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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. RuMR

    Big Wall

    No...but its still a moronic post... There are no dumb questions, only stupid people...
  2. how about the fact that Al Quaeda themselves have said that he's dead?
  3. A great example as to why some of us despise sport "cimbing". fuckoff tool...why did you even look in this thread? I despise your elitist attitude...
  4. If you are willing to rap off single bolt you can get down with a single 70, but why not just take a second line? Or better yet finish the route?
  5. Camp Photon carabiner recall
  6. This will change into the same thing as the nose... it will be the potter/oneill vs florine/hirayama on El Cap trading back and forth...should be interesting to watch...
  7. Call VW...or check Facebook
  8. PS: I see you are homeless? Break up with your gal?
  9. The answer to each of your questions will cost you a buck a piece...Total: $2.00 + tax...please use my paypal account! answer 1: they are both the same size! answer 2: I shop at tents-r-us!!
  10. ha! i'm the only anorexic FATass you will meet!
  11. Fixed yer linky! its ramutaSresoles, not ramutaresoles.com
  12. PS: This was 7 years ago and now i'm all pissed off about the Futuras again...dammit!!
  13. bad resole job, bstach...if done properly and the shoe is sent in before its totally destroyed the shoes damn near come back better than new. I'll relate two of my personal experiences as examples of where craftsmanship comes into play: From my experience, Page's comes back totally blunt nosed and shit...i think he used a tennis ball as the last...wtf, it happened two times in a row and then the kicker...I sent him a pair of LaSportiva Futuras (best edging shoe for me ever!!) to resole. They don't make these anymore and i was super careful with them. The beauty of that shoe was that it actually had TWO soles, one was a main full length sole, the second was a thin half sole mounted to the front. The theory was that you wore through that outer sole, then resole the shoe. Done this way the shoe would literally last a decade. They were mid ankle high so great for wider cracks and i'd redpointed 5.13's at smith in them...anyway I sent them to Page with a very very detailed note saying "PLEASE PLEASE don't remove the full sole, only the half front sole, if you don't understand Please call me at XXXXXX", I then had a personal conversation with him about this on the spot before handing my cherished shoes over......Goddammit he pulled the whole thing apart and that was that...f-him, i'm never going back to him again and will shit talk that operation any chance i get...I don't know if he personally did the work or one of his workers was sniffing too much glue... Ramuta, on the other hand, is simply amazing. An example is a pair of shoes (again no longer made) that are my son's. These were the velcro dragon by 5.10 in a size 2. Yes, a 2!! For those that don't know, Drew is a small small guy, but his footwork is amazing and he uses a downturned shoe very well. Anyway, Ramuta crafted an insert to place into the front of this shoe to maintain the downturned toe when he resoled. Kid wound up winning ABS bouldering nationals in his age bracket on that very resoled shoe. This same shoe is now queued up for Drew's younger brother to use in about 6 months... In short...go to Ramuta, you won't be disappointed.
  14. you actually want someone to donate a dollar for that?
  15. don't mess around...just use Ramuta...he's the best... Rudy
  16. yes...if done properly...first timeer will result in throwaways...IMO
  17. we watched it last night Mike!...its awesome...even perked up Drew a bit...he's been pretty ill lately...the sick kind, fevers and what not... Again great show!! Wanted it to go on longer! Rudy
  18. you have got to be the world's biggest douchebag...get a life, you retard...BOO!
  19. I don't know much about this but my $0.02 is this: Step 1: Take them with you climbing as much as you can, even if they aren't actively climbing. Step 2: At the gym, put them in the harness and swing them...don't climb at all, just push them...they get giddy at the swing, and learn to absolutely love the rope. (age 2-3) Step 3: Someone mentioned this, but its really applicable at age 5 and up. ALWAYS have buddies around. When outside, make a point to camp and do kid stuff (roasting marshmellows, fire is always good, throwing rocks into the river, etc.). If you get a pitch or two in great, but don't count on it. Step 4: So far my kids have all gone through this. Around 7 they begin to think logically and have to relearn to trust the rope. Ie. they start to get the whole cause-and-effect and understand logically that hitting the ground is real and deadly. DO NOT FORCE THEM through this, they will get through it on their own. The whole goal of the above is to make climbing more than just a sport or activity. It becomes part of them, something they ache to do, look forward to, and miss when they can't do it. A minor argument with the wife that i "won" has never made me feel better than what happened last spring. She wanted to go to Disneyland and my boys "demanded" to go to Yosemite!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids, for the record are: 11, 9, and 4 and are some of the finest, toughest little climbers i've met. This thread brings a tear to my eyes as i know, that the future comes, that they will leave and my "bestest" climbing partners will move on...
  20. I may have someone you could use... I also have super powers beyond your understanding, but i won't go into that right now!
  21. intermittent clouds...actually pretty good climbing temps though...wind kinda sucked but it was definitely workable...
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