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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. man!...5 starz...
  2. down by generator?
  3. izzat mrazek in the background?
  4. Shelf is definitely an option! Skiing is waaaaay too expensive for a family of 5...
  5. the laugher is that we will be in Boulder, CO for the ABS Junior Bouldering Naationals...I'm siiiiick of bouldering as is Drewster...
  6. PS: Drew's been following your blog all along...he says PROPS on Proper Soul BTW!!
  7. Actually, by utilizing said credit card, you may be accruing cartilaginous debt; which no doubt, your body will demand repayment for later in life. Keep yourself pliant by...(and this only applies to those bonafide shorties...sub 5'2; sorry Rudy) From abo Jug lock off and high step triangular chip right foot, right hand gaston small pinch (doesn't look like hold), left foot up in crack to left, now cross left hand up to crimp (which most 'average' height people have already grabbed with right hand from abo jug), now right hand out right to smaller crimp, left hand flip into sidepull, shuffle feet high (on abo jug) bring right hand to match just above left which is still in sidepull, reach up and left to next sidepull, now left foot real high up and left to an obvious slabby foot hold, now bump up left foot to nasty little toothy rubber smeared crimp, right hand up and right, right foot up high (near waist), left leg flag (to right), left hand up and left to jug gaston, now clip. Don't you just hate run on sentences? Of course, this entire sequence brings the grade down from v5 to v2. Good luck! And just remember that 5' 8" is average. And, short is relative. ... oh that's hilarious...that's drew's exact beta and he stands a whopping 4'-4" tall!!! hahahaha
  8. on beginners soon to be *instructors* i believe this is similar to the mountie approach??
  9. i know the short person beta... climb to the right via a credit card hold (people actually use this as a foothold later). Grab with your left hand the jug that taller folks toss to with their right hand. Match this, and proceed to climb the rest of the route... Rudy
  10. What is a guide who just broke up with his girlfriend? HOMELESS
  11. What a strange definition of free soloing you have. i was just thinking that myself...he probably stuck those couple of pieces right at the "5.9" part and was "dancing" on the 5.6 parts... hahahaha
  12. Thanks David...that was kinda my thoughts...
  13. we are in boulder for one weekend at the end of February and are looking to climb somewhere within driving range of Denver for the next week... any ideas? Moab could be ok or could suck...
  14. you are only about 7 years or so late...hahahaha
  15. Doable? Thoughts?
  16. WTF? I'm not pinks friend...only kevbone will fill that special role for pink...
  17. I'll have to decline...reason being, that stool is crucial to my life, and well, you're too fat and you might break it...sorries...
  18. hey...didn't you climb el cap?
  19. look what dried crusty turd just showed up!
  20. fuggthatshit...
  21. right on Mattp...
  22. fine...turn the other cheek...he didn't name you and had you kept quiet none of this would have spooled up the way it did... seriously, i detect that you are super psyched on climbing and what not...I'm kinda done with climbing outside for a bit until next year, but you are welcome to come out with my crew sometime next spring and summer when we get out...
  23. GREAT! Have fun skiing tomorrow!
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