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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Please say it ain't so!!Has steep street really changed?Please say it's not the cool starting moves to the first bolt.It was the same a week or so ago.
  2. It all came to pass ....climbed hard, got lucky
  3. climbing in Tieton canyon saturday, jumb girlfriens bones when she is drunk saturday night, get up sunday see if it is tooooo hot and stay or move to cooler crag, sunday climb ...jump girlfriends bones, If i'm not toooo tire'ed climb monday at local crag, BTW I decided the usually hang outs durning the holliday weekend are just toooo crowded!!!!!! Disclamer: spelling and dumb ass attitude due to friday night :brew: Have a phuk'n good 3 day weekend !!!! Dick
  4. When I was a kid pump'n gas 1972 the Boss fired me because he thought I was do'n his daughter which is funny because she was a virgin and the boss was do'n a high skool girl that worked there on the side and he was like 50.... sometimes you have to wonder about your fellow human beings
  5. God, its like trying to get a puppy to stop peeing on the carpet! :lmao:
  6. The mountaineers put'n up routes I'm soooo done with this thread...why do I allways let myself get sucked in. Oh I know!!!! Dick Heads never know when to STFU
  7. Two years seems like more than enough respect for the guy. I'm not advocating stealing FFA's from the developer - it's definitely an asshole move - but I'm at least equally against "locking up" a route for a ridiculous period of time - and just for a fucking FFA. Does an FFA matter so much that you'll deprive others of the enjoyment of climbing the route? Why? Sounds like if this guy had not developed the route, there would not have been a route to start with. That is the case with 90% of shanked routes they let you find the crag or scope out the line put time and work into it than want a freebe. Try spend'n your time bushwack'n look'n for new crags instead of climb'n put'n untold time put'n up routes, have near death experiences, watch your climbing suck cause your spending all your time prep'n routes, than you will know what perspective is
  8. I'm not go'n off for this route only, just the thought it's acceptable to SHANK a guys route rubs me the wrong way
  9. Yes smmallshoes perspective, if ego boy wants a FA let him work for it like the rest of us TIME MONEY and lets not forget DANGER thats right DANGER ...it's phuk'n DANGERIOUS to set anchors pry loose blocks off,and those overhang'n routes, all day in a harness HORIZONTAL phuk'n kills your back,than you put part of yourself and your dreams into it so some wank can shank your project, and if you can't send your project there are many of your bro's standing in line that would be more than glad for a no work no danger send. Trust me SmallShoes I'm not trying to stirrrr you up or any of the rest of you, but if you want new climbs show some respect for climbers putting up routes, or get off your ass and create some new ones yourself. If a climb is not known to be abandon, tell me one good reason you should shank a guys route when there sooo many new climbs yet to do, WTF to Chicken to set your own anchors or pry off loose blocks, Lazy, notoriety for being an WHAT ??????
  10. Not that it means squat but here is what a Dick Head would think and his responce would be....... There is no set timeline on a would be FA, some are worked for years to the overwhelming joy of the route setter, some are given away, some are shanked for fun, some become a piss'n contest like this one. Climbers should allways show respect for each others projects. Project man should just let it go...you know your not going to destroy the route, that would bring you down to EGOBOY'S level or lower. Ego boy has just and is going to in the future have a taste of Karma for being a punk ass. Dru is allways going to talk out his ass to keep his post count up and be spraymaster of this sprayboard.
  11. I heard he took holds off so your lame ass couldn't do it :wave:DICK
  12. Erectile disfunction You two remind me of a couple of school girls on the phone for hours and talk'n about nothing ...you do realize that the only ones taking the time to read your loooong essays are you two Matt is right I should just ignor this tread, but like you two I also like to here myself talk. Dick Head
  13. there at it again :yawn: give it up this tread is dead like that old dead penis that you look down at, that just won't get up any more...my dead grandma has more life than you old phucks Dick Head
  14. Let's put Index back to it's natural state ...let's meet at the capital steps and we shall haul the olympia capital steps back to Index Fluck'n get a grip...all this spray about a set of anchors...what are you a bunch of Laywers or x prez-a-dents of the debateing team in collage..just like to debate ...it's a fluck'n quarry with greenery growing everywhwere... if you don't want to clip the anchors just climb on...climbers are the most wacked out bunch next to camel toed spandex bycycle riders I have ever come accross. Flick my bic DICK
  15. I had a girlfriend named Debbie McClellan ...died in a motor cycle accident, always think of her when anything about that summit is mentioned...like the slab scramble at the top!
  16. So you will be climbing Japanese gardens to upper ten persent 5.11c/d with zero trouble this weekend is that what I am hearing?
  17. I soo got sucked into this tread, I thought something happened to Curt (the general) Smith WOO what a relif here's one for Curt and his HOTTIE wife! BTW I put 320,000 miles on a 92 ford F-150 no cluch no brakes no oil change rear end or trany , the dude I gave it to put a new motor in it and sold it.say what you want about that JAP crap that american FORD did me RIGHT, hey I get consumer reports ...think they evalue-wait any thing with time on it? DIS-claimer Oh yeah! Friday cam early this week
  18. replacing anchors I was look'n at the 1993 Index guide by Clint Cummins they were in place than , why is it an issue now?
  19. NOW THATS FUNNY :lmao:
  20. There is no such thing as climber consensus. Do whatever the hell you feel like. If someone disagrees, they can do whatever they feel like. In the case of bolts, whatever situation exists when the choppers and rebolters both get bored and quit is the "effective consensus". Your right there! Why is it that climbers that place bolts feel that they are doing a community service and do not hide it, but the climber that chopped these bolts does not have the balls to stand up for what he believes.So Dru is right who will get tired first?
  21. I onsighted Jam Exam but hung on first blood I felt so inscure with the rattly fist jams...don't believe everthing you read and Yoder has big paws if I remember right.Maybe I need to buy that new guide so I can pump my ego
  22. Jam Exam 5.9 is way easier than First Blood 5.8. Jam Exam 5.8 from Tieton River Rock by Matt and holli Christensen when did it become 5.9
  23. Stop blow'n yourself...give it a rest...or you'll have back problems bend'n over that far! Dick
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