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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. Yeah...but where would something like Godzilla fall? Personally, I could look at that as a really really highball easy boulder problem (your tight rope walking 100 feet off the deck) or I could look at it as a piss-easy 5.9 roped climb (your tight rope walking 10 feet of the deck) w/ a good belayer... Good point w/ the tight rope walking, though...I'm mainly playing devil's advocate w/ this whole bulletin board...don't really give a crap how/what/when anybody climbs as long as I got some friends to go cragging w/...
  2. Look...i ain't trying to pick a fight w/ you...I agree w/ your comments on style/danger/blah blah blah...so what? Its all climbing anyway and as far as that goes, bouldering is just that, climbing period...no belayer, no gear...nothing except your shoes... You go boulder w/o a spot cuz you're so tough...why the chest beating? I can walk up to a 5.12 crack and lace the freaking thing up and be in absolutely no danger whatsoever...might fall off a few times, then again I might not...but I'm in no danger at all...conversely, I could pop off of something like Midnight Lightning and crack my skull if I screwed up the landing... Your comment about style is pointless as its all a personal choice anyway...but I'm glad to hear your a ballzout bada$$ climber, that's your choice...
  3. what was the comment about scared bitches about then, Mr. Otherguy?? Glad you're not a scared bitch though... I like to boulder w/ my buds, i also like to crack climb and I also like to sportclimb...hmmm, kinda hate the gym, but often have no choice due to weather/wife/kidz...I think some of the times that I've been the most freaked out was at Hueco bouldering w/ head splitters or leg breakers behind me...maybe we can hook up sometime for climbing? I'll give you a belay if we are on ropes, you can give me a spot if we are bouldering, deal??
  4. You sound bitter...what happened? Did some punk kid hike your V0/B0/5.8 little project and piss you off? Could it be that most people boulder to get stronger for climbing, or is that not a realistic concept? Why do you have to make a judgement about it? So what if bouldering is on a shorter route...what about doing all facets of climbing?
  5. Hmmmm...ok, guess i don't know anything...why don't you go screw a goat or sumpin'??
  6. So...would a *solo* be considered a successful lead? If so, then soloing would also be called a redpoint wouldn't it? Bouldering w/o a rope is soloing, particularly if its a highball, right? Then it follows that you've redpointed your little pebble-climb, right? Agreed that toproping is simply toproping and nothing else...but if you'd seen some of the highballs going up every now and then, I think you'd consider them climbs in their own right...
  7. Hey slappy...read your PM's...
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