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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. thanks V. - that's what I needed to know!
  2. Does anyone happen to know if it's reached Japan?
  3. ChrisT

    get outside!

    took a nice long hike up Mt. Hamilton yesterday but I have work to do today. You know what they say...a woman's work is never done (sigh)
  4. Well I dedicated this thread to the other 5 women on the board - not to all you homophobic yucks!
  5. Just received this bit of junk mail...
  6. but trask I thought you liked that women were complex
  7. ChrisT

    CC.Com Book Club

    My son *loves* H.P. Lovecraft and the daughter digs Harry Potter. She's read each one four times!!! (Max is also fascinated with the Necronomicon...sounds like you two might have a lot in common)
  8. ChrisT

    CC.Com Book Club

    "Bird by Bird"... Anne Lamott
  9. ChrisT


    I always get this message: Connecting to irc.blackened.com 6667....
  10. ChrisT


    I have tried several times but never seem to be able to penetrate the fortress called the chat room
  11. ChrisT


    I'm supposed to have foot surgery but I can't stand the thought of being laid up (spray suit on)
  12. ChrisT


    MY FEET ARE NOT UGLY!!! I have accepted my feet. They are beautiful. My feet are who they are!!!!! It was the podiatrist who had a problem with my feet
  13. ChrisT


    Don't feel bad minx...the podiatrist took one look at mine and said I had "man's feet"! WTF!?!?!?
  14. ChrisT


    You two crack me up!
  15. ChrisT


    I only chime in when Muffy starts something. Speaking of which, where the heck is she?
  16. ChrisT


    hasn't been any hanky panky on this board in a while... damn war!
  17. ChrisT


    Just trying to make 500
  18. ChrisT


    they come in wide?!?!?!?
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