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Everything posted by Thrashador

  1. I was hoping you were gonna say you took a disposable.
  2. Scan to the size of your powerpoint holes @ 72 dpi first. If you get artifacts, errrr pixelation, then 150 dpi will do the trick. If you're going to resize a file in Pshop a good rule is to never jpg a jpg. Start with a tiff instead.
  3. Are you creating a slide or just a file for a powerpoint type presentation. If you're going to have a lab make a slide from a digital file better make that file a whopper. Say 50megs+ at 4000dpi. If it's just for a powerpoint presentation 150-300dpi should work at 8x10 file size. PM me if you would like some help.
  4. 'Twas fun whilst it lasted: <I'm sorry to inform everyone that the CNN parody article has been taken down due to threatened legal action. I may make an effort to edit the presentation of the article so as to not to "infringe" on the copyrights of CNN or the Associated Press. Thank you for your interest, hopefully you will be able to enjoy the story again soon! Brandon >
  5. I'm no doc or rehab pro so by all means consult someone who really knows their stuff. I popped my right arm/shoulder and my 2 buddies I was with couldn't put it back despite best efforts. Got fixed at the hospital and two weeks later began rehab which consisted of theraband excercises thrice daily. Depending on the severity of your injury, imo weights could cause too much stress and offer neither flexibility nor a wide variety of motion. Therabands enable a much, much wider range of potential motion in order to address a specific injury. The width of the band I think is more effective than a narrow bungy because it spreads stress over a wider area. It will seem more comfortable too. The bands vary in elasticity allowing you to start slowly and build up to the tougher bands. Another advantage, versus pumping iron, is that you can rehab your injury pretty much anywhere as each band folds up to the size of a small wallet. The rehab folks had me perform very specific shoulder/arm motion excercises. Mind you this was not pumping iron and definitely felt kinna wimpy at first. But the point, I believe, is repetition of motion in order to slowly and safely heal the affected tissue. As you get stonger and stronger you move up to therabands with less elasticity. After a while and after I was fairly well along in rehab I got bored, as did the hound, and started playing tug-o-war. The therabands were quicky decimated and I just started using old towels and attempted to repeat the same types of motions as in theraband rehab. Definitely see a doc, identify your SPECIFIC injury, and then a good rehab pro will set you up. Good healing to ya!
  6. Therabands. I severely dislocated my right shoulder two years ago and they are what the good rehab folks gave me. After a while I stopped attaching them to doorknobs and stuff and just played tug-o-war with my pooch. The whole program worked like a charm for me.
  7. Sounds like a plan seƱor. Dogs get in free, right? What film & camera did you use?
  8. Thrashador

    Nerd Question

    Just returned from a trip flying SAS from Copenhagen to Seattle. According to their promo literature by June 2004 they will have wireless broadband capability in their planes. And not just for 1st class customers. They claim they will be the first airline in the world to do so.
  9. I very much want to visit the UW library and view the archive of his film work.
  10. Thrashador

    the good book(s)

    Nick Hornby's books: Fever Pitch High Fidelity About A Boy
  11. Though a scourge in some places, Arundo donax is also good for screening. I like the variegated variety and again I've got it containered: The variegated is nice - we have some of that in the clumping variety elsewhere. Yeah, we put a 16" barrier around all of the bamboo plantings. Now just gotta be patient. Thanks for the Arundo tip - the leaves look broader than what we got - how tall does it get? It gets huge. That's what she said. Needs to be controlled bigtime.
  12. Sounds real nice. I've got a clump of golden in a huge container. The culm color on rainy, gray winter days is something else! Did you place some sort of barrier in the ground??? Mine's a wee urban garden so all my bamboo is containered. Last year I sucessfully transplanted a fairly rare species(forget the name but it's small-a 3 ft. clumper-and the leaves are purplish in color) from a friends garden and am really stoked! Though a scourge in some places, Arundo donax is also good for screening. I like the variegated variety and again I've got it containered:
  13. Thrashador

    Fukin A!

    I think this is one of the tubsy bublets mods at tt.com??? Whadya y'all think?
  14. Dug up some well entrenched bamboo at a friends house. Took three of us to get a 3'x3' piece out of the ground. We used a spade(sharpened with an old ski file), a couple axes, and a mondo spud bar(some call it a pry bar). Fahq. We shouda jus used dyno-mite. The hilarious part was realizing that we were gonna have ta drag about a 17' long clump home, somehow, in my Suby. Jus said WTF and drove home with about 6' of the stuff hanging out the back with half on the ground. Yes there was some red tape tied to the end. Anyway, I dig wrastling with plants. AND, it beats the shit out of paying big bucks for the stuff at a nursery.
  15. My folks called me and woke me just after the first plane hit. I watched the second one hit live on t.v. while discussing the situation with a buddy in the Bay Area. It was then that we knew this was no accident and that we would soon be at war.
  16. How about a PDX show??? We can do better than $123.
  17. Thrashador


    Doctor Professor Longhair I WISH I could have been his friend.
  18. The women speeders need to show their tits on Fridays like Lycus says. fried eggs...
  19. losers use crest. get the colgate dammit. Hans the bivy king brushes with Boraxo. Or so I've heard.
  20. What about 'edges and ledges' at Broughton???
  21. Thrashador


    Too mucking fuch Sisu. Thrashador because I have a penchant for demoing uninsured rental cars.
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