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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT


    Many years ago I had about 6 martinis in a row...doubles I think...each with about 6 olives and I got sooooooooooooo sick, I haven't had a martini since!
  2. I'll ask cousin Michael down in Tahoe...he swears by fritschi bindings
  3. yes but how's a newbie ever to become a caveman? Who else teaches the basic skills?
  4. some people are just pre-disposed to dislike both Mazamas and Mountaineers and I don't understand why...
  5. thanks - you'd think I would know that since I was born in Ontario. Once again, my condolances(sp?) to the family of John Clarke
  6. Yes you're right besides which I think they've already finished the First Aid and CPR classes for the winter. You can take it anytime from the Red Cross (I think it's cheaper too!).
  7. CAJ? Can you send it to me?
  8. well very few people/agencies offer wilderness first aid and I think wilderness first responder training is more than he wants at this point and will prob set him back a few hundred dollars...Ivan start with Red Cross First Aid and CPR - good course!
  9. well I was a little confused because you said he died "peacefully" but that he and his wife had just had a baby...oh well I guess Picasso was still having kids in his 70s
  10. You have my sympathy. How old was he?
  11. Looks like Mazamas teaches it but there are a few pre-reqs first: CPR: $30 First Aid Basics: $30 Mountaineering First Aid (MFA) : $30 for the MFA lecture series, and $16 for the MFA Lodge Weekend (tuition only, lodge and meal fees extra). Required text: Cost: $20 Here's the link to their web page: http://www.mazamas.org/education/firstaid_info.php
  12. Haven't you ever seen JC Superstar? Jesus does a little bouldering in that movie but Judas was the climber IMO...black too!
  13. This is *too* funny. As for myself, I think Jesus was much too laid back to be a hard core climber. He was a lover not a...a...how does that saying go again?
  14. freeclimb still got a star. Those are collectible you know.
  15. aw trask...cute liddo bwa bwee...
  16. I was going to suggest a daisy chain
  17. well I thought this *was* your job. You're the attorney retained by cc.com right? (oops...grammar)
  18. but everyone will miss your hooters!
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