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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT

    Friggin depressing

    If Iain's home on a weekend - you know conditions are bad No rescues this weekend?
  2. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    I most likely will not watch since I *hate* TV but I'll experience it vicariously through the shouts, whoops and yelps from the family room
  3. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    damn! I'm not turning up those kind of shots on my searches wish this was the StuporBowl:
  4. ChrisT

    Stupor Bowl

    trask's bedroom
  5. ChrisT


    koo koo ka choo
  6. ChrisT


    Post deleted by ChrisT
  7. ChrisT


    you can have 'em. Take 'em they're yours!
  8. ChrisT


    GO RAIDERS! The greatest football team that ever LIVED!!!!
  9. ChrisT

    Friggin depressing

    oh man not the weather again...it was 47 degrees and raining today at Timberline we'll probably remember this as the winter we complained about the weather and spent waaaaaaaay too much time on cc.com!
  10. ChrisT


    thanks for sharing
  11. The water in Calif is just plain nasty and most of the people who live there don't even drink it. They're all drinking bottled water and spending lots of $$$ on it. But I believe the water in NorCal to be better than the water in SoCal...with the exception of Silicon Valley...
  12. ChrisT


    The board is like a great big party. Some people are off talking politics, some are discussing gear, some are talking wine, some are discussing routes etc. etc. etc....and some are off talking shit...just like any party.
  13. I agree that the water tastes better from the filter and I've used others but so far I've been too cheap to actually go out and buy one. The iodine treated water does taste pretty foul but you get used to it after awhile...
  14. ChrisT


    trask you beautiful, wonderful man! You have fulfilled my greatest desire! I'M AT 300 POSTS!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
  15. ChrisT


    you gotta make some action honey. You think they're just gonna come and knock your door down?
  16. ChrisT


    You're not a loser. Wanna talk about it? The Doctor is in.
  17. ChrisT


    present and accounted for!
  18. ChrisT

    I'm drunk

    hey Josh don't go away! You have good insight even when your drunk
  19. duh! I think I just answered my own question!
  20. that's a good way to look at it. But what about Mt. Hood? I don't want to get swallowed by a crevice like those climbers last year. Oh when, pray tell, shall I climb it?
  21. It seems that Feb is often colder than Jan. I remember snow in the city as late as March 1 and the ski resorts were already closed!
  22. I can't remember a winter as mild as this since '92, our first year in the PNW. But we still have February...
  23. Maybe I'm naive but I thought giharrdia emanated from water sources frequented by beavers...
  24. Hiking around in the Sierras we never filtered the water, just drank out of the streams. It wasn't until the Cascades that I started using iodine and I assumed that only the water in the Cascades was tainted but I've since been told that I was just very lucky. I guess I have a strong constitution.
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