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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Obviously JOE hear's what he wants to hear whats the dif, Garfield or the slabs up north? Great trip report and pic's Kev If someone wanted to do something positive like cleaning or some anchors it would be out of the norm of endless smack spray'n and would be way cool :tup:
  2. The grey area is.... what JH does at his park (Beacon Rock) is RIGHT what everyone else does is WRONG Spray,n and posting pictures of cleaning choss at a crag , how cool is that
  3. Recently I climbed at Neverland Far side x38, some of the best example of sport rock in the area especially the Hook a stellar hunk of rock, steep jugs, and solid rock. I hesitated to post this but I thought my fellow climbers should be aware of some of the dangers there. There are bolt placements with a set up for a needless bad fall. Wedge anchor bolts that no nipple or tread is showing, this means that there is only one tread or less holding the hanger on. Needless amount of razor sharp edges left to shred your rope or you. By the amount of blood on one route someone has already been sliced. I’m not trying to offend anyone but if made public, maybe the dangers could be fixed or at least you will be aware.
  4. Raindawg, sorry, somehow missed this one. I think you would be fine with that so long as you didn't use too much, the epoxy is already pretty stiff. I'd say give it a try on some random piece of rock from the trail and see how it mixes, adheres, and works with the brush. Dude your up at 1 AM let it go! get a life! BTW which routes in Levenslab are yours, so I have some routes to compare with? OLD Skool up at Dawn, go'n climb'n Dick
  5. So a lot of you are dis'n people that are cleaning and establishing problems or routes that are getting in guide books. Some of these boulder problems after cleaning are not the same rateing after cleaning let alone pull'n off a key hold and do'n the back slap. Routes that take days of preperation I can climb in minutes. The fact that I can grab a guide book find a problem or route that is clean and fun, have a rateing concensious ,I can throw down on it and judge my accomplishment...this a bad thing?? I prefer overhang'n jug sport climbs, but I still pull down on a boulder problem now and then, that is if it's close to the ground or I have 10 kids to spot me, and I have got to tell you, these kids are have'n one hell of a good time. I will bag a peak or two a year, and at least a couple times a year you can find me on some dirty offwidth or bark'n myself up on some crack way over my head. Open your minds try new things, climb it all, instead of talk'n smack, do your own thing and put up a climb. Than watch them come out of the wood work to Dis it and you To the people put'n up climbs , boulder problems, or put'n out guide books, don't let the smack talkers bum you out, you can't please everyone and few if any are putting up anything, they are just a few , just ignore them ,it tweeks them out . I for one appericate what you are do'n as do the majorty of climbers. Proof is: guide books sell and there is usually a wait for Gun Rack or the Javelin on a weekend. If you can't say anything good about a climb or person ...just don't say anything at all. Dick
  6. Moma pissed... stop and stay off the sprayboard
  7. Kevin, you can hold to this mistaken idea all you want - again, there is nothing to learned from climbing the climb that would in any way alter any of the three facts about it I listed above. Again, it could a new Astroman and it would make no difference to my opposition of the route whatsoever. Is it just me? or does anyone else think this the most annoying MFer to ever spray on this site... He can talk out his ass even better than dwayner or pope! Your spray is all mute...the route is established and there to stay!
  8. Ever think of how other people see you... A bunch of old cronies spray'n endless ethics The young are reach'n up and pull'n down and think'n let old gramps spray his shit ..he's just an old has been or never was Pretty said fixating on spray'n endless ethics on the internet We are and at you!
  9. Mine says 18 pages....get with the program broham. Yeah! mine use to do that Go to preferences change # of posts per page back to 25 default Can someone find Joseph H a life or we could pitch in and buy him a BJ ...frontal labotmy
  10. To the top...a climber with a brain and no apparant ego
  11. Yeah!!! The Mayan prophecie of the world becomeing cosmic dust in 2012 We are all domed!!!! The end is neer BY BY :wave:DICK
  12. The reason it was bolted in such a manner was that during the years it took to put up the route( as if any of you can comprehend the work it took for those upper pitches)people were talk,n smack about one of the first accent team overbolting other routes....overheard...they won't say this phuk'n route is overbolted!!!! what it is, is what it is, just climb the shit
  13. AH!!! Another year and the SOS What would be the point of chop'n it now!!! The route has been established for over 4 years the FS and ALPS has accepted the route and there are no access issues at this time. Why would anyone think that they would be justified in chop’n IB now ? Chop'n the route would only make a mess …you know it would be retrobolted, maybe by hand next time…which would make the route totally legal,the work of establishing the route where all the work is has already been done. If anyone does chop it I think they should have the balls to be up front about it...If you have to sneek around to do something you know your not in the right.
  14. Yo toast...come on now being a mountainsteer you mush have the best stories ever. Thanks for hang'n in there so as to let more people enjoy climbing...turn this thread into what it is ...it's just a lot of smack talk'n about a group that really doesn't deserve it. BTW I once was a member of the mountaineers.... go figger..it just was not for me...a lot of the cat like climbers it's just not for...but for some hook'n up, frienships that will last a life time ..it's the shit. Dick
  15. Come on!! it's common place to make an ass of your self on this site ...you should see what I do when i have been up drink'n and start spray'n and than get up latter and erase everything...shit if they did not let me edit I would have to bar myself from this site come on throw some fun'es into the story
  16. Ok it's freak'n hot so I'm inside spray'n and what better topic of the day than to dis on the Mountainsteers. So here is my funny mountainsteer story, hey I know a lot of you have one, so let's here it. Lets start at...I was sport climbing in North Bend , after climbing, the crew had our useual tail gate pot-luck and and eats ,afterward not being able to drive very far we decided to dirt bag camp at a trail head that I knew was quite, not like some of the off road spots around there, I have been woke'n up by car prowlers more than once , full auto weapons fire and cops look'n for gangsta shit, and in the middle of the night that shit gets old after awhile, thats the reason for the outlaw camp at the trail head plus it had a shit'r . So in the morning after a quite induced sleep i got up early in the morning and went hike'n while my sweetie slep off last nights When I got back, there were cars all around my truck and they allmost had me blocked in because I had parked sideways for the most level spot and there were plenty of spots elsewhere . So this dude with a definite bad tude walks up and says you need a forest pass for park'n here and your not parked right, I look around and everyone is in polypro and shorts and they have Ice ax's. when I get to the truck I look at my sweetie and say Mountiansteers ....she looks with a smirk at me and says, OH YEAH!! I ask the dude with the TUDE the leader! My sweetie says you got it and she BTW you could see the whole summit from the freeway and there wasn't a bit of snow...freak'n Ice Ax's
  17. It's in the shade till noon to one, and we all know the mountainsteers start for the summit before daylite with the 10 esentials shorts and polypro Sprayers will allways dis the mountainsteers and you will never loose you reputaion, but as climbers I think we all are a little tweaked, it's nice we have someone to focus are spray upon. Have a good weekend DICK
  18. I wasn't there last weekendat the royal columns, but I heard from some friends that were, that the mountainsteers busted up into pairs of 2 and did not clog up any routes :tup:
  19. thanks for the beta and the pic TB :wave:DICK I owe you one
  20. I know this off topic but I heard good things about the mountainsteers group at the Royal Columns over the weekend If you were part of the group management CBS :tup:
  21. I can't believe you all are buying into this Troll Ok put up or shut up!!! Yo RS this evening nevermind me and you and a sharpie so it's true about Steep Street thanks for the beta TB that was cool of you to post the Pic
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