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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. J dog and I will be there Fri and Sat.
  2. RuMR


    Yeah...i'm going...what's the special occasion??
  3. RuMR


    hmmmm must've hit a nerve, huh??
  4. RuMR


    Fucking open season on me...I'm going home...too much sunshine/BS/smack talk for me on a monday... Laters!!
  5. RuMR


    Brian...you are a tool...she was changing...and no, you don't have to worry about it happening to you BECAUSE YOU NEVER CLIMB, idiot. I think i'll help your climbing/footwork by buying you some kneepads for x-mas so your scabs can heal from campusing... And jdog's pissed you keep bailing on him sucka...
  6. RuMR


    Flynbrian needs as much goggle coverage as possible...because he's one ugly mothufucka... Goggles are the perfect choice for him...
  7. RuMR


    you don't climb sucka...better update your profile!!! How come yer not craggin' this weekend???
  8. RuMR


  9. RuMR


    Read your PM's
  10. Rest day == when work interferes w/ climbing
  11. RuMR


    quote: Originally posted by thelawgoddess: quote:Originally posted by RuMR: [QB]I'm going home...waaah waaah...somebody call the whambulance...[QB] btw, you can't get stood up if there was no date in the first place. Touche`
  12. RuMR


    Goddammit...Open season on Rudy!! It appears everyone has bought a tag... I'm going home...waaah waaah...somebody call the whambulance... TLG...I would go to the gym, but i keep gettin' stood up!!
  13. Watch out for axle grease!!
  14. RuMR


    quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by RuMR: oh great...you're back I'm just really bent about work right now and was looking forward to a couple of days of climbing and an overpaid (seriously), incompetent a$$munch is screwing it up... Offer to go get him a coffee then drop a hit of blotter in it before you give it to him. He might actually be able to work then!! HA HA HA he couldn't be worse...
  15. RuMR


    quote: Now Now Rudy oh great...666 is back I'm just really bent about work right now and was looking forward to a couple of days of climbing and an overpaid (seriously), incompetent a$$munch is screwing it up... [ 11-20-2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: RuMR ]
  16. RuMR


    Get lost dru...
  17. RuMR


    Can't swing it to max. impact speed...wouldn't be as satisfying...
  18. RuMR


    Dru... This is a thread about how bad work sux...please repost your sasquatch thread somewhere else... I'm currently sitting in my cube looking across the hallway at some fuckbag who makes twice my salary and can't get shit done. This will then result in my coming in on the weekend to get his stuff done. I have a nice chunk of #6 rebar that would fit nicely somewhere!!!
  19. RuMR


    work sucks...it just absolutely sucks worse than anything i can imagine...
  20. RuMR


    ha ha ha... You got me...screw skillz, its all about speed!! W/ this weather, i was dreamin' about getting out, but that isn't likely...
  21. RuMR


    FB is a punter wanna go to canada and crank at SquisH?
  22. RuMR

    Closing City Parks

    quote: Just read the linked story. It is utter horse shit. My buddy Joel and I were out there on that Friday night. We camped on top of the big flat boulder in the quarry that night (we rode a bus from Seattle and were camped at Index for the week). Pope, no comment on the validity of Smoot's story. The only reason i posted that was it mentioned Alan by name and thought that might be where Scottp got his erroneous facts from. Regarding alan, again, he wouldn't do that (grease the crack to stop a first ascent) and wasn't even in the state when it happened.
  23. RuMR

    Closing City Parks

    Greasy Story about City Park
  24. RuMR

    Closing City Parks

    quote: Reach into your pants and untwist your undies... I wasn't there, so I don't know anything more than I'm sure I read in one of the rags that it was Alan Watts. If you say it was the locals, I stand corrected. I'll undo my undies when you pull your thong out of yo' crack... Whatever...first off, it was todd skinner who spent off and on over a year trying to get that thing to beat alan to the punch...as it was, alan never did do an ascent but came very very close in just a weekend. Alan, at that time, was probably hands down the best crack climber in the country. I worked for alan in 1992 and got alot of this first hand, although its been awhile, and he's about the most honest person around and laughs because of how uptight the locals were that somebody could actually climb that hard, when he considered it as a possible onsight. He wound up cutting his finger bad enough to go home and never wound up back here. By the time it looked like todd was going to actually do that thing, the locals smeared grease in to stop him and Alan was long gone. Jeff Smoot had a decent writeup on the whole ascent of city park on his website a while ago.
  25. RuMR

    Closing City Parks

    Scottp What are you talking about? Alan Watts rubbing axle grease in the crack??????? It was the freaking stooge locals that couldn't handle out-o-towners f'ng up their world...
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