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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. As a lot of climbers have learned that have had to deal with bolt chopping wackos, whether they are right or wrong is not the point with them, stirring up shit to bring attention to themselves is, ignoring them is the worst punishment, responding to their bullshit troll topics is just what they want, consider that when you respond to a bullshit tread like this one your just playing into their troll of trying to get attention and someone to talk smack with
  2. Automotive tie rod buster and hammer put new bolt close to the old one. You can get one cheep at Harbor freight
  3. Don’t bother POOP he is busy on the phone talk’n rap bolting ethics to anyone who will listen, after all, we all know it’s all about his gonorrhea mouth (it just keeps running) see if I can get some attention thing by stiring up needless shit about bolting. DICK
  4. Tearing up the planet with a mountain bike or rock climbing, which do you think is more destructive??? BTW my climbing pic is way better than anything you got …and it’s one of the more tame ones! DICK
  5. One rule of thought …why should the rich be entitled to better health care than me …hence social medicine …the other rule of thought …I’m rich so why should I not be able to buy a stolen live from Mexico to replace the one I burnt out with alcohol
  6. I'm going to take a GOP stance on that issue I,m not going to do anything, criticize those that do and hope for the best. :wave:DICK
  7. Climbing in the spring won’t be bad, Mother Nature over the winter will have cleaned it up, but sounds like climbing in the fall after concert season is going to be rank! DICK
  8. GOP (good OLD party) I think that says it all Back in the day I voted for Ragan, I bought into that cutting red tape so the USA could be more productive campaign and how company’s would be able to hire more workers BS, little did I know what trickle down economy meant and what it was going to do to me, I got laid off for 6 mounts out of the year for 2 years in a row and my employer paid less than 0 tax during those 2 years that means they got some of mine and your tax money, 200 companies did this for 2 years but laid off workers instead of hiring. Now my girl friend says I am a news freak I read the paper page to page everyday and 6 internet news sites just to try to see the truth and I noticed that the GOP buys the vote of the country folk like cheap goods at wall mart. Wake up you had 8 years of GOP and you still have abortion, you had 8 years or the democrats and you still have your guns, and what you think invading a country that never did anything to us for the fat cat oil elite does not equal TAXES and whatup the GOP wants Barack Obama to fail, The dude has demonstrated he is trying to reach across party lines…This is my country my money my job and my life we are talking about here, GOP lead follow or get the hell out of the way. Barack actually inspires me into believing that he is trying his best to bring the USA into this time of needing more technology and integrity to once again be the best country in the free world So until Barack Obama lies and sticks it to me like the GOP I’m behind him!
  9. Yes one reason for this is collective bargaining by the union for the American dream of a family wage The other is most of the upcoming work force does not want to get their hands dirty or bleed or sweat for a pay check, which made a shortage of young workers coming into the trades or manufacturing industry, compound this by the fact the majority of the younger generation was put through collage by mommy and daddy and then there education was out sourced to overseas by their mommy’s and daddy’s generation hence you have blue collar workers making as much as white collar workers Oh and BTW if you have ever worked around the areo space of auto industry you would find out it's the collage educated idiot's being overpaid and wasting all the money not the poor smuck that had to go to work after high skool and was working part time at the age of 13 through skool like I did GO OBAMA !!!!!
  10. Spray’n from Sweden, I think the DAWG is in serious need of an intervention to curb his internet addiction
  11. Rain in August …welcome to the real Washington Rain :rawk:it's sooo refreshing When I hear rain drops hit’n the roof I always think of it as the sound of californacators and colomofo’s feet running back to cali and colorado :tup:
  12. Dear Mr. raindawg My name is Tommy and I live in North Bend I am 17 years old and I climb at Fun Forest I have a drivers license but I have to have my dad to drive , so after school me and my friend named Randy grab our climbing gear and bicycles and ride from North Bend up the Iron horse Trail to Fun Forest, it takes us a long time to ride that far. The last time I was at the Fun Forest, I saw an older man hanging on a rope on my most favorite route ever and he was smashing the hangers. I ask him who he was and what he was doing, he said his name was ancient warrior and he was chopping the route because back in the day when him and raindawg climbed, this route would have been considered crap,I ask him if he or Mr. raindawg had climbed the route, he said the rock god raindawg doesn’t climb any more but they had discussed this route on CC.com and it was not worthy. Mr. raindawg I climbed the route when it was a tope rope and it was quite easy, you could go any where on the face, but once it was bolted you had to stay with the bolts or look at a bad fall, and hanging on to make the clips was the hardest part, me and Randy worked the climb for a long time to be able to send, we were so jazzed. I like to bring my friends to Fun Forest to show them how hard I can climb, we would all just hang out, climb and have fun, and my girlfriend would always say you’re such a stud when I would send. I know you don’t think the climb worthy but me and Randy think it is the most awesome climb ever, if you could please talk to Mr. Ancient Warrior, and please ask him to replace the bent over hangers. You should have seen Randy’s face when he saw it, he looked just like the day he dropped his snow cone! I though he was going to cry! Please Mr. raindawg, you don’t climb there, please don’t take the most awesome climb ever from us.
  13. This thread is a lot better than the usual never ending ethics debates that ol poop is stir'n up, and it seems to be keep'n everyones minds busy and the anger down. This is the best thread ol poop has ever started!!! Way to go poop!! You little scrawny ass pipsqueak mofo :tup:
  14. Way cool dude :tup:great time... you the man Dave,I think that a speed accent of IB is way cooler than a speed accent of Rainer, that only takes a runner, IB actually has to be climbed, eventually the best time will be a solo. YO!!arm chair mountaineers,monday night quarterbacks,spraygeeks It's bad ju ju to dis a climb you haven't done!! It's look'n like IB is on it's way to becomeing a NW CLASSIC!!
  15. Hey ...what up ...I like to be a dick head and spray and I am not the only one that likes the anonymity of an avatar ...just look at Peter Puget, the black belt internet spraymaster of CC.com he even has his own forum What would we do with out PeterPuget, mattp, pope, Dwayner/raindawg, JosephH and there never ending ethics debates lighten up guys
  16. YO POOP You don’t like sport routes, I don’t have a problem with that, The majority of real climbers, the ones that climb it all, enjoy sport routes, what I have a problem with is the shoot yourself in the foot mentality of someone like you that just likes to stir the pot to stroke his ego, and has nothing better to do than spray endlessly on the internet stir’n up shit needlessly Go climbing …get a life…STFU
  17. put down the meth and go to bed JOE
  18. New routes new FA team Thanks, more new routes...keep up the good work and if your interested I have a friend that knows or some would be routes in the area now that you are on a roll, let me know if you want a hook up.
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