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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. I agree Geek. I was afraid to say it for fear of spray but I really liked that book. Even tho it was non-fiction it read like a thriller. I read a lot of the other books on the tragedy by Bokreev(sp?), etc. and none were as good as "Into Thin Air".
  2. Krakauer also wrote "Eiger Dreams" which I enjoyed very much
  3. Kind of a lot of $$$ for a couple of straps!
  4. hmmm I never even thought of it. I guess because we live in WA, I thought Evergreen was the better deal on tuition. Always looking for a bargain!
  5. I understand the gaper factor believe me. But they also offer some good things in terms of sales, classes, etc. As for Fri...unfortunately I have no mountain porn to contribute.
  6. oh and Evergreen is the alma mater of Matt Groening and Lynda Barry!
  7. coming in a little late here...but...I tried to get my son interested in Evergreen. I LOVE that place. But it's a little too rustic for him. He's more of the urban-Berkeley type which is ok...except UCB is BIG...over 40,000 students compared to the 3000 or so at Evergreen. ah well he still has a few years to decide. BTW I think Evergreen is a steal at 12K a year (includes room and board) (As an aside he's currently attending Evergreen H.S. )
  8. snoboy...the Jimeny Cricket of cc.com (really like this little fella BTW)
  9. while I don't climb like you, I have made a few summits in my day and I hope to reach many more before I die. I*love* being on top!
  10. ChrisT

    high winds

    the cam at Timberline is down too! Snowstorm!?!?!?!
  11. ChrisT

    Friggin depressing

    Hey Timmy I thought Bachelor made their own snow...
  12. ChrisT

    Friggin depressing

    Rob is it true that Ski Bowl is closed (with a 13" base they must be!)? Still I keep hearing commercials on the radio...
  13. my sister attended an anti-war rally in SF a couple of weeks ago and said it was a blast. Free live music, lots of freaks (but not nearly as many naked people as the Bay to Breakers). About 350K showed up.
  14. ChrisT


    pot calling the kettle black. DFA has quite a potty mouth on him
  15. where can one purchase such shorts?
  16. ChrisT

    Traskian Epiphany

    This is what I think trask looks like: BTW "The Shield" is one sick show.
  17. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    I said "modern day"...listen up cracked!
  18. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    football is modern day gladiators...just like the Roman's did 2000 years ago. think about it
  19. to think someone actually got paid to write that!
  20. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    ooooooooh love Sting
  21. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    No shit. I started the day in shorts and flip flops and now I'm freezing my ass off!
  22. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    He means the Raiders are down by two touchdowns and according to the stats NO team has come back from that kind of deficit in something like 500 years so pray for a miracle... (too many damn commercials IMO although I enjoyed the FedEx takeoff on castaway)
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