made it through two days without... but you can't imageine how badly I want a smoke right now.
  14. Toast

    World dominion

    Yeah, like I don't think they'd do this right. And if it worked, I'd be scared... very, very scared.
  15. Lee, Send your comments to Bill Belcourt, President of Grivel North America (bill@grivel.com.) I met him at Pro Mountain Sports making the rounds and picking up feedback from the field. He gave me, a total nobody, a half an hour clinic on tools and crampons. He struck me as a totally genuine guy. He may not be the one to get you a refund (that's REI's job and I have no doubt that you'll get your money back,) but I bet he takes your feedback seriously and that we'll see a better snowshoe as a result of it. P/S, I like this lil devil guy
  16. Yes, we need more Ballardites and Fremontonians to chime in.
  17. Hey Timmy, What ever happened to them "Got Rope?" stickers? Seems like a good way to drum up a few bucks... sound guerilla marketing tactic too.
  18. Not really adventure... more like learning about snow science and weather. I'll be down at Crystal taking NAI's level II avvy class. Is anybody else signed up for this thing?
  19. I'm with Snoboy on the probe. they tend to be light duty and short... better to have a real probe. As far as two-fers, I do like the compact saw blade in the handle concept... especially BD's which you can use the shaft as a long extension. With it, you can dig a real Rutschblock in five minutes (or a tap test in about two.) That makes it more likely that you'll actually do some shear strength testing rather than lesser tests that are less relevant. The one thing I didn't like about the Voile saw is it's attached to the handle (i.e. not so good for using the shovel shaft as an extension.) Does anybody have the SOS shovel with a saw? do you like it? Is the saw blade any stiffer than the BD?
  20. Toast


    Oh yeah, no more sexual innuendos... my bad.
  21. Toast


    Huh... you suck down long whats?
  22. Toast


    Muffy, fuck the lesson plan. Be yourself. I'm sorry about anything I contributed to and if I hurt your feelings. I like yous, and yous are my favorite Spray Princess.
  23. Toast


    Mattp, I'll buy that. Scotch, I like served neat. Bourbon and good sippin' rums I like with a few chips of ice. But how about this, a rum and tonic with a wedge of lime? Must be a darker rum, though. something like Mount Gay (sp?) or Meyers rum. Of course a Mojito... now that's a cocktail for a warm night... which this ain't.
  24. Toast


    I believe the original martini had a mix had the following... 2 parts Vodka 1 part Gin 1 part Vermouth (blegh) Personally, I stick with Kettle One, a dribble of olive juice into the shaker, and a quick swirl of vermouth around the glass that promptly gets tossed out. Let the shaker "settle" for a moment, two quick shakes and a strainer into a frozen glass. This is making me thirsty.
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