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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. If only we could persuade Gore to come out and kick his ass in 2004!
  2. Rob you seem a little tense these days...not getting any?
  3. ChrisT


    never works
  4. I even got free roaming up and down the West Coast since I do travel to the Bay Area quite a bit.
  5. I experienced altitude sickness at 12,000' in the Sierras - splitting headache and nausea. Took a couple of advil, retired to my tent and felt much better in the morning.
  6. Well snoboy you are my SECOND favorite Canadian (Believe it or not, I was actually born in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada...a fact I don't often reveal!)
  7. per your suggestion I went to Car Toys and picked up a Motorola flip phone with AT&T service. I just told the gal to give me the best deal and she did! thanks!
  8. You mean real WOMAN..."girls" are 12 and under!
  9. Exactly Allison! And when you start to meet people in person, you'll find they are nothing like their avatars.
  10. CG33 what's happening to you is EXACTLY what happened to me when I first posted. Trask didn't think I was really a female either...
  11. Well I try to remain mostly neutral, like Switzerland...don't like political threads...they bore me...hate the war mainly because of the billions being spent that should be spent here at home, to save our airlines and schools and create jobs. That's prolly the biggest opinion you'll get out of me!
  12. Which service would provide me with a *free* phone? Preferably a motorola flip phone
  13. Wow Rob! You started quite a discussion here...haven't been back since page 1
  14. I know this subject has been covered in the past ad nauseum, but I did a quick search and found nothing. So forgive me. However, can anyone recommend a good, inexpensive cell phone and service? I'm in the Portland area but would appreciate something with unlimited long distance. That's my number one priority. Sprint PCS (can you hear me now) has been suggested to me. TIA!
  15. One man's garbage is another man's...how does that saying go again?
  16. It's the normal initiation CG33 Hang in there!
  17. Just heard on the news that the people on the American Airlines flight quarantined in San Jose WERE NOT infected with SAR. Just a bunch of sick people with flu-like symptoms.
  18. Iain come to Pub Club sometime if you want to see some real brawlin'
  19. actually I only get the first and the last photo...not the three middle ones
  20. Just give it some time and they'll come through
  21. This will break our airlines just as surely as the freakin' war!
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