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Everything posted by RuMR
I can't contemplate my navel...i just drank that mickey's and my pot belly grew and I just can't even see it!! If one's navel is hidden from your view does it exist??
whatever dwayner... Alot of assumptions of gym climber's abilities were made on your part too, there buddy...
Yes dwayner, they illustrate my lack of immaturity...you are right... Quick...hit your edit key!! Quick son...
Sadly...i don't attend gyms...they interfere w/ my ability to sleep at night as i toss and turn over the moral quicksand that is life.. I'm a proud student of DFA's philosophy of life...ha hahahaha In reality: Vertical World...both, as much as i can, cuz I don't get out very often due to time constraints (constraint1=Drew, constraint2=Jonathon, my boys)
Can you imagine how that first trip to the john in the morning would sound? POPP, FIZZ,SHCROOMM, ZOOM POOP POPP...goddamned fourth of july going off at the phoenix at smith!!
I think a person's moral and ethical beliefs come into play in everything that they do. Sure, the ethics of rock climbing aren't as critical to the world as women's rights might be, but who am I to say? The way in which a person goes about doing whatever it is that they choose to do defines them as an individual and gives them their character. Hmmm...disagree on that unless it is taken to extremes...ie. After a fine day hiking in the hills, or a fine day plugging gear, or a fine day at the pier w/ my kids, or a fine day clipping bolts, it is still, in the final analysis, a FINE DAY... I mean, shit, the way dwayner spews, he sounds like he'd be up all night w/ a drenching body sweat and whipping himself if dared even look at one of those evil shiny bolts!!! I'm curious to see if he has a scarlet "B" emblazoned on his belly that he keeps hidden... SHOOT, ITS JUST CLIMBING...get over it...
Dwayner, how you can maintain such a fundamentalist moral high ground when it comes to climbing and then turn around and debase yourself with that foul malt "beverage" you're so fond of is quite beyond this Doctor. Befouling the temple of your body, you are! It helps his big ol' pot belly stay in form...gotta have that to match his knickers and cap, eh?? Heaven forbid he considered a lighter beverage...
Yuck...that'd be like climbing one of dwayner's masterpieces...
they couldn't be sour apple though... maybe sour grape(s) HAHAHAHA...good pun...they truly have their sour grape faces on, don't they?? Remember pop rox?? THose ruled!!
got me...damn, and i make a point of surfing all day at work too...
Dude...you crack me up...there is no "morals or ethics" in an activity like climbing...shit, grow up...its fucking recreational activity...this is like arguing snowboarding vs. skiing or angling vs. flyfishing...are you 12? Wait, prolly not 12...can't campus can you?? Why don't you worry about a war, or torture, or women's rights or sumpin' real...its a flicking piece of rock, for crissakes...
Yah...but what flavor, Mr. Butterfinger?? Question, is it hard to sink a finger lock w/ all that grease on your "appendage"
Hey...someone said Ol dwayner and pope were laffy taffies...you might want to reconsider that statement!!!
oh gosh...you are sooo well informed...
Hell yeah bro... And if you pop a bunch o' them in yo mouth, WOW!!
and then I was like... so mr. COl. VP the discution wasn't just about moving from the gym to the sport, especialy our discution... just becase you don't climb any thig before someone better sets up a route for you first, doesn't mean you have to change the subject of our convers... I outy... Yeah, but what flavor?? Lemon, strawberry, lime, grape, come on...pick sumpin'
Funny, I learned that way - But likewise, I wouldn't recommend it to most folks. To actually take this thread seriously for a moment - Rock climbing was originally considered training for mountaineering, then it became its own sport. Bouldering was originally considered training for rock climbing, then it became its own sport. Even gym climbing - originally solely training - now there are plenty o' folks who have no need to touch real rock. The flaw in yer arguments - Pope, Dwayner, DFA, etc. - is not so much some etherial 'ethical' argument, but the old, hackneyed Ford-versus-Chevy argument of, 'Well, they don't specialize in the same thing that I specialize in, so they are somehow devoid of some sort of moral fiber which I am emminently imbued with." Or more typically - "I'm not very good at/have little knowledge in a particular specialty of our sport outside of my own little balkanized realm." Fortunately some of our number are better at hiding it behind a veneer of humor and self-depreciation than others. I ain't gonna do some 'Can't we all just get along?' shit here, but just point out the hypocrisy of it all - Try a 5.11 gear line without any face climbing skills. Try next season's sport project without some friction foot smearing or that critical finger lock/jam in that pocket. Try anything out of sequence. And be 20 feet above a bomber nut, a 3/8 inch bolt, or an ankle breaker landing and don't shake. Wake me up when something new is said. Yeah, but what flavor sweet tart do you like?? This is the crux of the issue...
Yeah...saw that this morning...goddamn...that's about like walkin' up to fish or white wedding and starting off w/o a rope...holy shit!!
Yeah...and stuff gets caught between your teeth!!!
My favorites!! Just another reason to sportclimb...
Those are the ones that complicate the gym and sport climbing issues of communication and belaying your buddy...Real Challenges, they are!!!
Yeah, this kid's special...He's been homeschooled and is really just a good kid...Not a mean streak anywhere... Talkin' to him, you'd never know he's won nationals or placed in the top 5 every year since he was 12. Or competed internationally, or gone to Font and climbed V10 in a handful of tries or placed third in international speed comps or flashes .13's or is a top notch swimmer... he's real softspoken and just gives it his all every time...
butterfinger Oh that's too delicious!! S W E E T!! I was gonna say Almond Joy cuz they always climb w/ their nutz!! But they kinda act nutless in the gym, so maybe Mounds?
Ok then, riddle me this...What would you call Pope and/or Dwayner in candy-speak??