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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. I enjoyed the Hours although my mind did wander in spots...overall, tho', I thought it was an interesting story.
  2. what a bummer I hope the judge decides to reduce your ticket after he hears about your sincere desire to preserve wildlife. Hopefully he'll be lenient since it was just the first day of closure. Good luck!
  3. Did you really get a ticket? Once I was barrelling down 14, passed a logging truck doing about 90mph, got stopped by a state trooper, but he let me go with a warning. How's that for charm
  4. Timmy could you put these links on the main index page...that would help me a lot. thanks christ
  5. the last word should be "satirized" not "satired" I think. Other than the glaring omission of gapertimmy, it's a good read
  6. ChrisT

    Mt Hood

    mmmm no sorry that data is not visual enough for me. Give me pictures!
  7. ChrisT

    Cool town...

    Where, pray tell, do you live snoboy?
  8. ChrisT

    Mt Hood

    ok Iain keep us updated on your readings. thanks
  9. ChrisT

    Mt Hood

    I heard the weatherman say there should be a foot of new snow this weekend
  10. Actually I recently skiied with 3 men over 70...all better skiiers than me
  11. timmy: good news about your grandma. I think it's sweet I often ski with a 76 year old man who is a lot of fun to hang with and a good role model for growing old. I don't know if he's on the "pill" or not.
  12. The fact is Jon and Timmy never guaranteed us any privacy when we signed up for this board. This ain't hotmail. It's their bbs and they can do whatever the hell they like with it. That said, I think they are terrific hosts. Long live cc.com!
  13. ok but facts aside, I still think "Into Thin Air" is a better read
  14. ok maybe I need to re-read that book. I read it rather fast last summer...
  15. yes I did read "Climb" and it didn't provide me with any additional insight
  16. Nope I don't think so. She saw the Lion King on broadway last year and has been stuck on that kind of music every since...
  17. yes you're right...she just turned 12!
  18. So my daughter has outgrown her Britney Spears stage and I've got a free poster here if anyone wants it. I should tell you that it's BS from the neck up only!
  19. Did anyone catch Gov. Locke's rebuttal? I totally spaced and forgot the whole thing Oh well I suppose they'll have the entire speech verabtim in tomorrow's paper
  20. Greg: they all had cerebral edema! Even JK was hallucinating. Who knows what the real truth is...
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