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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. BEST EDGING SHOE EVER...too bad they are not my size...
  2. for a long stay in spain? Ie. a place to rent for around 10 people (two families)?
  3. RuMR

    Pretty darned cool.

    this is not unusual...can't wait to see what this next generation will unleash!
  4. Damn...we tried to get that bridge!! We did get the index bridge waaaay back when... Didn't your firm and another (in a JV or partnership) win the D/B of the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge? I'd say that's a true winner and quite a prestigious grab... Yah!! that job was one to retire on! I worked on the cutting edges for the caissons, the caissons themselves, the orthotropic deck and the cable saddles...Sometimes my job sucks but there are moments that leave me speechless!
  5. I'll cut to the chase, that's sub-retard level idiocy +1
  6. My comment of susupension bridges being a whole different ball of wax was meant to convey that even within the bridge engineering community, suspension bridges are considered a specialized niche. +1 Also, AASHTO pedestrian loading often will exceed truck loading.
  7. Damn...we tried to get that bridge!! We did get the index bridge waaaay back when...
  8. Matt, You being a lawyer, i don't have to advise you on the legal/ethical issues of erecting a semi-public structure where a structural failure has the potential to injure or kill someone. You better get this engineered by a professional engineer. Fees will likely be high but will pale in comparison to what it will be if you kill someone. Also, you don't want that on you either ethically. Rudy Ruana, PE
  9. RuMR

    Hey lawyers...

    I don't think she has the right to tow, does she?
  10. RuMR

    Hey lawyers...

    Thanks Bronco, Its actually a coworker at work asked this question as there is a deadbeat dad hiding out on the adjacent property and using the easement on her backfence as a personal parking strip. Its pissing her off...
  11. RuMR

    Hey lawyers...

    If an easement is designated as for : egress and ingress and utility work, is parking allowed on it if the property owner doesn't want it? King County?
  12. RuMR

    Union Thugery

  13. I will be showing this to Drew and JonO...
  14. RuMR

    Joseph H

    you are right...no stupid posts, only stupid people!
  15. RuMR

    Joseph H

    Lick sack STFU Your favorite lines......poor taste and week. You got nothing. Your time would be better spent learning to use Google, and yes, shutting-the-fuck-up. You are the very last person on this site that gets to talk about poor tasting posts. You are one of the most disrespecting people on here. Do stupid posts equal "poor tasting" posts?
  16. RuMR

    Joseph H

    OMG! YOU of all people are exhorting people to stop posting...Wait, did a pig just fly by my office window???? now i have seen EVERYTHING!! why don't you go start a post on style again?
  17. then again, they don't think much of us...
  18. RuMR

    total sickness!

    This is awesome...just unbelievable...
  19. Have you checked out Dwayner's sister thread? Its right here! its a winner too!
  20. and the size might be?
  21. I wouldn't worry about it, mountie/mazama bells are a total turn off to anyone at Smith with an XX chromosome. The rope bunnies there are drawn to cams (BD C4s and other shiny, colorful models especially) because they are a sign of wealth, whereas hexes give off that "I'm a crusty old fart who still climbs in ankle-high rock boots" vibe. Also, wearing a helmet (especially as you walk between climbs) wards them off like mosquitos fleeing a bottle of Deep Woods. Whatever you do, leave the beanie and prAna clothes at home unless you are looking to get your knob polished the minute you cross the river. Must accidentally hit the "Classics" channel!...WTF is Buckie???
  22. this is CLASSIC!!! Goddammit i sprayed coffee through my nostrils!
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