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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. I'll stick to farmed salmon, thank you. I'll make the same offer to you, Dru. I have some high-protein RobBob Meal that is low in ash and has a nice amino acid profile.
  2. You stoops riding yer bicycles around to save the environment ought to get to work where it really counts. The current situation in Asia, where lack of controls on almost any commerce threaten us all at the moment via, of all things, chickens, ought to be a wake-up call to you. It is time to bring the Asian nations to heel. They collectively are key to where the environment is ultimately going, 1) through their population growth, and 2) through the 'anything goes' world of commerce that has been luring our own companies there for years. We have squeezed the easiest 80% of air and water improvements out of ourselves during the past 30 years and regulated ourselves into a corner. The remaining 20% of improvements will cost us much more dearly. Yet you Kyotofarians want to give a pass to the nations producing the Asian brown cloud, and turn a blind eye on the real culprit of global pollution, which is population growth. Why not deal with this thing before their cloud becomes ours? Give Asian nations zero, zilch, nada in terms of trade, access to US markets, etc., until they lay out and begin to effectively execute a strategy to 1) each bring their birth rate into line with the current birthrate of the citizens of the US and EU nations, and 2) agree to regulate their industries and citizens in terms of safety, emissions, etc. to the same absolute standard as the US and European countries. You people want to try to keep me from driving my 4x4 SUV or be able to eat farmed salmon, and meanwhile our collective health may be threatened because no one is at the helm in Asia as millions of sick chickens threaten to infect a population of billions. Talk about lack of perspective.
  3. RobBob


    Poster of the day!
  4. to those who have faith without seeking to impose it on others. Scott's the refreshing, non-p.c. contrarian on this thread.
  5. RobBob


    Dean's got a set of those nylon-white choppers too. Make's me not trust him.
  6. I felt the same way until I had kids. I can't fathom that the Canadian government says it's okay spank two-and-under kids but not older. It's not until close to age three that the defiant, testing behavior that might deserve a spanking starts to rear its head (although I know the Mennonites and Amish spank very young kids).
  7. RobBob


    the guy looks like Spock's cousin with an overdone tooth-whitening project.
  8. RobBob

    Godfather of Soul

    The man has a gift. He must have been born talking with that syncopation. But like so many others, his personal flaws continue to display themselves. Actually the mugshots don't look too bad for a 70-year-old.
  9. A tech rep once told me about a factory in China that he did equipment service for. He would fly all the way to China to work on some sophisticated milling equipment. Before walking into the factory, he would set off some firecrackers outside the front office. He said the people there really went for his 'appeal to the spirits' approach to troubleshooting.
  10. RobBob

    Married vs. Single

    No, and doing a lot of cardio exercise doesn't ensure that you will live longer or better. But it's worth a try, don't you think? Isn't it worth supporting things that might, just might improve the odds for a two-parent household?
  11. RobBob

    Married vs. Single

    Well, ehmmic, your thread title suggests a discussion about being married vs single, which clearly some folks wanted to talk about. Like Rick S, I put in a vote for promoting marriage, loaded with tax advantages, etc. People are going to fall in love and have children. Think of all the anxiety, ill will, therapy $, etc. that could have been saved over the past 40 years if as a society we had trained and encouraged people to love each other and stay together as parents. Those of you who are cynical of the institution because of personal experience need to pause and reflect. Doesn't everything of value take a lot of effort? (Goddamn, isn't effort one of the things you love about climbing?) If you are in love with someone, why wouldn't you want to be married? If you are going to have a relationship that may yield children, then why would you not have a desire to commit to building a two-parent family? Do you you want to grow old alone?
  12. and ZDFG is an old Adamson avatar.
  13. trask too, by the looks of it.
  14. Mr. E's got a point about chillin' with oldie goldies. I've got CD that I made especially for drive time with my twin kids, to mellow them out so they don't beat each other to death in the back seat. Stuff like Willie's/Booker T's version of "Without a Song"...Bill Withers' "Lovely Day" and other smooth soulful stuff. Trying to pass along the good ones to them, since their ears will be polluted soon enough with the thrasher shit.
  15. I don't think I've watched the super bowl in 20 years. It's fucking boring. Always. My theory is that the only sports that are consistently interesting are the ones I'm actually doing at least occasionally. There are exceptions to most rules, and I guess my exception would be late-season ACC basketball if the teams are neck-&-neck.
  16. gee, ken4ord, that's so impressive that I'll loan ya $5 one day when you're at the 'community living center.'
  17. As far as I know, the worst job I've ever heard about in the US was dry drilling in Colorado mines in the 1800's. In a few weeks, you'd be coughing blood from the sharp particulate in your lungs. On average you'd be dead in 6 months.
  18. Last night I caught a couple of minutes of a show called "Dangerous Jobs." It featured young Indonesian men whose job it was to climb a volcano every day, chip hot, barely-solidified sulfur off a steaming sulfurous hillside, then carry the load up over the rim and back down to the shithole camp. Took all day, and they carried up to 100kg loads. They showed one of the guys returning home on the weekend to see his wife and young kid, then relax by working his rice paddy. How many people do you know claiming to have carpal tunnel from typing on a keyboard? Yeah, damn right we're turning into pussies. And willing to send our jobs overseas. And getting indignant while we let it happen to ourselves.
  19. RobBob

    Awww WTF

    are what you eat...
  20. CBS- ever see that movie Siesta?
  21. RobBob

    Awww WTF

    Three days of spray abstinence and I'm dyin' here. I stopped in the middle of a Screamin' Jay Hawkins download (yes I paid .99 for it), broke down and read some cc.com. Trask reincarnated himself as an asspirate, Freeclimb posted a good story, and Rick Sharpless pays the same as me for family health insurance. Here's a news article for the morning: http://www.recoilmag.com/news/area_husband_pretends_0702.html Back for Friday at least, RB
  22. It was about two years ago that I started reading this site, and like many of you, I became addicted to the wide-open clever discussions, jabs, jokes, TRs, the whole thing. Much like being in the right town at the right time for a hot new band, this site was a joint, a thang, whatever you wanna call it. There were great counterpoint characters in trask, DFA, mtngoat, SC, j_b, iain, FW, dru, etc. etc. I don't know if it's moderation or just the passing of time that has killed the free-wheeling banter. I do know that it has changed, and trask despite his vulgarity put some thought into keeping spray alive with his posts. I miss the old avatars who no longer post, but what the Hell, work calls evermore anyhow. Thanks cc.com for providing a lot of entertainment, much of it very clever even while packaged in so many low-brow, vulgar threads. This gaper right coaster has learned a lot from TR and gear threads, and has had a lot of fun. I do get to make the occasional trip to the PNW and next time I'm headed there with enough time to slog up something, hopefully I can contact some of you and see if I can tag along. Adios for now, folks RobBob
  23. I knew it. Sukkas.
  24. RobBob

    State Of The Union

    c'mon, catbird, you know it's not that simple. If you were out of work for 6 months but could get a job plucking chickens on the shackle line, or making beds in the Motel 6, would you do it? Of course not, if you at least are able to get unemployment until you find a job reasonably suited to your training.
  25. RobBob

    State Of The Union

    We do not have enough people willing to take factory line jobs, maid service jobs in motels, etc. etc. Many of the people who could fill those jobs are not working. It is not just a matter of numbers of workers matching numbers of jobs...why explain further...you know what I mean.
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