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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. scott_harpell


    in a few years +
  2. scott_harpell


    Noone should get married until they are at least 25. I would add 10 to that and say 35... But not because maridge is bad. My parents married when they were 19 and are still together nearly 37 years later. so realy, it depends on who you are and who you marry. My best to you both who ever you are muffy... will you come to my wedding?
  3. moore is a fucking disgrace to 'documentaries" everywhere... using unethical tactics and blatent blatent editing skewing. utterly pathetic... he is lambasted in every film making class i have ever been in that covered documertay style. futher prof that he thinks out side the box that dosn't if outside of the box means using unethical means to skew the depictions in his 'documentaries' then yeah he is outside the box. he fabricated many of his scenes and many of the people in it. it was a political drama withteh facade of a documentary. look up your facts before you spout hommes... i have read his actual story boards and seen unedited sections of his 'films' and it is pathetic and unremarkable until he splices in bullshit post.
  4. i have both of the last two records tha are pictured in this thread. am i a junkie? prolly.
  5. scott_harpell


    Noone should get married until they are at least 25. 2.5 years and counting.
  6. hoo rah! n e one down this weekend? i am commign down friday and will be down through sunday.
  7. do you know how much you can make in canada doing that? $500 a day easy if you are a good worker and have done it before.
  8. it means like player or womanizer.
  9. ne eh moya angel
  10. moore is a fucking disgrace to 'documentaries" everywhere... using unethical tactics and blatent blatent editing skewing. utterly pathetic... he is lambasted in every film making class i have ever been in that covered documertay style.
  11. anyone who would spend that much time making such shitty photoshop should be shot anyways.
  12. Hey, I speak Russian (sort of). Hook me up! Damn Bellevue store didn't give me a discount. damn! you should have said something at the pub after cascade crags night! i was there ( i was fence sitter and babnik until erik eradicated me) do you know what babnik is?
  13. there is a russian store in everett i know... mad discounts if you spek any russian... i will find the address if you are interested... PM me. russian stores
  14. better
  15. scott_harpell


    scott that bitch is two timing both of us! well now both of you have syphlis.
  16. scott_harpell


    TOO LATE!!!!! you had to say that before you sent the photo bliat! pizdec!
  17. scott_harpell


    no jerking off to my g/f
  18. scott_harpell


    sent it...
  19. scott_harpell


    ok... i'll PM it to you if you do not show it or post it to anyone else.
  20. scott_harpell


    i would PM it to ya, but i can only imagine how soon it will end up on the board.
  21. haven't heard that album in a while, but saw it in the crazy bob's vinyl and had to pick it up... now i remember why it was a favorite during H.S. oh and ditto on the miles davis!
  22. scott_harpell


    i posted a pic for 5 mintues... if you saw it you'd understand... if not... you missed out.
  23. scott_harpell


    he he he... glad to see you undersexed butt pirates are still at it. if you only knew.
  24. scott_harpell


    some of us have jobs dumbass! how do you pay for your climbing gear? spraying about climbing is better than just plain not climbing anyways.
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