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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. you old enough to vote yet cracked?
  2. RobBob

    Goin' South

    Cajun moon, where does yo power lie As you move across the southern sky... Almost time to push back for a trip to the Big Easy. Somebody gotta represent cc.com down there!
  3. That interesting. If you liberals were so open-minded, wouldn't you be open-minded enough to try on the conservative beliefs just once? And if you did, wouldn't quite a number of you come on over to the other side...?
  4. RobBob


    Did I miss something? I wasn't really paying attention...I thought snugtop was 1) the major object of attention for a couple of days 2) loving it and playing along 3) discovered to actually be a chica, and therefore I would expect was doted (if not drooled) on.
  5. RobBob


    c'mon minx, just what are you talkin' about? who are all these new people getting abused?? the only "new people" I see around are the old people who got banned who are back with new avatars.
  6. in its entirety...
  7. RobBob


  8. Good idea. I'll pretend to be Jim or JoshK, and drive up to Paradise in a Ford Excursion. I'm planning to arrive a few days early anyhow in order to acclimatize a little...so I'll do a couple of firewood carries to Muir, so we can build a roaring campfire. You'll recognize my disguise with the "I Halliburton" teeshirt.
  9. Huh? Maybe the vent at the bottom of the sauna door is to allow for pressure change when the door is open and shut.
  10. Greg---ya must not have any kids. Funny, for years I was the one talking like Greg, bitchin' about kids on planes, etc. Once you have a couple of of your own, it's like joining the club. I still bitch about the bad kids in public. But Hell, let new parents have a minute of enjoyment. That phase is over like, bam, it's gone.
  11. I've never heard that bit about endurance athletes being more at risk if they quit exercising. My guess is that it's something else.
  12. No thanks!
  13. Bring on the ! Early-mid May or late June. We'll all get teeshirts that have or on the front and flash em at Columbia Crest
  14. I'm not even gonna read the rest of the thread past the first post. Bullshit: It's trask. Snugtop. Trask, didn't I teach you anything about subtlety when posing as the innocent female target?
  15. I remember my mom washed something red with my football pants when I was about 12. Had pink pants for a couple of practices. Made me a meaner linebacker in the end, kinda like the boy named Sue.
  16. because they are trolling for young men in locker rooms...
  17. RobBob

    HisandHers User Names

    watchit BugWug.
  18. RobBob

    Best of the Banned

    Only one's mine, and I want it back!
  19. RobBob

    HisandHers User Names

    whereas lummox suggests something neutered & bovine
  20. If Clinton set a precedent, then Kerry's a shoo-in---the more bimbo eruptions the better. Don't you remember the Penthouse interview, released just days before the election? They actually quoted Jennifer Flowers as saying something like "He ate pussy like a champ." It's probably not gonna affect his position. But it is still too early to think that Kerry will get the nod. There will be an attempt to dump duffle-bags of crap on him in the next few weeks.
  21. If you make it late June or later, there's a chance I might break away and do it with you chickenf'ers. Show these guys we can hang with 'em on the brisk pace. (Just so long as it's not Lib Ridge---I've had this recurring nightmare of being roped up with mattp, who suddenly tells me I have to downclimb the route ) Maybe after ragdoll stumbling back into the parking lot, we can make it to a pubclub too.
  22. RobBob

    Best of the Banned

    I didn't realize Heywood was banned.
  23. PP- My guess is it's the one seated, with the tan blazer in the top left photo. She's cute, and looks like a climber (of the social variety).
  24. My faves have been trask, necro, dwayner. I miss you guys!
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