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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT


    Incidentally - I was just at a 12 step meeting trying to battle my addiction
  2. ChrisT


    who came up with this crap?
  3. you seem to enjoy talking politics at all hours of the night
  4. ok I'm tired of being the horny homemaker. Nobody takes me seriously! I now open the board to new suggestions. Keep it PG-13 guys!
  5. Greg- where's your TR from Red Rocks?
  6. helping the FBI profile serial killers perhaps?
  7. ok now that's the Greg_W we all know and love!
  8. frustatingly slow loading...and I'm on a cable modem!
  9. I have to say that Clinton kind of spoiled it for the Demos as far as getting future votes. All the moral majority right wingers in this country tend to favor an upright and straight guy like GW. I think Gore (the family man, the loyal husband and father, the grandather) had a good chance of beating GW in '04 (almost beat him in '00) and I'm sorry he's bowed out.
  10. nice avatar trask...are you in love?
  11. It just doesn't hold up to repeated listenings like some others... it gets old fast - for me anyway. 400! Woo Hoo!
  12. UGH! Don't mention Nirvana! My son has just discovered them and I have to listen to it ad nauseum! Much prefer Pearl Jam (and Eddie Vedder)
  13. Gotta say that Bjork's "Sweet Jane" is probably the best cover I've heard ever!
  14. Really?!?! I LOVE Bjork but I've never heard those two...
  15. I like that version as well...almost as much as the original by Lou Reed
  16. Why do they have to re-record perfectly good songs...and perfectly good movies for that matter? I personally love the original Parent Trap but my daugher digs the remake. I guess it's a generational thing.
  17. I puke everytime I hear the Dixie Chickens remake of that Fleetwood Mac song...can't remember the name. That woman's voice really grates...
  18. He's correct in saying that there is virtually NO snow on Lahar. Many of the activities of local snowmobilers have been suspended due to lack of snow - Lahar is one of their favorite spots. Also, snowmobile races on Mt. Adams were cancelled for this weekend. Privately, I'm celebrating.
  19. "About Schmidt" does interest me as he acutally plays an old man...with comb over and everything! he looks like my Dad - ack!
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