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Everything posted by Buckaroo

  1. there's no doubt the dems are crooked too. It's about 99% of repugs are crooked and 80% of dems. It's also the degree. Just look at the specific deregulation that allowed Enron and the mortgage industry. Maybe some dems went along with the vote but weren't the bills 100% repug? It's always the lesser of two evils, with the advent of the internet there's absolutely no excuse for not researching. Of course you could ignore the prepondrance and go with a one issue their NEVER going to change anyway like abortion or guns.
  2. After only recently being made aware of the trash vortex I've been wondering what to do about it besides spewing on the internet. Today I was in Anacortes on an errand and had about 5 hours to kill. I went and picked up trash. First I started on the highway. In one mile I gathered a full garbage bag of trash. The highway wasn't that pleasant because of the cars. Then I went to the beach. In one mile on the beach I got another full bag and then some. The breakdown goes like this. 75% of the trash was plastic. Of that 75% about 1/3 was plastic grocery bags. A second third was 16oz water bottles. The other third was alum cans, flip flops, plastic chairs, milk jugs, foam cups, etc etc. By weight the highest percentage was probably the 16oz water bottles. Was using a ski pole to poke stuff but it doesn't work that well, think I'll get one of those grabber thingies. Gloves are nice also.
  3. but he's not hurt Climbers told to check their gear after cam fails
  4. Buckaroo

    The Bush Response

    I'd rather have a toaster than have someone borrowing $600 in my name and then giving it to me telling me it's a rebate. In other words forcing me to take out a loan of which I'll only be allowed to pay the interest.
  5. Buckaroo

    Economic News

    And what has the Democrat congress been doing these past two years? Uhhh.... Being filibustered to death by the repugnicunts in the Senate?
  6. Buckaroo


    Yeah, I transfered my account from WAMU to BECU, it's a credit union, not a bank. the teller at WAMU wasn't too happy about it but oh well.
  7. thought I saw a TR on this already? maybe it was summitpost?
  8. Oh, you mean like Katherine Harris? Harris/Florida in 2000, and Ken Blackwell/Ohio Glenda Hood/Florida in 2004
  9. ""Touch screen voting is bullshit."" Yeah, that's what they've had in Florida in '00 and Florida and Ohio in'04. And the machines are built, sold and maintained by repug companies. So I guess if there's an R after their name it must be legit according to you? There's 2 kinds of vote fraud. Voter fraud and election fraud. Voter fraud is minuscule because it happens on an individual voter basis. Election fraud is when the people holding the election manipulate the totals. The repugs are doing that at the precinct and county level with closed source software computers that their companies built, distributed, and maintain. Much easier to move big numbers that way. Harris's books are very well documented and include common public and MSM sources. She's not partisan either, she video documented the Hillary machine stealing New Hampshire. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/ I'm confusing Bob Ney, convicted Ohio repug congressman with Ken Blackwell the Secretary of state of Ohio. While Blackwell has not been convicted of anything he should have been. Ohio is the 2nd biggest cesspool of election fraud behind Florida. Blackwell is the one that brought in Diebold touchscreen machines to Ohio, which you say are "bullshit", at the same time he was holding stock in the company. The CEO of Diebold at the time publically stated he was dedicated to delivering the state of Ohio for bush in 2004. Blackwell also set new Ohio records for voter purges in mostly Dem districts. He also was behind the infamous rejection of Dem voter registrations because they were printed on the wrong weight paper. Blackwell was co-chair of the Bush-Cheney Re-election Committee while also, as Ohio Secretary of State, running the dubious vote count that gave Bush a second White House term. You know the one where they closed the regional vote count offices to the national press on the night of the count due to "terrorist threat". Ohio is by the way the headquarters of the two largest vote machine companies in the US, both wholly repug owned. But I guess to people like you Fairweather, there's no conflict of interest because they have an R after their name.
  10. SWEET, nice pics, especially the bear tracks and summit block so 2- 60m 1/2 ropes?
  11. ""1. record life expectancy"" The US ranks 45th in the world ""2. record low unemployment"" sure if you want to work at Walmart. ""3. unprecedented economic growth over the past 25 years"" benefiting only the super rich, the middle class has been in decline starting in the Raygun years. It's takes 2 workers per household when it used to take one, which erodes the family unit, the key to the middle class. ""4. record "happiness" levels, worldwide (announced last week)"" at least someone is optimistic ""5. booming economic growth and freedom in India and China (only 1/3 of the world's people)"" This is good, the oppressed should be brought up. The problem is the environment can't support a bigmac and SUV for these numbers. ""6. continual reductions in pollution for the past 50 years"" Are you sure about that? Amidst all the "news" there's real news that doesn't get reported. Like we are in the middle of a species "die-off" the first one caused by man. There is also a "trash vortex" in the north Pacific larger than the state of Texas. Some claim as large as the contiguous USA, and it's growing. There's a more-or-less permanent high pressure system in the north Pacific. Called the North Pacific Gyre, the water there is doldrums and it slowly circles clockwise. This causes floating trash to collect, 60 to 90 percent of which is plastic. Since plastic was first created 50 years ago it's been collecting in this "vortex". 20 percent of all plastic produced ends up in the water. Plastic breaks down even to the molecular polymer level but it doesn't biodegrade to it's basic elements. In many areas of this vortex plastic outweighs plankton 5 to 1, seriously threatening the food chain. Water birds eat so much un-digestible plastic, which fills their stomach, they end up dying of starvation. Est 1MIL deaths annually. Been to the beach lately?, pristine places like Hawaii are becoming garbage dumps when the edges of the vortex swirl onto land. In '02 I went to the mouth of the Columbia at the Pacific, the beaches there were similar to some of these pics. ""7. unprecedented freedom of movement, worldwide"" did you see the lockdown China put on the olympics, they have some economic freedom but no political May be anecdotal but I've been going to Canada since '93. This year I was stopped as I was exiting the USA going to Canada by US Office of Homeland Security officials. They acted very rude, like jack booted thugs. They didn't even have a building, just orange cones on the side of the road, SUV's and drug sniffing dogs. I'm pretty clean cut and my car and gear were all clean and organized, my climbing partner also. They pulled us over and put a dog inside the car. He found the food LOL. Searched as you're leaving the country by your own country. Isn't that like communism or something? Guess their looking for recreational drug users to fill up their world record rate of incarceration prison industry prisons. ""For the past 250 years, life has continually improved in almost every concievable way. Things just keep getting better, and they will continue to do so... anyone who doesn't recognize this is some kind of massive idiot."" It took 150MIL years during the carboniferous for the petroleum reserves to accumulate and develop. We've used up about 1/2 of that in 100 years. We're still deforesting at unsustainable rates, and conducting blind experiments of which we know not the consequences like bio-engineering. The earth can't sustain this rate of degradation. Aids is just the first sign that these population levels can't be sustained.
  12. actually it's unfettered socialism, corporate socialism that is, privatize the profits publicize the losses.
  13. The lady who's done the most to expose the vote machine scandal is right here in Renton, she wrote "Black Box Voting", Bev Harris. It's not theory it's well researched fact. Chuck Hagel started it all in Nebraska with ES&S. Voted in to the senate by huge upset on the machines his company installed and ran. The congress has turned over the vote count to private companies, against the constitution. The software is closed source, on the excuse it's "proprietary". The companies are all repug owned. They stole Florida in 2000 by about 150,000 votes as evidenced by the Palast investigation and the pre and exit polls. Bush became more unpopular in the first 4 years so they had to steal Florida and Ohio in 2004. Funny how the secretary of state in both these states was also on the election boards of the repugs. The sect of state oversees the voting machines. The Ohio sect of state is now in prison. Ever since exit polls have been conducted they've been the most accurate of all polls, for at least 50 years. Now all the sudden since these closed source code computers have been installed the exit polls are suddenly "inaccurate". I still don't understand how someone as seemingly intelligent such as yourself can fall for the television propaganda that the rupugs are somehow halfway decent.
  14. Buckaroo

    Economic News

    Yes, without regulation the cretins of industry go for the short term profit. You can make more money on already tooled SUV's than you can on developing small hybrids for the future. And without the government of the people they just take the money and run. When that short term ends they can re-arrange the chairs and petition for $billions from the greed pig politico's that they bought at one percent of that. And they'll hand over dollars borrowed from China in the taxpayers name. Of which you'll only be allowed to pay the interest.
  15. Buckaroo

    Economic News

    BS, mediated meritocracy. Regulation is key. That's why Enron didn't last, they gamed the supply to artificially drive up rates, of course they had to do away with the rules or break them. They killed most of the rules and with no limits their greed overcame them. The mortgage industry the same way, you don't think the dereg allowed an intentional bilking with the CEO's etc walking off with billions? They did away with trust busting, so consolidation/monopoly and we're where we are now. Why would so many just go down all the sudden if regulations didn't allow it and it wasn't intentional?
  16. Buckaroo

    Economic News

    Is that why China has an $800Bil surplus and the US has a $7Tril Debt? China is actually producing goods, over here we're just shuffling paper back and forth and hoping it reproduces.
  17. this is the man (evil incarnate) that turned the white 5 pointed stars on the GOP logo upside down, when he came into office with the bush spawn. Because sometimes the truth hides right in front of your face. For hundreds of years the upside down pentagram has been recognized as a sign of the devil.
  18. "Cheater cheater cheater!!!! There's no way McCain can win. After all, I don't know anyone who is voting for him!" You're like an even dumber version of Tvash. Uhh dems outnumber repugs 60-40 by registration. The poll companies are all corporate, which in America means repug. Gallup just today admitted they skewed results. The easiest and maybe even accidental way they could be skewing the numbers is by polling repugs dems 50/50. Regardless 80% of the vote machines in the US are made/sold by repug owned companies with proprietary software. I've argued with you before months or years ago, you haven't changed one iota. Still skirting around actual facts and points. Relying more on, grammar checking, flowery word-smithing and ad-hominem. can't engage for long on the facts cuz from the repug position it's such a loser. so fairweather, how's our fair country doing after 8 years of corrupt repug rape and ruin? Got any investment in stocks? Any worldcom, enron, lehman bros? Maybe an adj rate mortgage? Or are you just a working stiff who's bent over with the rest of us bailing out all these fat assed white cracker bitches with our slave earned tax dollars?
  19. If the election is not rigged Obama will win. He has to, if not it will be like Rome and go down. There's a reason the dems have power for 40 years and the repugs only get about 10. It takes much longer to build something up than it does to tear it down. But the repug election theft machine is more or less still in place, Obama needs a wider margin. Fairweather sez"" But I agree; we're in a bit of trouble. "" BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!! YA THINK? ONLY A BIT??? Numerous world record corrupt bankruptcies, many bailed out by borrowing even more at taxpayer expense. Privatized profit, publicized loss, corporate socialism. Poverty, crime on the rise, wages stagnant or in decline, jobs stagnant or in decline, job quality in decline. New world record; corporate profits, corruption, white collar crime, deficit, and debt. 450 point Dow drop, biggest since 9-11, legalized pyramid scheme, how many insiders have R's after their name?
  20. With a 450 point drop in the Dow today, approx $100 BIL was lost in retirement accounts, pension funds and other mutual funds. Do the people running this legalized pyramid scheme have an R after their name perhaps?
  21. It's the exact same thing Clinton did, he raised taxes on only the rich. The top 5 percent. Like Warren Buffet said, something's wrong when he can make billions and only get taxed at 17% (and that's without ANY loopholes), and his secretary who makes 60k annual pays 30%. Honestly Fairweather all kidding aside you seem intelligent. How can you buy all the television propaganda crap? Why the huge mortgage collapse? Why are the taxpayers footing the bill through even more loans? What party bears the majority responsibility of the deregulation that caused all this? Billions of dollars, was it just an accident or by design? The dems aren't all that much better but damn how much pain does the working class need to suffer?
  22. Mi naime Sarah, I naim my kides for whut I lik to du. I naime mi kidd tracke cuz I lik to run. I naime mi uther kid trig cuz I lik to shute guns. Mi naime Farewethrr, I alwais whant to poste on an furum, I thinc Sarah be guud preznint cuz she so prety an an she beleve dinasowers liv onley 6,000 yeers agoe. I thinc bolt and krab and nut-tool wud bi guud naimes for mi kids, cuz I kan re... rela... re-lait... be lik Sara.
  23. they just have to get within cheating distance, the diebold repug vote stealing computers will do the rest.
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