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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Anyone titled "hot lycra momma" certainly ain't a dude... but thelawgoddess is pretty rad fer a chick
  2. Private guide services are pricey. If you can afford it, that's great. If not, pick up a few books, read, practice, learn to use a compass and find a few friends on the board who will take you out on some lower elevation stuff where the stakes aren't quite so high. When you can snatch the pebble from my hand and walk across ricepaper and leave no trace, it will be your time to climb a large volcano
  3. Thanks for the beta. Heading out to Eldo tomorrow. I'll leave the snowshoes at home
  4. I've had MSR liquid fuel stoves forever. However, this is the first time I've run into this problem (at least not been able to fix it.) If I had it all to do over again, I think I'd get the MSR Super Fly. It's a canister stove that accepts a variety of canister types. Anybody have one of those? Do you like it? What don't you like about it?
  5. That's about right, but I'm wearing pants next time. My knees are all scraped up.
  6. I don't think it was quite 5.7, and the off withdth was more like 10' before it got wide enough to fit your body into, but aside from that what you describe sounds pretty similar to what we ran into.
  7. Marblemount is the one place that I kinda like Chevron Minimarts. In comparison, the foods decent and the prices fair
  8. Yeah, but is the place still God Squad? I stopped by Good Food last summer. The food's decent and the family is nice and all... but I found the blaring religious radio to be a bit much. My pick is the Eatery, the place with all the bunny rabbits.
  9. Glad they're all safe, digits in all Thanks for the update
  10. Champagne did rock! Aside from the ticks, that was a lot of fun. Nerdy Question of the Day: What other not-so-trafficked, moderate, multi-pitch adventures can you think of? I wanna do more shit like Champagne.
  11. From memory... take it with a grain of salt. 2:00 Depart cars 4:30 Pinapple pass 5:00 First pitch ???? Summit 7:30 Descended from base 9:30 On the road home We did it in four pitches with a 50 meter rope. You could probably do it in three with a 60 meter rope... or you could solo it We took the West side back. That route's pretty much gone unless there's a new dump of snow (yeah, right ) I can't count how many times I postholed through to underlying creek beds. Skis would have been nice but that's going pretty quick too.
  12. Does anybody know anything about coming off of Champagne to end up on the Pearly Gates? Ben, are you out there?
  13. Okay, so we lacked the wimmins'. I give you that
  14. So my friend Ken and I climbed up da Toof yesterday. Ken had to work, so we got a late start. We hit the trail promptly at 2:00 PM. It was sunny, clear and glorious. We passed one pair of hikers early on, but aside from that we didn't see a soul. We had this popular peak completely to ourselves... no waiting, no lines, no nada. Midweek rules. Beat that suckas
  15. So, my $0.02... Set the expectation with your teacher that the audience you are writing to are alpine mountaineers. If you take this seriously, you could very well publish this. Regarding the F word, keep it. Used sparingly, it conveys the absolute seriousness of your situation.
  16. Toast

    Not Got Money

    dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope
  17. What the hell does that mean Are you saying that Hattie's, Latona and/or the Wedgewood Alehouse have dirty taps? Jeesh chucK, don't read so much into it All the guys above have clean taps. However the same can't be said of all pubs in town. The Alki is one, yech. I never get a beer that tastes the same there. Just think of the urinals... nuf said. There's actually a specialized trade that's evolved around tap cleaning. The better pubs in town will schedule these guys in once a week. The scuzzier joints in town are more like once every two or three weeks... hence, sometimes the beer's fine, sometimes its nasty.
  18. Dick and Dave just opened the new Elysian pub, the Tangletown, in the old Honeybear Bakery site (corner of N 55TH Street AND Meridian.) That's closer to I-5. Good menu, great beer, clean taps, plenty of space... parking sucks.
  19. I have an MSR Dragonfly white gas stove. It's recently been choking so I gave it an overhaul servicing. Now it burns hot like new... but it's become very finicky. If the flame extinguishes for a second, it's impossible to reignite without having to let the thing completely cool down and go through the entire process of re-priming the stove. I know this is what you're supposed to do, but I've never had to do this before. It's like I busted my stoves cherry, and she just ain't the same anymore Anyone have any insights?
  20. Nice TR mattp... and pix too Mr. K
  21. Fuck the non-climbers... A+
  22. When was that? I was just there. Johannesburg looked way majestic with white crust and dark shadows outlining each of its features. There's snow all around that same spot right now. I didn't recognize the valley drainage in green. Cool Where is the Torment and Forbidden pic taken from?
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