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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. scott_harpell

    Daddy Dubs

    oh ya mean and fuck over the Iraquis in the north that were gonna fight for freedom and let them all be killed when we pulled out?
  2. first bit o' sense i have heard all day.
  3. soemone's got blue balls!
  4. ughh is this cam mine or yours? i think it is mine.
  5. i have seen it... if you wanna come up here... you can see it too...
  6. mt proff has uneditied film that didn't make it into the movie... did you ever get a kinda of surreal feeling when hommies were in wall-mart headquarters? there is a good reason for that.
  7. if he were making a feature film, i wouldn't care, but the 'doc' is masqueraded as a 'doc'. he was shunned by everyone i have ever met in the documentary film circle. using actors and having it be called a documentary is not just biased, it is deceitfull.
  8. most doc makers dont use actors.
  9. what did they expect him to say?
  10. scott_harpell


  11. scott_harpell


    good choice.
  12. and you are full of more se(a)men than an aircraft carrier. CBS swallows!
  13. Umbrella's blow. If it's raining enough that I want rain protection - an umbrella doesn't do jack for me (it'll keep me dry to maybe my midtorso), unless it's one of those monster PGA specials that don't fit on trails. Of all the dumb Jardine pitched ideas that one's tops. Coated Nylon is nice stuff though - but I don't know where you'd find stuff with pit zips. I've better luck opening chest pockets wide, and the unzipping the fly - seems to vent heat much quicker. YMMV. that is the great thing you dont need pit zips cause it is so breathable...
  14. I love presidents of of both parties claiming responsibility for good news that they might or might not have effected. When bad news happens it isn't their fault though tru 'nuff
  15. treat! bake them seeds and bake some pumkin pie! that is what i am doing tomorrow afternoon in preperation fo the drunken debauchery to come...
  16. i love you guys.... one side brings out stats... the other says stats are bullshit... the other side brings out stats... the other side say stats are bullshit... you are all just puppets singing the tune your puppet masters write for you... repeat after me. i can think for myself. i dont need partisan politics to tell me how i feel about an issue. now breath and repeat ad nauseum...
  17. one time i was on an amusement park ride and cause the guy's baseball hat that was in front of me... totally reflex... shocked me for sure.
  18. all right go use that speaking russian and see how far it gets you also say pjanajA v govno pizdec! emphasis on the last A in pjanaja poka lapushka
  19. that's what they told YOU, bagel boy uh right... and i just have had it wrong for the last 5-6 years...
  20. scott_harpell


    same brand... different beer... gotta have the extra!!!
  21. scott_harpell


    lithuanian beer... rated the best beer in some big ass chicago beer tasting thingie... i lived there, and i concurr it's that kat's azz.
  22. ...So that's like, what, $75 US? right now closer to $475
  23. scott_harpell


    schvitury's beer and diplomat vodka
  24. scott_harpell


    fo sho... and i have yet to meet you A-gal... too bad ma girlie doesn't climb... actually it is better that way i think (admittedly naievely) other than that, she is absolutley perfect. i cannot imagine perfection transcending hers...
  25. scott_harpell


    If you invite one cc.commer, don't you think it's only good ettiquette to invite the rest of us?? I can just see it now... "Honey, this is my uncle Trask"... i assumed that by inviting the muffster, i WAS inviting the whole world! naw there are soem great people on this board and i would be most honored fi they did show. and unlike beckfest... i will have free booze!
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