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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. RobBob


    I only play right on cc.com. You and DFA drove me to it.
  2. RobBob

    The Second Civil War

    Cracked, you chump, if somebody's profoundly divided your ass, we don't want to know about it!
  3. Jeezus, you sound like you work for that fat fuck.
  4. RobBob


    Nor is environmental regulation always rooted in honesty, Will, if you want to be cynical about it. I've spent my life on the water, around estuaries, marshes, creeks, swamps, you name it. But where I live, these areas have little in common with what is defined as a "wetland." Where we are, the vegetation and/or the soil definitions result in almost all wooded land being classified as "wetland." That's intellectually dishonest IMO. But anyway, that's another subject and I know you don't make the laws. My point is that there are two sets of 'extreme' constituencies in that issue.
  5. RobBob


    Anyone who has time to spray about poverty on this board needs to get his ass back to work!
  6. RobBob

    Every Guy's Dream

    This chick must have a thing for cars.
  7. Moore is like every other negative critic---knows the way, but can't drive the car. I'm no fan of GWB, but it sickens me to listen to Michael Moore shamelessly claim that his disparagements are based on unbiased and accurate material. I'll tell you why he won't do interviews---he can't stand the scrutiny. The women hosting The View were able to put him on tilt in about three minutes in an interview on Bowling for Columbine awhile back. He was unbelieveably defensive, and came off looking like a childish brat. Funny how he spends all his time making films that patch together unflattering cuts of his targets, yet he can be goaded into looking like a blithering idiot without editing or entrapment. That's why he won't do interviews. He's a fucking hypocrit.
  8. "Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." -Vince Lombardi
  9. RobBob

    Punk-Ass Roomate

    Lummox, get yerself a sailboat and your problems are solved. I know where you can get a good blue-water boat cheap---a buddy of mine just bailed on an around-the-worlder after getting the shit scared out of him in that storm that killed those folks in Haiti. And by the way, you've been "on the hard" since the day you started posting at cc.com!
  10. RobBob

    Lighten Up!

    And I believe I refered to both in a single post. But the answer to timmy's question is "not enough."
  11. Difficulties are things that show what men are. (Epictetus) If thou canst not see the bottom, wade not (English proverb) Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. (Thomas Edison)
  12. RobBob


    To me, the pervasive doping problem in worldwide athletics confirms several beliefs I've had for awhile: 1. Until you are 30, you have no common sense. 2. There is no "moral compass" at work in athletics today. 3. Almost nothing is learned from past generations. There are layers of reasons not to do it. First of all, it's cheating. "Everybody does it" is an excuse for a lot of things, and perhaps lifetime suspension from athletics will keep someone from being jailed for tax evasion later on because "everybody does it." The biggest reason I see for not doing it is that you may well be fucking up your body for the long ride. Whether we all like it or not, the condition of your body is part of "who you are." Athletes are being allowed (I'm guessing in some cases even encouraged), by people old enough to know better, to use shit that may haunt them for 2/3rds of their lives. Hell, we all abuse ourselves enough with alcohol, physical trauma, etc. I wonder why there hasn't been a concerted effort on the part of over-40 athletes to influence young people in a positive way. Somebody ought to track down the old East German female athletes from the 70s---I'll bet they've been haunted by some freakish health issues by now.
  13. RobBob

    The Perfect Day

    The perfect day for a Woman vs. a perfect day for a Man. Perfect day for a Woman: 8:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses. 8:30 Weigh in 5 lbs. lighter than yesterday. 8:45 Breakfast in bed, fresh squeezed orange juice and croissants. 9:15 Soothing hot bath with fragrant lilac bath oil. 10:00 Light workout at the club with handsome, funny personal trainer. 10:30 Facial, manicure, shampoo and comb out. 12:00 Lunch with best friend at an outdoor cafe. 12:45 Notice ex-boyfriends wife, she has gained 30 lbs. 13:00 Shopping with friends. 15:00 Nap. 16:00 A dozen roses delivered by a florist. Card is from a secret admirer. 16:15 Light workout at club followed by a gentle massage. 17:30 Pick out outfit for dinner, primp before mirror. 19:30 Candlelight dinner for two followed by dancing. 22:00 Hot shower. Alone. 22:30 Make love. 23:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling. 23:15 Fall asleep in his big strong arms. Perfect day for a Man: 6:00 Alarm. 6:15 Blowjob. 6:30 Massive dump while reading sports section of USA Today. 7:00 Breakfast. Filet mignon, eggs, toast and coffee. 7:30 Limo arrives. 7:45 Bloody Mary enroute to airport. 8:15 Private jet to Augusta, Georgia. 9:30 Limo to Augusta National Golf Club. 9:45 Play front nine at Augusta, finish 2 under par. 11:45 Lunch. 2 dozen oysters on the half shell. 3 Heinekens. 12:15 Blowjob. 12:30 Play back nine at Augusta, finish 4 under par. 14:15 Limo back to airport. Drink 2 Bombay Saffire martinis. 14:30 Private jet to Nassau, Bahamas. Nap. 15.15 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female (nude) crew. 16:30 Catch world record light tackle Marlin - 1249 lbs. 17:00 Jet back home. Enroute get massage from Kathy Ireland. 19:30 Dinner. Lobster appetizers, Dom Perigon (1963), 20 oz. New York Steak. 21:00 Relax after dinner with a 1789 Augier Cognac and Cuban Partagas Lusitanias Natural wrapped cigar. 22:00 Have fun with three 26 year old nymphomaniacs. 23:00 Massage and Jacuzzi. The girls quietly shower and leave. 23:45 Go to bed. 23:50 Let loose a 12 second, 4 octave fart. Watch the dog leave the room. 23:55 Giggle self to sleep.
  14. RobBob

    Lighten Up!

    Damn, you people need to ease up and have some fun. I don't think there's any more to say regarding -Iraq -Michael Moore -disparaging comments about Bush, Cheney, etc. -disparaging comments oabt Kerry, Clinton, etc. Go outside and enjoy life. I just got back from 3 days of good times on the boat: racing other vessels in heavy air and seas; trying (unsuccessfully) to help crewmembers avoid seasickness; huddling on the cabin sole during intense lightning; coping with severe sunburn. Life just doesn't get any better!
  15. I thought Miss N=trask.
  16. RobBob

    Baby Smashers!

    I felt the same way as AlpineK about those damn things. My sister-in-law put one in her car. What she really was saying is Look at Me and My Baby! Hell, as a parent I'm not offended by the Baby Smasher. Although I think it's, uh...dumb...I understand that it is an attempt at humor. Let's look back 275 years for the precedent on this: Jonathan Swift's "Modest Proposal"
  17. Dammit, yet another telemarketer fundraising for law enforcement got past our receptionist. Last week it was the policemen's benevolent association, yesterday it was the sherriff's ass'n, and just now it was "the narcotics officers' association." This phone-turd used phrases like "we're just trying to keep the kids off drugs" to overcome my repeated NOs. Finally, when I asked him to put me on his Do Not Call list, he howled "but our officers are dying out there, sir!" to which I replied Yes, and they are getting paid a salary to do it. Law enforcement, fire-fighting, etc. should all be banned from fundraising. They are inappropriately preying on people's alternate sympathies or paranoia that maybe they might not get service if they don't "contribute."
  18. Through my adult life, I've often had a vague notion that there is a mathematical constant, a fixed sum, regarding the total of man's subconscious drives, urges, and vices. I've never fleshed this theory out until now, but it's popped into my head from time to time, either during those rare moments of self-assessment, or more likely when observing others achieve grand things or flame out. Here's the basic idea: The sum of the degree to which you succumb to these activities, as a function of your level of desire, is roughly a constant--- -eating -sexual activity -exertion sports -thrill sports -drinking alcohol -drugs Did I miss any? Can anyone refine this theory or help to make it quantitative? The constant is an individual trait; it runs higher in some of us than in others. I am convinced, however, that there is a relationship that exists between these activities, and if you over-regulate one of them, you vastly increase the likelihood that you will get extreme behavior in another. In my own case, I'm old enough to be past the drug phase and I'm a good husband. But since the constant runs courses mightily in my veins, this also means that I love to eat and drink well and my wife agrees I'll probably never need viagra. Vanity (and the desire to live long and be healthy) allow me to keep food and drink in check. The other key to balancing this whole house of cards is to constantly indulge in sports that require endurance and the occasional scare-the-hell-out-of-you thrill. Thats where being in the mountains fits in, although running and other aerobic work provide the major outlet (God forbid if I get sidelined with a major injury). Somehow it all works. Have any of you had a similar notion? Or should I see a doctor about all this? How do you strike your balance with the constant?
  19. I offer up this link to quite possibly the perfect one: Sweet Sonya
  20. RobBob

    Wine Drinkers Only

    Michelle-I know, but the prospect of 9 hrs of intermittent turbulence mostly over the wilds of SA were too much to endure w/o medication.
  21. Go back and read the first page of this thread. I maintain that trask gave the most honest answer here. Logged a bunch of flying time recently, and so I had time to read Krakauer's book on the Mormons. A little long-winded, but well-documented and it pretty well lays out the Mormon story in the cold light of day. I'll bet Krakauer has gotten more grief over this book than all of the Into Thin Air criticism put together!
  22. RobBob

    Tongass Action

    Now Jim, you know you only titled this thread to get people to look. Hell, I thought maybe trask had stolen your avatar and was going to treat us to some of his wildest posting ever.
  23. Ducknut is hard at work I see.
  24. RobBob

    Wine Drinkers Only

    I've found that cheap wine often = headache wine. I'm not talking about drinking the whole bottle and getting a headache, but I have found that two glasses of some cheap and some mid-priced wines can leave me with a sinus headache the next morning. It's true I think that reds are more naturally apt to give one a hang-over, but for instance I drank two glasses of some cheap French Chard the other night on a long Delta flight, and had a headache within two hours. Maybe its the amount of sulfite added. Last week, I had two glasses of Rodney Strong pinot noir (I was eating a steak, and decided I needed a second glass to ensure that I offset the fat intake )---woke up with a sinus headache, on a workday.
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