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Everything posted by RuMR
You lose that much weight and we're going to have to bolt you to the ground when the wind gusts at the Morning Glory Wall. Yeah whatever!!?? I'm the new spokesman for Jenny Craig!!! BAWAHHHAHAHAHA
Have you considered actually training on the climb? Like running laps on sections of it until failure? Takes a lot of time, cuz you have to actually go to the cliff, but you have to admit it'll help to suss the route... I'm going to try to put down a couple of my nemeses out there...starting to suck weight...wanna drop about 10 to 15 lbs...
You left out two of the best destinations!!! New River and the Red... Heading there for a spin and then yosemite later... WOOOOOOFUCKINGHOOO!!!
Why is it closed to new routes? Who owns/manages it? Forest Service is studying "impacts"...actually a lot of the impacts are bouldering derived...Cleaning moss, using come-alongs to shift stuff (obviously big), etc... For a little info... Not sure how up to date this is...
Good God, Great Ballz-o-fire!! You actually might be reasonable!! And i pretty much agree w/ your comments about full tilt bolting (although i really enjoy sport climbing)...I'm guilty of a knee jerk reaction to Dwayner's first post...and went full tilt nasty...my bad.... Case in point for your arguments is what happened up at newhalem...Waaaay too many bolts placed waaaay too close (4' spacing...come on) right next to the road, and, what do you know, the area is now closed to new routing... You still climbing in the gyms at all?? I'd think you'd want to pump the gyms to keep the climbers there and outta your way outside....
Jay, You're turning out to be a pretty cool cat. A to you, brother Jay. You know, if I were pathetic, getting my 5.9 ass spanked on the bunny slab, I'd still think that the modern application of bolts in places like Vantage amounts to rock abuse, not entirely different than a chair lift on Mt. Rainier. And I'd be right. OK Pope...i'll put a tick by your name and credit for your point here, since you removed ability from your argument...Remember I'm not slamming anyone's ability until they start slammin'...
Uh...yeah...my wife's name is "Chris"...You are starting to expose yerself...since she's been outta climbing for a while, you've now stuck yerself in the old guard... Nice slam, btw!!
It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that cpb could probably shut down just about anyone who posts on this board on any medium be it trad, sport, ice, mixed or what have you - does it? Just wondering. Bob was my roomate for a year and a half in bend...He doesn't climb super hard sport or bouldering, but he DOES use it for training and climbs competently in all disciplines...and is pointing out the fact that everyone up here argues semantics instead of putting stuff down... This is thread drift though ...and drift on such a serious topic as this ( ) is NOT to be tolerated!! We are very busy slamming each other...so slam or get outta da way!!!
Quote: You are such a dork. You answer Dwayner's assertion that bolting and sport climbing is ethically dubious by questioning his competence, as if to imply (as many people have) that those who oppose bolts are less than competent and, therefore, their opinions don't matter. I counter by saying that I oppose bolts and am fairly competent (while trying to be modest), and then you suggest that I think I am "better than somebody who clips bolts." Ok..., poop is this not bringing abilities into it? Dwayner was first to bring abilities into it...not me, dfa , or anyone...and I'll admit YOUR post didn't mention ability...but when some idiot starts bringing up ability, then its all fair game, now isn't it? Dwayner's 1st Post: Sport-climbing gear issues: difficult decisions required in deciding whether to clip the bolt at your knees, the one in front of your nose, or the one alongside the nearby crack. Gym-climbing issue: confronting the fact that climbing a "5.11" your first week in a gym does not mean you are a "5.11" climber anywhere. Sport-climbing issue: accepting the revelation that hang-dogging and rehearsing your way up a 5.13 sport route doesn't make you a 5.10 trad-master. So...like it or not, his climbing ability was brought into the discussion by himself and is fair game. If you read my posts, you're ability or lack of wasn't mentioned at all...was it?? And what exactly was your point in bringing up Croft? To defend your attempt at humor? WEAK! Why don't you try another name drop...How bout Kauk? How bout Potter? What do they have to do w/ anything regarding a stud in a hole in a rock??? NOTHING... Croft sportclimbs, crack climbs, solos whatever...he does it all and doesn't lose much sleep over style and what not, he just lets others live the way they want to and doesn't give it a second thought...but you guys, sheeesh, you've made it the cornerstone of almost every post i've read by you...NoW...the one point i will give you, is that not everything should be bolted...its kinda crazy to hike into the boonies for an alpine adventure and find a sport route in the middle of nowhere...but come on, some place like owens? or smith? What is the problem??? Oh...and "dork", that's especially ripe...i'm sooo impressed...you actually got a tear outta me...
I'm not your son...and I doubt you are that much older than me... I'll be waiting breathlessly for the true insult...
Peter Croft keeps his opinions to himself and wouldn't be caught dead spraying like you and dwayner did... To paraphrase a politician (scary) "you, sir, are no peter croft"... And, there are many well rounded climbers that will kick your ass in any domain, be it bolts, soloing, crax, etc. So why the attitude? That is what everyone is responding too (at least me)...you think you're better than someone who clips bolts? Why?
And i hereby dub thee: SELFRIGHTEOUS ASSHOLE-EXTRAORDINAIRE!!! Sleep deep tonight, for tomorrow brings a whole new set of temptations...there's a new red and blue taped project to serenade you w/ its deadly siren songs...Resist, oh dwayner, resist! It is a fatal misstep to venture to the gym...
No one is saying that you can't have an opinion, just that you can't rip others about their opinion... And you have to admit that pope's initial post was definitely sticking his tongue out, right? And so was your intitial post...so what you got back was the quintessential "middle finger"... For what its worth, i hate the f'ing gyms but i don't have the time and flexibility to do anything else and i hate lifting weights (boring) or running...so i got to do something with limited time...then i read your posts, and i'm like "I could probably climb at this guy's level on sport or trad routes" and its cuz of the gym ...Is this making sense?
Muffy said: I think you are off track because you have admited on this bbs to cliping bolts. There for I don't think you get to tell any one that they can't. He's just grumpy cuz he aint sleeping...he keeps having that recurring nightmare about clipping those gawdammed bolts...its haunting him, just haunting him... And mommy won't let him stay w/ her at night, cuz he's all growed up now...a real big boy...even drinks his mickey's by hisself... Aww shucks, that's sweet...
THE BASTARD...HOW DARE HE!! Dwayner and pope are in his backyard w/ the football...oh well, we can play kick the can or flashlight tag w/o 'em anyway, can't we??
whoops...dinner time isn't quite yet...HERE'S JOHNNY!!
well...that about sums it up...I'm afraid poor dwayner's gone home for now, so you will have to wait 'til tomorrow for a new lesson in life...
Just "fixed" my initial post so as to prevent Dwayner from taking his football home and ruining our good sweet fun at his expense... Sorry dwayner,
"In this case, mine are correct, because RUMR obviously doesn't know me nor my background and has no basis for his wise-ass commentary about my abilities." Nor, do you know of a particular gym climbers ability outside...How do you know what they could climb in cracks or on runout faces or whatever? What if they were an inner city youth w/ no opportunity to get out? And now they have to listen to your drivel and spew about how "morally inferior" their activity is...Yeah, you are right, they should go make some $$ and deal crack and quit playing w/ that evil stuff... Can you honestly say that your initial post wouldn't be considered elitist and inflammatory? Are you trying to say that?? And you seem really really "touched" by my commentary...perhaps i shoulda taken your "shot-gun" style slam as opposed to an israeli style pot shot at you... I will now go back and edit my posts to remove a specific reference to your (non)sorry a$$... Now, feel free to answer Cracked's question and we will then stop making assumptions...
That's my whole point, who knows about him...he just RIPS everybody who doesn't agree w/ him, and then exhibits angst when it gets pointed his direction... Granted, I tried to portray him as a bit of a caricature...Perhaps i could dig up some old Tammi Knight lampoons?? Time for a yahoo search...
But RuMR, you forget that unlike your assumptions, Dwayner's are correct. My bad... better run back and change my V0- slam to a V0+ correction...
Dude...you rule...its all climbing now, isn't it?? And, since you imply you were awakened from a deep slumber, the "ethics" aren't getting you down are they??