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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. $38.12...more than I thought I would get! I'm thinking of buying one of their $35 harnesses with it
  2. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... RURP =
  3. ChrisT

    TV ads I hate

    I guess I set myself up for that one!
  4. ChrisT

    TV ads I hate

    I hate most ads on tv but one I did enjoy recently was the Nike commercial with the naked dude on the soccer field. I didn't even know it was an ad at first. All ads should be that entertaining...
  5. We know all about that already sista!
  6. ChrisT

    Forrest M

    Cool. Was everyone wearing red (and skirts) on purpose?
  7. I put the headphones on but it was in Spanish. Did they end up dying?
  8. Show the man some respect...he's just trying to unload his gear! Cody - have you thought of selling the gear on eBay? I only suggest this since you've done such a nice job of cataloging and photographing everything...
  9. Somebody felt very strongly about this woman to carry their resentment to the top of Mt. Stuart
  10. WOW! You got quite a collection there. Nice web site too!
  11. didn't get mine yet I *wish* I was a big spending spouse!
  12. ChrisT


    BTW what's wrong with your avatar image RB? Haven't seen it in ages...
  13. ChrisT


    Haven't we done enough damage to the native americans of this country? I read that they are now having to set up institutes to preserve their indigineous languages which will sadly soon be lost. Let em have their rock...don't you have enough rock around here (and in Austria) to climb...hmmm?
  14. lessons? really? when is this shindig again?
  15. ChrisT

    He's got the moves

    sorry it was just something my daughter found and I thought it was cute
  16. ChrisT

    A little quiz

    a good cross section to be sure...
  17. ChrisT

    A little quiz

    GW was having a blast too
  18. ChrisT

    A little quiz

    peace rallies are fun
  19. Just heard on the radio...it starts at 4.
  20. ChrisT

    dead threads

    I used to live in the land of SUVs and soccer moms but now I live in the land of Chevy Avalanches and Ford (?) Excursions
  21. Kind of reminds me of this thing I saw once on tv. A record store in Isla Vista was giving away free cds to naked people. About 500 guys showed up and 3 women!
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