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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. i think that you and others have the intellectual ability to see that calling you a "blowhard" has no bearing necessarily on the caller's lack of tolerance for opposing viewpoints; you might simply be a blowhard, simple as that. at least you've matured past the point of posting pics of the developmentally disabled in a piss-poor attempt at smearing those you disagree with; congratulations.
  2. you need to remove it, and put a note in lost and found spraying how you found it...we've been through this before!
  3. RuMR

    Michele Bachman

    she's scarier than Palin...give Palin enough rope and she'll hang herself...
  4. I disagree with this. And as much as I disagree with Raindawg he is almost always kind and even keeled. I challenge anyone to find where he has attacked you by calling you names. This site absolutely needs folks like Raindawg. You always need the other side to be presented. IMO. I have had my draws taken from a climb I left them on. The only person to blame was myself for leaving them there. I would never post on this or any site requesting them back. It is no different than knowingly leaving them on the ground at the base of the climb then coming back a week later, then being pissed that someone took them. I have no problem with draws left hanging, just dont be pissed when someone else cleans them and takes them. The reality is you left them. do clown pics representing the opposing viewpoints count? nah, that wouldn't be insulting [rolleyes]
  5. rainpooch would likely key the side door of the porsche...just to show his displeasure...
  6. The "SOP" noted above is "LAME". Plenty of folks don't care about personl "proj"'s and it is seen as selfish and obstructive. And the above cited "reference chart" which claims there is only one rule (don't be an a-hole)...is literally FULL OF RULES!!! And one more thing....the oft-commented upon Smith Rocks draw-poacher video: after watching that confrontation several times, I'm not sure who is more ridiculous: the guy stripping the route, or the characters who think they have a right to leave their stuff there as long as they want because the route is apparently extra-hard thus justifying the sport-climbing version of a Himalayan siege-climb. Plenty of laughs in that scenario inspired by both sides. Here's a rule: with very few exceptions (e.g. rap stations), TAKE YOUR TOYS BACK HOME WHEN YOU'RE DONE PLAYING FOR THE DAY. Here's a rule for you, don...TAKE YOUR KEYBOARD, PLACE IT ON THE GROUND AND STEP ON IT...BE SURE TO TIDY UP AFTERWARDS...douchebag...
  7. maybe the smith rock leprechaun visited si??
  8. I have hit dead ends trying to find other parents on this board...my suggestion is to go to the VerticalWorld, with your child in tow...guaranteed other parents will be there...
  9. Awesome Alex!!
  10. details...
  11. just buy the cheapest you can find in a 70m...diameter is irrelevant... sheesh, its a frickin rope...big f-ing deal...
  12. i once fell off a route cuz my rope was too heavy...
  13. RuMR

    Ski In 2011

    Fun Rock >> Skiing... ;-)
  14. might be a candidate for spiling/nailing and shotcrete... just a thought...
  15. any plans for stabilizing it? Is the boulder at the base stable?
  16. RuMR

    Ski In 2011

    dude...its time to climb!
  17. RuMR

    Big Wall

    party pooper...
  18. definitely not a rattler...biggest give-away is the shape of the head...
  19. so jealous...
  20. RuMR

    Is this real?

    no...just a 'big twister'...well, maybe its just a 'medium twister'...then again, it could be a 'small twister'...you see, it all depends on the definition of "big", now don't it?
  21. RuMR

    Big Wall

    OK, now it's weird. 4 years later the same person asks the same question? wtf those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it (of course, kbone is ignorant of more than just history) no...he just can't remember past one day...too much weed...
  22. RuMR

    Big Wall

    I did not get the memo either. BULLSHIT!!! You just can't read!! Bawhahahahaha
  23. RuMR

    Big Wall

    Kirk, you missed the memo....Just FYI Kevbone would be insulted if we didn't dogpile the crap out of him...he's in a special category...my guess is that he's home laughing his ass off... You, on the other hand, need to take a chill pill...
  24. RuMR

    Big Wall

    hahaha...i didn't think the data base would support negative numbers...Can his IQ be negative? I think a dead houseplant would give kevbonehead a run for his money, iq-wise...
  25. RuMR

    Big Wall

    he'd be at zero...
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