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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. would you guys say something interesting? I'm bored by this Don't you have some dice to roll?
  2. Hey DFA...I believe "Rudy" is in the title...not dickhead...
  3. Never thought of #2...must be cuz i'm so flicking steamed, i can't even see through my glasses...That would be revenge served cold, heh? I've heard that's the tastiest way to prepare that dish... What would you or JK do in my situation??? #1 or #2???
  4. That may be true, but when my significant other forgets my b-day, I tend to forget valentine's day...Whatcha think about that??? I'm getting senile as i age....
  5. HA HA HA... No...Mr. 666 already exposed me in our brief internet encounter... ha ha ha Didn't get down to smith this weekend but headed to squamish instead...fun in the sun, but really really cold in the shade... Hey...anybody cragging locally this weekend? Looks stellar and if Valentine's day weekend falls through for anyone, i'd be interested in some craggin'!!!
  6. Rudy = RuMR
  7. RuMR

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    Weak...that was a high quality foto, tool... Get a better computer and monitor, idiot... Hey, you need to get up here and check out some of the sport stuff...its enough to make that ol' fossil (or is it fossil-hunter) dwayner roll over...HA HA HA
  8. RuMR


    Man, that plastic cave from the days of yore rocked!! I know it was a blight and all of that, but Darius' route out the main overhang kicked ass for running laps on...
  9. RuMR

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    Nah way dude...and you call yourself a local?? HA! The distinct lack of chalk should've been the giveaway between crackbabies and bloodshot. Had you said "quest for fire" i might've given it to you....
  10. RuMR

    Cool Sayings

    my dad's: " Goddamn, this is harder than shoving a wet noodle up a wildcat's ass"
  11. Best one i know of is one that Erik Kubiak used. Its Michael Colgan, "Optimum Sports Nutrition". Doesn't get better than this book. Deals w/ food, when/what to eat, supplements and performance enhancing drugs and side effects. No bullshit and all facts. Colgan's got other books out now...
  12. RuMR

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

  13. What's that supposed to mean, ?
  14. RuMR

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    Come on DFA!!! I'd put a million bux that you've climbed this one...
  15. RuMR

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    Post deleted by RuMR
  16. RuMR


    sunny sportclimbing w/ lotsa sportbras!!!! reason enough?
  17. RuMR


    Tim, you ding dong...you should be heading to smiff this weekend!!!
  18. Anyone see NWCN (channel 2) last night? Bob Clark is doing three mountains in three days to raise money for a two year old boy w/ cancer. Spread the word...
  19. Mocc's are awesome for a month...I think they climb the best out of the box of any shoe out there...unfortunately they stretch out too much, too quickly and turn into bedroom slippers...so you wind up keeping a fresh pair and a blown pair... The velcro's never stretch too much...
  20. 5.10 anazazi velcro's for everything...don't leave home w/o them...
  21. For once, I have to agree w/ Dwayner in regards to his comments to Colin!
  22. RuMR

    Frozen Mud

    Yeah dude...think its gonna be the new. Best cragging on the planet period. Yosemite will be in the summer. Its waaaaaaay too hot in the summer for WV. You should check it out...Its as steep as rifle and about 10 times as big. The place rules!
  23. RuMR

    Frozen Mud

    No worries, RG...just don't miss the trip to the NEW! Missed you at the gym this morning...
  24. So...who's going to be at Smith February 8 and 9??? Anyone? And TimL, you'd better go...I just read your top 3 and i believe Kings was on it. All of your ice is on the ground now too...
  25. Totally agree w/ AlpineK...w/o proof this is madness. At least w/ Hitler, the world knew what was up... Saddam's in a barrel like a fish w/ a lot of BIG GUNS pointing at him. He's been in power for a long time and knows who/what he can fuck with and get away with it. Why not just leave in the stupid barrel and keep the guns pointing at him. He'd be stupid to try anything. I don't trust Bush. BTW...a cable has been sent to all us embassies to prepare to vacate at a moment's notice...look's like shit is brewing up right next to the fan...gonna be a big spray when it hits...
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