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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. Maybe Trask = Necro?
  2. Necro =
  3. Some people classify you as psycho
  4. Nope...different guy... CrazyPolishBob=Agent Orange Necro = some other dork...
  5. He doesn't match his screen personna in real life... He's a good partner cuz he's into every facet of climbing...so, no matter what your game is, he's good for it...Except you trask, you probably got some sick games he wouldn't be interested in...
  6. Hey Tim...craz polish bob lives up there...I'll pm you his contact info...he's a great climbing buddy...
  7. Gear is fixed for Rude Boys as of last weekend. If not, just put a yellow TCU on your harness, and a #4 and #5 stopper (?) and you should be ok. Business for boy prophet is getting onto the slab and that is bolt protected. Its been a while, but i think that's what i used. I would bring the stuff regardless of whether you can see gear hanging as it doesn't weigh anything and the other stuff has been there for a LLLLLLONG time...
  8. RuMR

    Nanny Search

    Hey Winter Why don't you go fuck yourself w/ a popsicle...Asshole...
  9. We are in a desperate search for a nanny. I know this is a climbing board, but w/ the thread drift and all of the political BS discussions, I figured it would be ok to post a notice here. PM if you have any leads. This is a serious post. Thanks RuMR
  10. RuMR

    Last Weekend

    Its easy...she keeps my ballz in a pickle jar and just stuck a sticker on it that says "DON'T OPEN UNTIL 2015"...
  11. RuMR

    Last Weekend

    HA! I don't need no stinking rope! Actually, I've been grounded until I'm 45 by wife. So only plastic pulling for me! I'll grab that rope from you as soon as i can. Maybe Friday evening at the seattle VW or something like that? Yeah, that was about the best weekend there i've had in a while. Can you believe the weather Sunday w/ 20 people at the most in the park? And those were all old buddies at that!! I'm going to try to sneak down to Smith sometime at the end of January/beginning of February...
  12. RuMR

    Last Weekend

    You shut up, scrawny-sally!!! Nanny got stuck crossing the border coming back to the US. Wife gets back from work at noon, i'll leave for work then. Anyone know any potential nannies???
  13. To all of the naysayers regarding Smiff in the dark of winter. Had an excellent weekend pulling on compressed peanut butter w/ TimL and an old buddy who is just getting back into climbing. Saturday it was a balmy mid 50's, but rained enough that we were confined to the gulleys in the morning. Sunday, we woke up to blue-bird skies with temps in the 50's again. Climbing in a tshirt in January at Smith!!!! Woo HOO!
  14. Hey tough-guy...you try blocking wind in lycra tights!!! HA HA
  15. Dwayner...its my guess you're getting burned off by junior kidz on plastic....sour grapes? That's ok...it'll take them 1/2 a season max to start burning you off on outdoor stuff at the crags....then you'll be evenly burned all over...just like a suntan!! HA HA HA Hey, if its true about Equinox, congrats! Redpoint in the worx for a later trip?
  16. YOU Bastard...caught my ass at work...shoot...
  17. WHAT THE FUCK!?! There's a freakin' highway cut through that cliff!! I guess the semi's roaring by, and the motorboats launching right next to the lower cliff don't mess w/ their spiritual schtuff!
  18. Also Wartley's at Smith... and the dihedral pitch on AstroMonkey...first pitch sux, but the rest was good...
  19. What about that route up past the pet wall? I think its called A Little Testes? about .10a or so... Also there's DOA and that .10c crack at the far end of Pet Wall...WTF is its name? both of these are on the ground, but good... and for single pitches don't forget Caboose and that .11- thing next to it!!
  20. Listen you Kate-Moss knockoff...go sink your little ice screw into an ice cube...tool
  21. RG you need to fix your autosig...unless your implying that your waistline is growing!! HA HA HA
  22. RG000.5 HA HA Freakin' HA!!! You making the gym tomorrow?
  23. Tests confirmed that they should not be placed in the freezer? Actually, he says that his test show they should be placed according to the diagram...
  24. Yeah, that was what i thought. The pic and text both say angling UPWARDS, though...
  25. Let me preface this by saying that I'm not an ice climber... Question of the day: while reading the newest glossy, i glanced at an article on ice screw placement by Craig Leubben (sp?)...anyway, he says the best placement for a screw is at 15-20 degrees angling upwards!?! Why is that? My guess is to minimize a "prying" effect on the lip of the hole by the shaft of the screw...in effect, turning it into a tension only placement as opposed to a combined tension and shear problem. Is this right? Does anyone know?
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